View Full Version : Signs From The Universe!!!! :-D

06-29-2016, 10:18 PM
Hey All,

Here's a topic I haven't seen addressed but I am curious what, if anything, you may have experienced.... Hope I don't sound too crazy!!! But if I do, Oh well, not the fist time!!! :-D

After living a life that was not my own for the first 52 years. I was overwhelmed with the desire to deeply explore what I had always known about myself since I was a child... The moment I realized that I could transition, my decision was made and I immediately set about moving towards that goal

At that same time I had noticed that I kept seeing the number 11:11 everywhere...looking at clocks and watches after not checking the time for hours, kitchen timers, stock quotes, times texts and emails came through etc... It was to the point that I complained about it to coworkers... Finally I googled 11:11 and found many websites, YouTube videos etc.devoted to it pop up immediately ... The gist of what they said is that it is a sign you are on the right spiritual path

In addition, it seemed like everything in my life fell together at the same time in very uncanny ways to make the whole process come together easily... I also kept havng other strange things with dates and numbers... Unknown to me at the time... I had filed my name/gender change paperwork on the Bday of my maternal grandmother (deceased) who I was very close to, and the court date to appear for gender change was my mother's Bday (also deceased) and I began to see her birthday, 9/19 everywhere. It even came on the license plate of my new car. My fiancé said he thought the women of the family were welcoming me into their ranks!...This is just the tip of the iceberg of things I have noticed but I was wondering if any of you also had experienced things you took as .... (Insert thread title :-) ... Signs From The Universe!!!

Take Care,
Ashley :-D

06-30-2016, 08:30 AM
Karma........ain't it great when it is good Karma !!!!!

Amy Fakley
06-30-2016, 09:40 AM
Its either that or your future self sending pulsed tachyon emissions into the past that your neural net interprets as coincidence like that one star trek tng episode lol :-)

In all seriousness though ... not related to transitioning, because im not presently doing that (flame-retardant panties: activate!) ... but I've had one or two moments in life where the cosmos gently reassured me that I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Usually, it's less of a "sign" like what you experienced and more of a completely unexpected sense of calm paired with a sort of logical clarity that says "there is literally no way you could have been anywhere other than right here, right now -- this is where you're supposed to be"

Congratulations, by the way. Being where you are supposed to be, doing what you were meant to do ... it's a beautiful thing :-)

06-30-2016, 09:47 AM
i had thing 1111 thing for a while, and in the end i worked it out. from 0000, 0101 to 2323 the remainder in the day is 37 minutes - the key is the 3 and the 7.

06-30-2016, 10:40 AM
Being where you are supposed to be, doing what you were meant to do ... it's a beautiful thing :-)

Amen Sister!!! :)