View Full Version : Being me.

09-17-2016, 07:02 PM
This is the first time I've posted in this section. I went to see my doctor, and now I have a 13 month waiting list on the UK NHS. As I move forward, I shed more fear, but I'm still terrified. I told one of my two sisters and it went amazing, but now i need to tell my parents. I'm scared, I need to be me. Im starting on a path that I've thought about for a long time, now it's happening I'm excited and terrified. I know what to do, but doing it scares me.

09-17-2016, 09:09 PM
Hi Amy, I am about a step ahead of you. I am out to 10 people and not yet at work except to one co worker. It does get easier each time you have the conversation - I assure you. My reactions have varied from pretty good to great. The pretty good mostly said they needed time to process it. Nobody has flat out rejected me - lashed out or anything like that. And if someone did I would be done with them no matter who they are in my life because either they love me and are there for me or they are not. Needing time to process is understandable so I can live with that.

Just know that it gets better - although I am not out to the world yet I have told those most important to me. I am sure when 50 to 100 people know that someone will be a jerk about it but then I know I can cross them off my Christmas card list. LOL. If you need to chat feel free to PM me. It will be OK - have courage - be YOU. :)

09-18-2016, 12:58 AM
The conversation does get easier, once you see how accepting most people are--especially if they love you, but not necessarily. If rejection comes, it is usually later, when someone who has been verbally accepting avoids being with you. Be ready for that, Amy, because it hurts.

:) Lallie

09-18-2016, 11:17 PM
If your sister is supportive, have her present when you talk to your parents.