View Full Version : Purged

09-09-2016, 09:03 PM
Made this thread when they were using the updated website, and it got lost. Oh wells.

Anyways, I just had to throw away everything. I haven't dressed in four months, hated the idea of even doing it. I looked ugly as all hell when dressed, so hated myself. Some news I had received made me snap. It's just frustrating to go to the Pictures section and realize that I've been slamming a brick wall for a decade now. I give up. Maybe I'll get some new clothes in a few years or so.

09-09-2016, 09:25 PM
Back in December 2015 I dressed and took photos and saw a man in a dress and thought, this is bad!\\

I wanted to Purge, thinking why I'm I doing this?

I started watching youtube videos on male to female makeovers and learned allot of makeup techniques.

Maybe I still look like I guy in a dress but I think I look Somewhat fem.

Miss Judy!

09-09-2016, 09:50 PM
There are few beauty queens in CD land,, but there are plenty of ways you can improve your look, at least to please yourself. I wouldn't pass as female in a million years, but I still enjoy the experience of trying different methods to look as good as I can, and experimenting with clothes, make up, wigs and jewellery. It took me a long time to find a level I was happy with. Don't give up on us just yet.

09-10-2016, 01:11 AM
Well, after being told to not even think about starting to transition at this point in time, tossing everything and burying everything for a few years might be good. I'll be able to focus on other junk.

09-10-2016, 06:50 AM
You need to find a look that you are happy with. A look that fits what you mind really thinks should be in the mirror.

When I look at my guy self in the mirror. I absolutely hate what I see.
I have tried wigs and everything to make the look what I like to see and what society can accept.
Never had a wig that made the look right.

I found that what works best for me is when I am dressed up in my in my nice dress and all the nice
girly stuff, but still a guy from the neck up. that is what fits my mind. Make the sight in the mirror
what I am happy with. The look and feel that fits my mind and heart the most,
Society I am sure would be laughing like hell. But they are not inside my mind or body.

I guess basically what I am saying is you have to do what you feel is best for you.
Dont worry about the rest of the world. do what fits your mind and heart.

Weather it is a pair of pantyhose, or full transition, it is your life, you only get one chance to live it and be happy
Do what works for you.

Barbara Black
09-10-2016, 07:23 AM
Sorry Judy, but unless I walk right up to you and study your adam's apple, you just don't look like a guy to me. So don't give up because the many of us that look even more like a guy in a dress, we aspire to look as good as you. (Oh I wish!!) Barbara

09-10-2016, 08:03 AM
If you are trying to quit crossdressing, my advice is to stay away from crossdressing websites and forums. Coming here is like a recovering alcoholic hanging around bars and liquor stores.

You can do it if you really want to or really need to.

09-10-2016, 08:24 AM
I have tried to quit many a time and purged 4 separate times. It did not work for me and like a few recommend here, once I became honest with myself about my look and got some tips off Utube and some makeup stores, I began to like my look. Today, I wear less makeup and accept this is who I am ...you need to find you...dressed or not

09-10-2016, 09:06 AM
I have purged many times in the sixty some what years I have been dabbling in dressing and female related things. I did purge a bunch of dresses and things just a few years ago. I now am down to just a suitcase and have thought about getting rid of that in my old age. I can't make the final step as I still feel a need to dress or at least play dress up from time to time. I think it will never go away as there are so many triggers that can and do cause my wanting to dress. A lipstick commercial on tv or a hose advertisement. We are bombed with the triggers. Another reason is I feel good dressed even though I'd probably never pass I feel like I just have to dress especially when stress is around. Sounds crazy but I know I look like a man in when dressed but as my wife says as long as I don't go out enjoy it.

09-10-2016, 09:29 AM
I always hate those down feelings.
Years ago I purged a bunch of high heels that I now greatly miss; I'm talking about from awesome boots to a pair of heels I could barely walk in but were fun to wear when chillaxin' and I can no longer find anywhere.
I've never purged any other clothes or makeup.

09-10-2016, 11:32 AM
I went back and read many of your comments from over the years. Purging your clothes is not the answer. You made comments about attending classes. Living at home. Your father's insurance did not cover your issues. I do not think the answers to your questions can be answered on this site. Your postings would suggest to me a need for psychological counseling with a qualified therapist. And, locating a support group for young adults with similar issues.

09-10-2016, 03:02 PM
Krisi: Unfortunately, the analogy does not work, because I'm not a CD, but rather a TS.

Others: I dunno how to respond.

09-10-2016, 08:51 PM
After nearly 400 posts, you threw it all away?


Honey, I'm over 60 and I only look good in the pictures.

09-11-2016, 11:50 AM
I'm at the stage, one piece in..one piece out, but not for shoes.

09-11-2016, 03:28 PM
Hi GBJ:hugs:, It is always so sad to read about purges...:daydreaming:...

09-11-2016, 03:43 PM
Yep! Been there and done that many times.

09-12-2016, 09:27 AM
We r all adults here . Some of you as I ,probably just kinda "grew up" , here in the last few years . This is something only you can answer , or deceide . I have burnt several collections over the years . At times , i felt I was being selfish , or daydreaming .I felt I wasted time and money , etc .
Once I joined here and started reading others thoughts and even our dreams , I quit worrying about things that ultimately didn't matter . I like to dress , it makes me feel pretty ....
Good luck with whatever it is u seek ... I like who I am .... Thats all I know :)