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05-22-2016, 12:30 PM
Has anyone here ever heard of getting a urinary tract infection from wearing nylon panties? I wear them 24/7/365, hi-cuts during the day and briefs to sleep in at night.

05-22-2016, 12:41 PM
Nylon doesn't "breathe" the way that cotton does, so you might be at risk for some sort of skin fungus infection, popularly known as "crotch rot," but I don't think that a genetic male is high risk for a urinary tract infection from a sweaty crotch. I know that my Ex-wives (2) and daughters (3) always are careful about keeping dry to avoid yeast infections in their lady parts, but again, those are not urinary tract infections per se. I keep seeing attorneys' advertisements on TV searching for clients who might have developed cancer from using talcum powder, so maybe the cure was actually worse than the disease for those poor folks.

05-22-2016, 01:08 PM
I never get any kind of crotch rot or fungus because I always use a little anti-fungal cream. T hanks for the response

05-22-2016, 01:17 PM
I highly doubt it, unless you are not washing your panty hose often enough. Most urinary tract infection, UTI's, are caused by fecal bacteria getting into the urinary tract. That could come from improper wiping of oneself after a bowel movement. That is why young girls are or should be taught early in life to wipe front to back, always. As my doctor told me after my second bout with a UTI a few years ago, it is rare that men get them and even rarer to get them more than once. Well, I am at number four and counting. I probably getting them from tucking, which brings the urethra opening too close to the solid waste disposal outlet. So, it is recommended to keep things clean, including your undergarments if you tuck regularly.

05-22-2016, 01:55 PM
I don't tuck and I seem to get uti's fairly often. it's definitely not from fecal matter. I am extremely careful

05-22-2016, 03:52 PM
What does your doctor thinks causes it? I get them too and am thinking it is from my tucking and putting one end too close to another end.

05-22-2016, 04:00 PM
The urinary tract goes all the way from the kidneys, through the ureter, the bladder, and the urethra, so the expression UTI is essentially meaningless.

If you have a persistent, recurring problem, my suggestion is that you should be asking a qualified medical or osteopathic doctor for an opinion, not an internet message board.

Sometimes Steffi
05-22-2016, 09:47 PM
I seem to be susceptible to UTIs. I've had several. Maybe I'm more girly than I think.

I also seem to be susceptible to yeast infections. Very painful. Last time I got one, the doc gave me one pill, and it worked great. Much better than days of powder or cream.

Once my GF nicely shared her yeast infection with me. Fortunately, she also shared her anti-fungal cream with me. But, I ran out of cream before I ran out of yeast infection, and I had to call her GYN to get some more. Fortunately, the GYN didn't make me come in to see her, but it was a very embarrassing call to have to make.

05-22-2016, 10:17 PM
Yes but in anatomical females. As mentioned, nylon/synthetics don't "breathe" very well and retain secretions/discharges. That combined with GI bacteria, vaginal bacterial contamination in close proximity and a shorter urethra (tube from the bladder to the outside) all combine to make urinary tract infections much more common in females, nylon/synthetic panties or not. In anatomical males with a longer urethra as well as some possible antibacterial activity of prostatic secretions (prostate which only males have which surrounds the urethra as it leaves the bladder) makes urinary tract infections, whatever the type of undergarment much less likely. If anatomical males have repeated or frequent urinary tract infections, they would be more likely associated with some sort of anatomic abnormality of the urinary tract. An interesting note is that some urinary tract abnormalites (which might be some of the more common abnormalities amongst various body systems) have been hinted in some but not all cases to be associated with some of the factors that may result in intersex, gender dysphoria, and similar problems, such as maternal DES (diethylstibesterol) use. Again, not proven conclusively but some hints that in some cases this might be associated.
Again sorry for the lecture. The boring stuff.
Dr. J

05-22-2016, 11:20 PM
I seem to be susceptible to UTIs. I've had several. Maybe I'm more girly than I think.

Welcome to my boat

05-23-2016, 06:52 AM
Thanks for the info

05-23-2016, 09:04 AM
Another way to think of it is a balance of bacterial counts outside trying to get in, and the body's action of emptying the bladder. So things that increase the numbers of bacteria will increase your risk - warmer temperatures and moister environment favor the bacteria growing. Certainly getting fecal matter in the area as well. But pantyhose will help keep in heat and moisture. Tucking may also keep in heat and moisture. If you are dressed, you likely are not going to the bathroom as often and may not be drinking as much, so that reduces how often you empty the bladder, giving the bacteria more time to set their hooks into the bladder wall. The cranberry juice study, paid for by Ocean Spray, showed that for women over 65 who drank a glass a day, that after a whole month, developed half as many new UTIs. No prove it helps an existing infection. Some research suggests the juice slowly changes the bacteria to have fewer hooks so that can't grab hold and get flushed out better. The bacteria have to make there way all the way up the urethra, so for women it is short trip and men normally several inches, so much rarer without some anatomical abnormality.
Dr. Ellen (picture of me in lab coat in last week's picture gallery thread)

05-24-2016, 09:37 AM
So, a third medical opinion. Yes, if either sex is susceptible to cystitis or urethritis (one to two episodes per month). No, if not susceptible. In the male, no impact on the frequency of prostatitis.