View Full Version : This is it, first step.

Emma Beth
08-29-2016, 04:49 AM
This really stinks.

Last night I had to work the later shift and got home later than I would have liked before my big visit with a new Dr. this morning at the VA.

To wind down from work; while I watched stuff on Hulu, I put on active oval nails and painted them a playful shade of pink before I was ready for bed.

I laid down around 10:30 last night and had my alarm set for 4 am to give myself time to get ready before I had to leave for my appointment.

Well, I woke up an hour early. I have my dog walked and fed, my mind is racing, and I will be finishing up getting ready 15 minutes after I finish posting this.

I need to leave for my appointment around 6 to 6:20 to give myself the time I need to get there so I can find my way around and not be late.

I will have my hair done, my makeup on, and be wearing my new top that I got from Goodwill. I wish I could take my Mom's car instead of riding my Motorcycle because I would love to wear my new skirt I bought at Goodwill also. But, my Mom has an appointment with one of her Dr.'s at the same time as I have my own appointment. She needs the Car more because she has had to wear a brace for a leg injury that she has been dealing with.

Once I get back from my visit with the Endocrinologist, I'll should have fantastic news to share with everyone.

The lap bar has clicked in place and the ride is beginning to move.

phylis anne
08-29-2016, 06:34 AM
good luck on your first step you could wear a skirt with your m/c just ride side saddle:heehee:

08-29-2016, 09:24 AM
Go Get 'Em Girl!!!!!... :)!!!!!!!!!!

Emma Beth
08-29-2016, 04:05 PM
LOL, Phylis. I'm not that confident in my skills on the bike just yet.

I just got back from everything.

I actually got home around 11 something. But, I wasn't in the mood to hang around the house very long.

I put on my first patch, then loaded my Mom in the car. Because I needed something to eat, I decided to wait until we got back to take my first dose of Spiro. The Endo prescribed the Spiro because of my elevated blood pressure. She explained that if they were prescribing the Spiro for blocking the T, it would have been a much higher dosage they would place me on.

So to celebrate, I took my Mom out to lunch at this wonderful Mexican place. We had a wonderful time. The staff at this place was fantastic. We both got Ma'amed and addressed us as Ladies. Lunch was so wonderful that even hearing one of my all time favorite songs on the speakers almost made me want cry with happiness. For those that must know, the song is Oyo Como Va by Santana. I've always loved his music.

Mom and I didn't want to go home just yet because it was real nice to be just out of the house and she had another one of her appointments around 1:40 and we had over an hour and a half left.

So, we went to one of the local chain stores to just poke around. I picked up a new toy for my fuzzy buddy and we then went to her Dr. appointment.

When she and the nurse came back from X-Rays. The Nurse looked at me and asked if I was her Daughter; by this point I had removed my makeup. That simple question really warmed my heart. Especially when the three of us chatted for a few more minutes. I felt almost like I belonged in a group for the first time ever.

I can't wait to see what comes next, the good and the bad.

08-29-2016, 04:50 PM
:) and so it begins... Congrats!!!

08-29-2016, 05:43 PM
What a special time, Congratulations! 😗

08-29-2016, 05:50 PM
Hi Emma Beth,

So glad to hear things went well and you are moving forward.

