View Full Version : GG equivalent hobby to crossdressing

07-14-2016, 04:37 PM

I was wondering if anyone has a SO or knows a GG who has something they do that's equivalent to crossdessing. I don't mean litterally, I mean something feel they have to do that isn't socially accepted, something perhaps they feel guilty about afterwards. Or something where their man doesn't like then doing it but applies the DADT policy.

E.g. ok honey if you really want to do some boxing do it in the garage so I can't see you doing it.

If you can think of something and you don't approve of your SO doing it then can you share why not?

FYI not trying to cause offense, I know it's not a hobby to most, and we don't all feel guilt etc but I hopefully you understand what I am trying to ask.


07-14-2016, 05:39 PM
I honestly don't think that there is one, due to the asymmetry of public attitudes about crossdressing.

Coming up with an activity for women that is non-self-destructive, non-illegal, but with moral implications to a small number of ignorant but outspoken people would be very difficult.

I think I'll go lay out this evening's outfit instead! :)

Leslie Langford
07-14-2016, 06:52 PM
Being a member of a "swingers club", into BDSM, a "cougar", or binge drinking with the girls?

That, or being a "Wiccan" i.e. practising witchcraft. :heehee: :doh:

Lauri K
07-14-2016, 07:07 PM
I once had a GG friend that smoked a pipe with cherry flavored tobacco, she would light it up with a glass of wine while wearing a hat and everyone thought that she was cool and sexy.............

I really see no barriers for GG's when it comes to hobbies................I cannot think of anything that is not accepted ....just saying

You want to enter that log chopping contest honey, go ahead I will sharpen your axe for you.........

07-14-2016, 07:13 PM
Being a Wiccan is probably the closest for external to the home. I have never known a Wiccan closeted to their mate. I've found Wiccan to be very proud to be.

I'm thinking scrapbooking. No woman wants to admit to their husband how much she spent on crinkle cut shears and school days stickers. Ooh and more glitter pens.

07-14-2016, 07:13 PM
The four girls I've seen in my circle who dress 100% boy are lesbian, you know short hair, drab clothes no makeup!

I new a few girls while in my teens that were basically Tom boys and they wondered why guys weren't interested in them!

Ya I know some may jump on me but I was always was attracted to girls who wear dresses, at least light makeup, long hair, and at least an A cup.

Alice Torn
07-14-2016, 07:19 PM
My next door neighbor is an admitted witch, has been divorced since 1970, has few friends. My own sister is 68, never wanted to have a boyfriend, or husband or kids. Her only friends are other old unmarried women with no kids, man haters. I can only think of being a nudist, as being stigmatized for women.

Roberta Lynn
07-14-2016, 07:38 PM
I suppose if my wife was one of those people that wanted to present as an 'adult baby".
I wouldn't feel to comfortable pushing her around the neighborhood in a stroller.

07-14-2016, 08:06 PM
Being a Witch and practicing the Wiccan faith is not a Bad Thing. Just like us cross dressing, it is misunderstood and society applies stigmas to it. But you can be a Wiccan and it not visual to the rest of society. I am by the way a practicing witch who just so happens to crossdress.:D

But you all are right. GG's can do almost anything, legal of course, and not be outcast by the public at large.

07-14-2016, 08:13 PM
I think when the first gal put on a pair of pants----- thus began the GG can wear anything, do anything, and say anything and still be accepted as a GG without any one raising an eyebrow.

07-14-2016, 09:09 PM
I'm commenting on several ideas put forth by other members.

I agree that Wiccans aren't taboo. This is just a different, albeit unconventional, spiritual practice. Neither is binge drinking, if done in places where everyone binge drinks; lots of college kids of both sexes engage in this. BDSM is also popular among both sexes, and some couples are indeed swingers and/or practice BDSM or other fetishes without being judged harshly. Sexual exploration stopped being taboo generations ago. But, if any man OR woman should go out in public dressed in their BDSM outfits, this would be looked upon negatively (say at a McDonalds or in the middle of a mall).

Being a "cougar" (older women into younger men) might still be seen as taboo for some people, although other women might give her a high five for this as long as the man is an adult. :)

I don't think that wearing pants during women's early emancipation struggles was a taboo in the same way. It wasn't sexual for the women involved. Rather, people were against it because they feared changing society's power structure.

I think a definite taboo in a marriage (if you're looking for something that most husbands would not approve of) would be a wife who likes sex so much she either has lots of affairs behind her husband's back (not just one ... this is more forgivable), or she enjoys selling her body for sex, especially if she is a mother. Being sexually active is not a taboo for single women though. And I once knew a girl who put herself through college by being a call girl and I thought it was a good idea. She stopped when she got her MBA. :)

Another taboo is having sex with minors. Also, public intoxication to the point of making a spectacle of oneself. But both of these would be taboo for men and women.

My SO just suggested something: an older woman (say in her 70s or 80s) wearing suggestive clothes (short skirts, fish nets, high heels, showing cleavage, etc) out in public when it is not a nightclub. People would stare at her and some might disapprove because lets face it ... our bodies don't usually look good enough to show off like that when we're past 70.

07-14-2016, 10:54 PM
I think your premise is the problem. Cross drssing is not a hobby. It is not golf, model railroads or quilting. She'd need to be a fellow cross dresser or perhaps a furry.

07-15-2016, 01:25 AM
:yt: .....

07-15-2016, 02:43 AM
furries, lycanthropes, anything obsessing ...

07-15-2016, 02:53 AM
Thanks for your replies everyone some great thoughts on here, I particularly liked Robertas. As most as you have gathered this was meant to be light hearted and just one of those things that floats around your head.

Jennifer I think you missed what I was asking, there is no problem, and I said I knew it wasn't a hobby. Although it does sound fitting!

1.an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

07-15-2016, 04:15 AM
Hmm-m-m...a behavior that can be mildly obsessive (think pink fog), that one would feel guilt for doing, and that one would hide from a disapproving spouse. I can think of nothing closely analogous to crossdressing, but one obsession that may have these specific characteristics among GGs is reading romance novels. My wife reads several a day. She has the guilt because her mother strongly condemns her for doing so. I am not supportive of her habit, but I do not yell at her as her mother does. We have reached peace of a sort as she has grown to boldly own the habit while I do not like confrontation and I have grown to ignore the habit. It is not really DADT, but more like she thinks it is worth a fight and I do not.

The habit of reading romance novels in women is perhaps analogous to a habit of reading porn in men. A romance novel, like porn, presents another person as an object. Just as porn encourages fantasies that treat women as sexual objects for the male reader to enjoy, so romance novels present men as objects for the female reader to enjoy. The analogy is by no means perfect or exact, but there is a strong current in the same direction in each. They both lead to disappointment or even destructive behavior if the reader entertains the notion that the fantasy should be anything more than merely a fantasy. Time magazine recently ran a cover story on the issues and destructive behaviors surrounding porn. I know from experience that there are similar issues, though perhaps milder in scope and effect, surrounding reading romance novels.

Watching soap operas habitually and excessively can be an analogous activity in GGs as well. Again, this is far more analogous to a porn habit than to crossdressing. Most soap operas present men in an unfavorable light. Many of them are not real kind to women either. Like porn, a long term large steady diet of them is not good for anyone. A pastor friend of mine even warned his congregation that, if they want problems to creep into their marriages, just make a habit of watching soap operas. This problem is receding. Soap operas are going the way of the dinosaur, primarily because much of their target demographic now is employed and, even with the ability to record the shows, still lacks the time to watch the shows.

07-15-2016, 04:45 AM
yes definitely adult baby diaper lovers. that's the one. adbl.

07-15-2016, 09:39 AM
1.an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

implied in any definition of a hobby is that one can stop hobby A and begin hobby B, or C, etc. hobbies do not make the hobbiest "complete." A hobby is not a part of your self being. I played tennis for years. I chose to play tennis. I was good enough to get a free ride through a large California college. I don't play tennis today. Tennis is a hobby. I can take it or leave it.

Cross dressing, on the other hand is part of me, it is in me. More over, it didn't choose it, I was born a cross dresser.

07-15-2016, 02:47 PM
I've often told my wife that certain things are "men's work." Usually when I say this, she will wait for the first opportunity, and do the job herself. I think she wants to prove that she's just as good a man as I am. Some examples:

Mowing the lawn.
Changing a flat tire.
Killing snakes. (She's better at that than me. I like snakes.)
Assembling toys on Christmas.

Two things that are still my job:
Taking the mouse out of the mouse trap.
Getting a terminally ill pet euthanized.

07-15-2016, 03:20 PM
I think your premise is the problem. Cross drssing is not a hobby. It is not golf, model railroads or quilting. She'd need to be a fellow cross dresser or perhaps a furry.
^this. Who believes it's a 'hobby'?

07-15-2016, 04:53 PM
The hobby comment was just a way for me explain the question, but apparently not a very good way to do so. I take back this remark and apologise for any offence caused by it.

Thanks again for all the comments

Laurie A
07-15-2016, 05:01 PM
"Or something where their man doesn't like then doing it but applies the DADT policy."

in the case of my wife its shopping, lol

Melissa Rose
07-15-2016, 05:20 PM
I cannot think of anything that a women would do that would not be frowned upon nearly equal or as equal to a man doing the same thing (mainly fetishes or illegal undertakings). Going back decade-by-decade, I think the situation was different. Tattoos, smoking, being sexually active out of wedlock, being a single or working mom, or working a dirty, hard job (a man's job) are a few that come to mind. As Western society continues to move closer to sexual/gender social equality, the taboos or unacceptable behaviors that were once double standards have faded away. Anything still considered socially ill behavior applies almost equally to men and women. There may be a few exceptions, but none come to mind.

07-15-2016, 06:25 PM
Maybe there is not a direct equivalent but women are probably under much more pressure from society than men. The social pressure to be slim and well dressed is in a different league from men, and men are generally under no social pressure to have children, whereas the pressure on women to reproduce is intense. Others have already highlighted the unfair difference in standards of sexual behaviour. The list is long. We moan about the unfairness of not being 'allowed' to wear dresses (actually in the UK you are allowed in most circumstances - it is just that few do) whereas the unfair treatment of women is much much more serious. There are still huge inequalities in earning power and women have to endure getting regularly hit on by sleazos, even at work. If all you have to complain about in being male is what clothing you can't wear I am afraid I feel you should put yourself in a woman's shoes metaphorically rather than literally. Second email on this topic I have written tonight - I expect some flack by tomorrow!!

07-15-2016, 09:01 PM
The hobby comment was just a way for me explain the question, but apparently not a very good way to do so. I take back this remark and apologise for any offence caused by it.

I have no problem with anyone who feels like it's a hobby to themselves. I was just curious as to how many have no need to dress up, and can quit at any time. I'm sure there are some.

07-17-2016, 08:10 AM
. . . or perhaps a furry.

Pardon while I step out and google that . . .

Alexa CD
07-17-2016, 01:07 PM
.. I laughed a little.

On the topic though I can't really think of anything that might be common. Maybe weird pornography I don't know.

Angie G
07-17-2016, 03:46 PM
Well GG's can do pretty much what they like that life. Just have to let it be.:hugs: