View Full Version : Where have half my IQ points gone?

08-03-2016, 10:51 PM
Where have half my IQ points gone!!!

I've been in the local motorbike shop many times ordering the bits I want by part number only... Now I get a condescending creep wanting to check and look them up... He asked what sort of bike I have, I tell him 'a gray one'. Go get my parts...

I go into the Jag dealership to get a relay and a trim clip... I ask for them by part number, never was a problem before. This clown must have been taking supercilious lessons from the bloke in the bike shop... 'Where's the car?' he asks? 'I need to check a special number and look it up' he says... 'Irrelevant' I reply, storm out, storm back in with my laptop. Here are the bits I need displayed on my copy of the Jaguar Dealership Electronic Parts Guide. Go get my parts...

Now, today I ask the little Indian man behind the counter of the take away for a vindaloo and a garlic naan. "It's very spicy" he tells me, with that look he shares with the blokes in the parts departments. Wish I had my habanero pickles I munch on as a snack to show him what spicy really is! Not this slight, faint hint of chili flavored beef stew they call a vindaloo. Go get my lunch!

Guess I still need to perfect my, 'you're a (insert preferred expletive here')' stare.

08-03-2016, 10:57 PM
Congrats, they all see a woman !! Too bad they are idiots. :)

08-03-2016, 11:17 PM
Congrats and condolences on the treatment!!!! Remember...the stare, when done properly, can move mountains! :)

08-04-2016, 12:36 AM
I guess it's one of the "benefits" of being seen and treated as a woman. For example, I'm really good with directions and finding my way around. Always have been. But men seem to think I need very specific, detailed directions because... you know... women are bad with directions. /sigh

08-04-2016, 06:42 AM
We are the fairer sex ������

I Am Paula
08-04-2016, 07:01 AM
On the other side of the coin, I never have to carry anything that weighs more than four pounds out of Home Depot.

08-04-2016, 08:10 AM

Interesting perspective. I've heard that other trans women experience this type of treatment, not because of the trans aspect but the woman aspect. I think that this rolls off women's backs a little more from a lifetime of dealing with this behavior. Not that it's right.

I have to say, your thread title reminded me of a nasty TS joke from about 30 years ago. Not sure if I should repeat it, but it would fit the thread. And piss half of the community off, and get a chuckle or two from ones you wouldn't expect.

08-04-2016, 08:15 AM
Funny you should mention that Paula! I was actually at Home Depot yesterday! I bought a 2' x 4' x 0.5" piece of birch plywood and had it cut into several smaller pieces while I was there (to use as kitchen cabinet shelves). They were not heavy at all. But the cashier asked me if I wanted help with loading it. I thought, well I could very easily do this myself, but why not have someone do it for me? :)

Kaitlyn Michele
08-04-2016, 09:08 AM
i just have to laugh..

it really is true...

thanks for sharing!

Phyliss Ann
08-04-2016, 09:17 AM
It took me a bit of time to realize the "lemme help you madam" was ok. I also don't do lift as long as a gentleman is willing to do the grunt work.

Gotta love the side perks

08-04-2016, 10:46 AM
Hey Donna! Sorry, but I had to laugh...thanks for that. But it can be frustrating. I am expecting the same thing when I take go to the Porsche dealer to pick up an oil filter in the fall. They will probably want to see the car before the go fetch it. Same one I have wanted a whack of times before.....ya, just go get the effing thing!! ;)

Yes, welcome to our world now?? I had a sales clerk in a store yesterday offer to carry a box to my car for me. Only weighed about 10 pounds. So yup...that is the new normal!


08-04-2016, 11:19 AM
It gets even worse if you are blond :eek:

08-04-2016, 11:21 AM
If they want to lift stuff for me, knock yourself out. If you want to mansplain, I will tell you to get with the program. Sell it or I'm gone.

I still parallel park like a MF. :D

08-04-2016, 12:27 PM
It gets even worse if you are blond :eek:

True Dat!!!! :)

08-04-2016, 12:53 PM
I get entertained when Pat and I go to Fry's. The salesmen insist on talking to Pat. I'm a software engineer and I have decades of hardware experience. Pat's a cop. As for technical skills, Pat refers to the laptop n his police car as "the tray table." If the internet ever breaks, it'll probably be because Pat did something wrong.

Anyway these are all examples of male privilege.

08-04-2016, 02:04 PM
I'm sure most of these are taken as a joke. I guess if one wants to play into the me man/you woman stereotypes, have fun.

IQ has nothing to do with training/capabilities. At work in IT hardware/software NO-ONE ever tried to snow me. I was the electrical/electronic/computer person, My partner was the mechanical/car/building stuff person. She worked as a manager at a car parts place, and plenty of men asked for the most stupid or wrong things. So they are mostly trying to avoid people asking / getting the wrong parts and then return and argue.
At car place I will let some man go on until my sense of bull alarm goes off.

As for the carrying things, I think most places will ask most if they need help, especially as one gets older. I am not very strong but know how to use my size/weight to my advantage.

08-04-2016, 02:33 PM
as some of you know I carry a pseudo data center with me everywhere I go... my bag looks small but when the guys pick it up for me they wince... still laugh at the little guy (taxi driver) in Hong Kong wrestling with my suitcase... when I just launched it into his trunk {grin} I'm happy to be (not play) the damsel in distress but on tech... don't second guess me or "look in the manual to cross check"... grrr

08-04-2016, 05:09 PM
LOL ... it is so true. Last week I had to complete my annual Qual on the service carbine. The Sgt running the range offered to give me some handy pointers to properly handle the weapon ... didn't offer it to the men ... I was the lone woman . Well let's just say this is kind of my thing ... so pointers not required. A lot of dropped jaws when the scoring was done.

08-04-2016, 06:28 PM
I think most cis-women quickly become inured to this sort of quotidian sexism, because otherwise they'd waste half their time trying to teach the unteachables.

:) Lallie

08-08-2016, 04:48 PM
your thread title reminded me of a nasty TS joke from about 30 years ago.

I remember that joke.

To the OP - You don't know what the counter person has been told by his boss. He may have been told to look it up himself. And BTW - I have been treated the same way. It's not necessarily because you look like a woman.

Rianna Humble
08-09-2016, 01:53 AM
I go into the Jag dealership to get a relay and a trim clip... I ask for them by part number, never was a problem before. This clown must have been taking supercilious lessons from the bloke in the bike shop... 'Where's the car?' he asks? 'I need to check a special number and look it up'

You don't know what the counter person has been told by his boss. He may have been told to look it up himself.

However you try to dress it up Krisi, it is sexism. Even if you were right that the person had been told to look parts up, he did not need to ask the whereabouts of the car. Donna was ordering parts by number - that is all that the sales person should have needed to look up

08-09-2016, 07:57 AM
I am not trying to dress anything up. I've learned in life that most of the time it's best to just go with the flow. Some things aren't worth making an issue over.

The guy was probably just trying to help.

08-20-2016, 05:17 PM
It took me a couple of weeks after going full-time to get used to going first through doors & turnstiles and in & out of elevators, and boarding trains. At first, I couldn't figure out why all the men were just standing there instead of going. The I figured it out. Rock on.

phylis anne
08-20-2016, 05:28 PM
Donna Girl , seems you have lost your former male priveledge:heehee: it really is fun handing people like that their heads,especially for me as i am older 62 and look at the whelps in my shop aand go "i was doing that before you were born" so let me know how that works out for you when ya get a facefull of iron ,and when they do i smile and say i told ya so lol