View Full Version : Good news and not so good news

05-23-2016, 12:43 AM
In the main, when making a post or reply I try and make them positive

For example, today I reveived my new passport so I can now travel (ie to visit my son in Australia) using the name I choose when I came out to my family, friends and community.

Together with the change of birth certificate, drivers licence and now passport, I feel very happy and validated.

I also had my 4th voice session today and am feeling fantastic with the progress.

Unfortunately, my head is also in a tailspin because I am grieving unhealthly for my previous relationship.

I knew that when I did change, our relationship would not survive but we do remain good friends.

Now 10 months down the track, the house is sold with settlement early next month, I still greatly miss her daily companionship and often (every day really) feel really down in the dumps when I think of her and what amounted to the best relationship I have had in my 50 + adult years. There had been 1 marriage and 2 other live in situations.

So what am I alerting too?

Many many people on this forum probably have gone through or going through a similar experience and you know what it feels like.

No matter how well a transistion goes, there will always be some pain that will be challenging to say the least.

I often see the phrase "transistion is not for the faint hearted" and so true that is.

So for me it is off to a different kind of therapy. This time it is for grieving.

I know compared to some, transistion for me has been a breeze and what I have said may be trivial, but for me the wind has come up and it's starting to blow a gale.

I know I don't say much (threads often get far too deep for my uneducated self), but I would like you to all know that, what ever you do contribute is an experience to learn from for someone here.

Thanks to all

Heidi Stevens
05-23-2016, 08:02 AM
Glad you are about to get all your ducks in a row, Penny! Drop one of the moderators a private message about changing your forum name. Congratulations on the rest!

05-23-2016, 10:57 AM
We all transition in many aspects of life...this is just the toughest as it involves serious education to others......I assume you were secure in your feeling to take this step?....go with it and use this transition to determine who is/was actually a friend.
I experienced same trepidation...family was 90% on board....former friends-lost maybe 25%.....but hey !!!! It is a life I chose and damn proud of it!!!! GO FOR IT BABE AND NEVER LOOK BACK