View Full Version : time for HRT

07-13-2016, 09:30 PM
Well its been a long time coming. I have decided to try my darndest to start hrt. Been calling and emailing psychiatrists and anyone specializing in gender issues (there arent many in my area)
Not going to get into my history here. Does anyone have any advice on seeking the big E?
I want to do it right, bloodwork and dr care and all that. Just feels like a long road for someone starting the journey. Would most of you agree that therapy is a good first step?

07-13-2016, 10:05 PM
Hi Jessika!

Yes!... A WPATH therapist is the place to start!... I believe the WPATH website has a guide to the closest providers to your area...if you are really in a remote area or in an area with less resource coverage you may need to travel a bit to get the ball rolling but again... I'd start with their site... There may also more of a community near you than you think that you could use as a resource for opinions on therapists and doctors in the area... Check a TG search on Meetup and see if anything pops up!... Good luck on your quest!!!

Take Care,

Ashley :)

07-13-2016, 10:13 PM
I am going to agree. Some people can go straight to informed consent, but I don't like it as a general rule. Go process with someone. Get the thoughts out and really know where you are. If you hit a point where you can't wait, you will know it. Give in to the directions your dysphoria takes you as that is your sense of what your priorities in life will be.

07-14-2016, 12:15 AM
Hi Jessika, I have my first appointment with the HRT doc next month. I have been seeing a therapist for a couple of months, I highly recommend it for many reasons. 1. It helps you feel better. 2. It helps with a planning process. 3. They have access to resources where you can get not just E there are anti androgens - testosterone blockers etc. And most importantly Ashley and Sue say so :battingeyelashes: That was sort of a joke but seriously I know Ashley she is very smart and has done all of this and I don't know Sue personally but I have read many of her posts and I know she is very smart as well. Try to get in with a therapist. I think you will be glad you did.

07-14-2016, 06:03 AM
Thank you all for the help. I dont know how to explain it but that i feel i'm changing a bit. And for the first time, i Want a therapist. I think my gender dysphoria has been an underlying cause of many of my life troubles. (Marriage, substances)
Also, i want options. Its been a long time for me to admit to myself that i'm ready for some things. The denial phase lasted most of my life.
Once again, thanks for the helpm

07-14-2016, 10:46 AM
Hi Jessika!!!...

It sounds like you are at the point in life where the "keep it all under wraps" strategy will no longer work!...That's a good thing!... I can tell you're already starting to have a sense of how much of your life... Relationships, decisions etc have been influenced by the dysphoria...the substance thing is something I had a lot of experience with... Just another way of hiding from a part of ourselves we weren't ready to face but,... You are ready now!!!! A lot of stuff ahead for you!!!.. Let us know how we can help as you move ahead!

Take Care,

Ashley :)

07-14-2016, 03:30 PM
I was very unsure about whether I wanted to do HRT, so my wife suggested a therapist.

I saw her weekly for a couple of months and we talked about where I was and where I was going.

I got a physical with my GP and asked her for a referral to an endo.

My therapist wrote a letter for me to carry to the endo certifying that I had been counseled and was ready for HRT.

07-14-2016, 06:56 PM
And most importantly Ashley and Sue say so :battingeyelashes: That was sort of a joke but seriously I know Ashley she is very smart and has done all of this and I don't know Sue personally but I have read many of her posts and I know she is very smart as well.

Kym, you are my new best friend! Ashley is pretty awesome, isn't she?

07-15-2016, 01:17 AM
Awww Shucks!!!! :)