View Full Version : My voice, and the plates in my neck.

08-30-2016, 05:53 PM
When i was 19yrs old i broke the 1st cervical vertbrea (C1 or Atlas), plates were put in from base of skull to C3. Most recently a plate was put at C5-C6, right behind my voice box and adams apple.

The muscles have become so stiff and strong, that when i try to change my voice it comes out "tv gay", not what i aim for. I can deal with ingrown hairs better, lol.

With things being as they are for me taking care of my parents, my plans are on a slow slow road. I have accepted i can only CD for now and only when out with my female friends or go to therapist, yet ultimately my final goal is to have hair removed (without damage to my ink), go on HRT, and have surgery.

I have actually told quite alot of people eho have known me most of my life, and are not surprised. One even said "that explains alot", she is someone i consider another mom and a nurse.

Yet, with all that, I think my voice does concern me, to one day be who I am and still hear eho i was.

Fyi......I do talk alot & ramble once i start. Sorry, ;-)

Quick ?, Can i use my profile pic? I apologize, i have read the rules, but 9 severe head traumas make memory very poor, and wasnt sure where to put this question.

08-30-2016, 07:02 PM
If u can't pass now, Dragon, your voice isn't stopping u. If u can, talk very little.:straightface:

When u get all that other stuff done? Throw in the voice box work then.:thumbsup:

08-30-2016, 08:11 PM
Thank you, you're right of course.


08-31-2016, 07:27 AM
There is another current thread discussing voice and I suggest reading it.

The female voice differs from the male voice in a lot more than pitch. Females talk differently from males in many ways. One I notice most is that a female typically talks faster and uses more words to say the same thing than a man would. Other differences or inflection and usually a softer, quieter tone.

You don't have to wait for surgery or anything else to start working on how you speak. There are videos on youtube, there are lesson sets and of course, personal instruction.

Start now and you'll be way ahead when and if you get surgery.

08-31-2016, 07:34 AM
Thank you, I read that thread, and am currently looking into voice training videos. They are somewat difficult and make the muscles on my plates hurt.


08-31-2016, 07:56 AM
The hurting of the muscles shouldn't be a problem unless it doesn't go away. It's like when we start walking in heels - lots of muscles hurt until they get used to being used.

"somewhat difficult" - None of this is going to be easy. You were born a male and have lived as one all your life. There's no switch to pull that changes you into a female. If you are serious about transitioning, I suggest going to the transsexual section of this forum and asking the members there how hard their road has been.

08-31-2016, 10:05 AM
My neck pain is permanent and progressive, sadly one day i will need surgery to immobilize it, but before that one..........


- - - Updated - - -

My neck pain is permanent and progressive, sadly one day i will need surgery to immobilize it, but before that one........

I read on both forums, but spend most time her since i can only do so much, HRT is probably as far as i will get realistically.


08-31-2016, 07:19 PM
Try not to worry too much about the voice, none of the members of my social group change their voice even the TSs, if you look OK people will overlook the voice not being different .