View Full Version : Normal people need NOT apply-------

06-10-2016, 07:37 PM
I'm over 70. Have been traveling the world since I was 17. :)

Therefore, I've met 1000's of people in maybe 30+ countries?:straightface:

Since I began going out to meet other trans some 7 years ago, I've probably met 200+? Maybe got to know 75+ in person or online?:hugs:

Here's my point: How many folks have I met that I think r "normal"?

The ones I've met casually? Not sure, but I'm guessing= zero.:daydreaming:

The ones I've gotten to know well= zero.:eek:

So, I've NEVER met someone that I thot was normal once I got to know them!
How many folks have U met in your life that qualify as "normal"? What makes u think so!?:brolleyes:

06-10-2016, 08:05 PM
Well what defines normal? is it someone like yourself? similar to? I have often thought this lately myself, I have 1 friend from here I talk to on the phone quite a lot, We are different in age but I have learned that doesnt matter. Im sure our styles in dressing are different, but I dont care, I value my friend regardless. I have another I talk to occasionally. I dont them as well yet, hopefully that will change soon. The thing is Doc, I dont know but a handful of people this way really, in general what I find is a lot of antisocial behavior, No I dont find that "normal" but I understand the fear behind it. Me, Im on the fence,, what do I mean? Stay in the closet or just let it go? the latter is calling very hard. I live in a rural community, not far from a city. I have a start on a new haircut, Yes Im going to follow it thru, will I appear normal to people who know me, lol I doubt it, you know what? I dont care anymore.

Kate Simmons
06-10-2016, 08:13 PM
Quite honestly RS the only "normal" I have found is a setting on the clothes dryer. When it comes to people each one is a unique individual but far from "Normal" :battingeyelashes::)

06-10-2016, 08:15 PM
Hi, The problem with NORMAL is that it is a moving target, and everyone has a different definition of NORMAL, because none of us are NORMAL, Hugs Rach

Alice Torn
06-10-2016, 08:36 PM
There is a city in Illinois, named "Normal". I guess one would have to visit there, and see if people there really live in Normality.

06-10-2016, 09:15 PM
Well I know I'm not normal, When I commented about how a guy was dressed on TV my wife said it's not normal for a guy to notice what other guys are wearing.
She doesn't like it when I make comments about guys or girls clothes.
So I would say I'm not normal!

06-10-2016, 09:24 PM
Well in the corporate world maybe a couple were normal. I know I am not normal and I don't see any normal people anywhere. But I have met nice people.

06-10-2016, 09:30 PM
Normal is the variable Y: Y = [ 1/σ * sqrt(2π) ] * e -(x - μ)2/2σ2. You can define your variable. lol The definition for most is that others meet their expectations. Since we all have exceptions for others then it is arbitrary as to what is normal? Ask yourself what is not normal. Is it anything that is less than 3% of the general population it is often defined as not normal. For me I don't qualify under most all parameters of other people. My wife tells me all the time that I'm not normal even if when my choice of clothing is not included.

06-10-2016, 09:42 PM
Ooo, I like math! For me though, normal is a television news anchor, and yes, Barbie IS what women should aspire to look like! (You know I'm kidding right 😉 )

06-10-2016, 09:54 PM
I've met way too many normal people.

06-10-2016, 10:43 PM
I'm sick of normal.🌺

Lori Kurtz
06-10-2016, 10:58 PM
The people you think are normal only seem that way because you don't know them well enough yet.

Diane Smith
06-11-2016, 12:49 AM
There is a city in Illinois, named "Normal". I guess one would have to visit there, and see if people there really live in Normality.

Living less than an hour from Normal, I can assure you that the residents are as diverse as in any reasonably prosperous Midwestern city. That is to say, you won't find a single "normal" one among them.

It's kind of a nice town, with a fair amount of cultural life inspired by the university there, and several decent restaurants.

- Diane

06-11-2016, 01:20 AM
Darn, I thought I was normal!

This thread is hilarious, and I read it to my mom laying in her hospital bed after a stroke and she thought so too.
Ok that it was funny, not that I am normal. I'm saving that!

Thanks for making my day.

06-11-2016, 01:41 AM
"Abby" is my male nickname. Credit Mel Brooks...I am Abby Normal in both drab and femme.

06-11-2016, 02:13 AM
Normal is defined as perpendicular to a surface, so I am occasionally normal. I don't make a habit of it, though!

06-11-2016, 08:24 AM
Everyone is normal! It is normal to be peculiar in some way or another. Since everyone is peculiar in some way, ergo, everyone is normal.


06-11-2016, 09:02 AM
I'm waiting for that screwy little nitch group called 'normal' to demand their own public restrooms.

06-11-2016, 09:11 AM
It's normal to have neuroses and one or two personality disorders. Most people do. To me, abnormal is having severe mental or emotional problems. I've known quite a few people that fall into the latter category, yet most CDs I've met appear to have their heads on straight. There is one CD I know of in my area that is schizophrenic.

06-11-2016, 09:50 AM
Google "what is normal" Interesting links pop up!

Bottom line, IMO, if you ever meet those "normal" persons, expect them to be the most boring folks you will ever meet. :hypnotized:

Alexa CD
06-11-2016, 11:36 AM
To me people more or less fit into generalizations, and sub generalizations I guess, it's like a tree. Think of when you would say "normal for", for example. People are less likely to think others are normal the further away their branch (or even branches) begins and ends in comparison to the other person. Ultimately we are all generally normal from a neutral point.

This actually reminds me of families, in two ways. Everyone typically thinks their family is different or peculiar right, we sometimes look at other families thinking they're normal when in fact they're just as outrageously different as your own. Yours is unique, just like everyone else's, so this implies being different and the same, at the same time. The other way I'm thinking of this families idea is with dog "families" for example and their trees of diversity that eventually converge and become one. The small dog seems entirely different to the big dog, but in all reality they are very similar, in a way nothing else shares such similar traits than the big and small dog. Same thing goes with people.

06-11-2016, 12:21 PM
I too have lived in many different areas and have traveled extensively. And I’ve met tons of people with whom I have things in common, the basics like having had a family, carreer or both, wanting to have friends, wanting to be connected to others, enjoying leisure time, wanting some sort of satisfaction with work. Decent, honest people who do the best they can with what they have. I just got back from Morocco which is an entirely different culture than ours, and I found I had a lot in common with the people that I spoke to. One woman was exactly my age. Her divorce story was very similar to mine, despite our different socio-political backgrounds and the vast differences in our religions/spiritual beliefs. Her concerns about her daughters are similar to my concerns about my sons. She seeks the same things out of life as I do.

At one point my SO and I were on a train. In the compartment there was a young Italian guy who now lives in Paris, a Moroccan student from Fes who lives in Rabat, an older Berber woman who lives in the South of Morocco, and a young woman visiting from Mauritania (plus my SO, an older than them American mathematician and me, a french Canadian jack-of-all-trades). The common language was French (except for my SO). We were all together talking for about 3 hours, comparing notes about lifestyles, beliefs, cost of living, salaries, (what we think of certain US presidential candidates), concerns about global issues (terrorism, climate, global corporations), music, sharing recipes, etc. We were all of the same mind, we had a lot of fun together, we shared jokes that we all got, and were sad to part knowing that we’d never see each other again.

So I think this is normal: the human thread that links us all. Personal preferences and pastimes vary.

char GG
06-11-2016, 10:38 PM
Well said, Reine!

Normal traits that I admire in the human race are compassion and the ability to laugh at ourselves. I believe this is what sets us apart from the animal world. That said, there are varying degrees of "normal" but that's what makes us unique. So "normal" varies but we are a diverse bunch.

06-12-2016, 12:56 AM
Normal is conforming to the typical or standard. What you expect to find varies by situation and what you understand about what you see depends on your level of knowledge and details. Say you go to a college classroom and see it filled with people who are 18-21. That conforms to expectations. Then you notice one person looks 50. Is that normal? It is if they are the teacher as you expect that. If they are the department head checking up on a teacher, then that may be seen as normal. If they are dressed like a homeless person that is not expected. If this group were moved to a forest including chairs, that sight in not expected.
So if you don't observe or learn details about others, you might assume they are normal. Most times we only see surface facts and believe things are as expected. But people may be underdressed in that classroom and you would not notice.

Of course, for fun, I could say Diane Smith is near Normal.

Hugs, Ellen

Lana Mae
07-02-2016, 08:25 PM
There is no normal! There is just a world full of wonderfully diverse people! Once you get to know them you will see why they are not normal! Lana Mae

07-02-2016, 10:04 PM
Probably 99% of people I've met I'd easily qualify as "normal." I'm just guessing based on OP's post that "met" means more than simply learning a name and then practically never seeing again. I see them all as "normal" because they were all doing what they wanted in life, or taking the steps to get where they wanted in life. Also, none of them were disabled in any way.

The last 1%... Eh, losers. Like me.