View Full Version : Chariots of the cd forum.ancient cds

08-27-2016, 01:59 AM
From ancient times to the times of the Greeks men have been playing female roles be it in theatre, or opera.I believe from the beginning of time there was crossdressers and there will always be crossdressers.I'm happy that I live in a century a city that is libral and open minded enough for me dress and go out thanks to this I was able to venture out to hear my feat click as my stilettos touched the concrete outside.Feeling the wind blowing underneath my skirt crossing my legs when seated at a bar,yes I was woman if only for a few hours but yes it is it is me inside,so thank you for letting me be.I only hope for it to get better with time for all crossdressers,trans,and everybody who just wants to be themselves.