View Full Version : I'm getting signs all day

07-09-2016, 08:05 PM
Sitting here with "the art of tucking" in play whilst wearing my tight 'gaff'-like male briefs and my tight jeans holding all in place wondering to myself what I would look good in or what would suit me.... now watching mtv rocks and a song comes on called "Sex " by Cheat Codes & Kris Kriss..... WOW....I now know , from the first clip of that video ,what I want to look like & what my first outfit will (hopefully)look like....I like her hair too
Very low cleavage top for me though...I'm lean and would need "Moobs" to pull that one off without breast forms or something similar.......oh well I live in hope...👗
Also, driving home from work one morning I saw 3 Magpies on the road whilst in tucked-mode en route & thinking & feeling like a female....1 for sorrow , 2 for joy, 3 for a GIRL & 4 for a boy.....I took the "Girl"to be me and that I should go girl.....
Other songs have come on during the week in the car like Take a Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed....listen to the lyrics.....Alison by Elvis Costello is also a good listen but that's my own interpretation off it.....
A robin appears in the garden on occasion....I've seen him fly down once or twice while dressing briefly too, while all are out of the house.... apparently robins let you know your on the right page in your life.... this story may have religious connotations but I'm not getting into that.
It's just weird the way things go sometimes....if you're paying attention....you will notice!.....the signs are there......read them.

07-09-2016, 08:16 PM
The signs I prefer are a little more obvious, like , " Women's department !" in the retail store .

I will admit some songs do have interesting lyrics, at the moment the ad I'm enjoying on TV is the one by Boots , advertising their colour match service. I have a little smile to myself when I see the girl being checked on the analyser, been there and done that one, best Sunday morning I've had for a long time, being checked and then shown how to apply the recommended products.

Tracii G
07-09-2016, 09:30 PM
You have a vivid imagination and thats a good thing.

Sara Jessica
07-09-2016, 10:05 PM
The signs are just coincidences but that doesn't make them any less profound.

One of my fav signs was a random Swing Out Sister song coming on from my iPod on shuffle (over 10K songs at the time) during an outing which made this band a signature sound to be used often when I go out & about.

Signs are good. Mine often have to do with music and the most recent one is figuring out that Queen's Hot Space is actually a decent album...or at least side two is :).

Janine cd
07-09-2016, 10:12 PM
I go back to the classic song that identifies me the most " i am woman". There is the whole basis for being here.

Sara Jessica
07-09-2016, 10:22 PM
That one is a bit obvious, let's try to be a little more subtle ;)!!!

07-10-2016, 01:38 AM
Ah, yes, those 'signs' that the universe is trying to tell us something. Isn't it just easier to admit that we want to do something, rather than try to come up with make believe reasons that someone or something else wants us to do it? Throw off the guilt. Do it because YOU want to. Why? Because there's nothing wrong with us. Until you can look yourself in the mirror and accept that, your brain will continue to keep grasping at straws, always desperately trying to find someone else to blame for what you, yourself want to do. So be a good girl type person, go put on your favorite pretty things, and sing along with Maria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgHtBxOs4qw

07-10-2016, 01:58 AM
When I was about 24, for the first time in my life a robin flew into the house and hovered in front of me as if looking at me. I gave it a broad grin and felt a little thrill of pleasure. It flew out again, navigating without any confusion or panic. A few days later I learned that my grandma had passed away that same morning. I'd always thought of her as 'a little bird'. Did she come to take a look at me and say goodbye? If so, she'd have gone away happy.

I actually think we choose to interpret natural events as significant, but that doesn't mean we should ignore our own messages to ourselves. Any insight is valuable.

07-10-2016, 07:28 AM
Do you REALLY need "signs" to dress????? Isn't dressing self rewarding when you finish and look in the mirror and see "the girl" looking back at you??????
Honestly, I don't need a sign to tell me that it's time to dress or that it's ok, I dress because I want to, need to and like to!!!!!!
