View Full Version : Had to lock the door again

09-23-2016, 10:07 AM
Hi everyone,
I don't post much if at all , have been following this site for years and crossdressing for 40 yrs.
Just want to say you gurls are the best I've learned that I'm a proud member of the club.
So married to my wife for 26 years now and 2 kids out of the house our daughter has returned home to live with us again for how long I don't know she was out of state in school and living with her now broken up bf . Glad of that he was an ass.
Dressing up when the kids were home was confined to the bedroom or around the house when no one was around or out of town.
With them off on their own it was great, come home from work I'd change in to haylee's stuff. Only a handful of people know about haylee , with her home now I've had to put my stuff away and lock the door to my walk-in . Very depressed and struggling with do tell her , if I did she would tell our son and I don't think he would be upset but not sure. I've been shaving nose to toes for many years and have great legs bty, and don't think I even own any mens underwear anymore . My wife is against telling them. So the door is now locked and my head is spinning as I sit in bed and write this , but at least I have my new matching pink bra and panty on.

Alice Torn
09-23-2016, 11:00 AM
Change is no fun most of the time. I am having to move next month. Will rent part of a house. A nice old couple rent the other half. I will need to be a lot more careful. 49th move of my life. The 50th will likely be back to the dust, as my doctor called me yesterday to tell me my kidneys are not well. Think of being put in jail or prison, like my brother is. No bra or panties there. You are so fortunate to have a wife that accepts your dressing! A rare lady! I am 62, still alone, never found any GG who accepts this. It will be depressing for a while, after so much freedom to dress up. I have had to move in with different people at times, and refrain from doing it, for a while. Not easy at first.

09-23-2016, 11:16 AM
Good luck, Haylee. I had a similar situation because of my divorce. I knew when the kids would be over. The rest of the week and every other week end I had the house to myself to do whatever Sherry wanted!:D

Then, when my daughter turned 18 she moved in full time. And, nearly caught me a few times. My dressing went from joyful to stressful!:sad:

After 6 months of torture, I told her, my ex, and other daughter. She doesn't approve so I her tell when I'm going to dress and she works around it.:straightface:

Dressing is FUN AGAIN!:heehee:

09-23-2016, 01:56 PM
My son left home, but split with his GF and moved back in. Then he lost his job and was around all day. He sorted himself out and got a place but the six months he was home were the longest of my life.

09-23-2016, 02:21 PM
I cannot imagine how tough it would be to have that kind of freedom, only to have to bottle it up again. You will get through this however, that I do know. Perhaps once you guys settle into a routine with this new situation you'll be able to find those opportunities to be more free again. I would say since your wife sounds like she's strongly against telling the kids, probably best not to do that on your own. Anyway, hope it all works out well for you.

09-23-2016, 02:24 PM
Hi Haylee

I have only recently been able to indulge in more than just occasionally underdressing. I am living alone as my wife and daughter are staying at the other side of the country for reasons I'll not go into now. (Not my CDing as the missus doesn't know.) This new found freedom will be coming to an end soon as I'm moving jobs to be with them. I know many here will advise me to tell but I know my wife and even without our current situation she would not be understand or supportive in this. Things and people change so maybe some day when situations are less stressful.

I'm not looking forward to the day when I have to close the closet but the health and happiness of my daughter and wife outweigh my own.

Good luck and big hugs Haylee.

M x

Lana Mae
09-23-2016, 07:37 PM
My wife passed away last year! After that I started cding and came out to my daughter right away since we live in the same house. Did not want to be outed by a pair of panties in the laundry!! LOL Recently came out to my son who had some suspicions from some papers I had left lying around!! Now my daughter does not want to see daddy in a dress so I am not free to dress when she is home. Dressing is limited to week days when I have days off from work! I wondered why I am getting grouchy, I have not dressed for over a week!! Hugs Lana Mae

09-23-2016, 09:43 PM
You might think of charging the "Bounce Backs" Rent.
Now you can put the rent in to a cookie jar to return to them
when they move out. That way they will not think they are on a free ride.
It worked for me.

09-23-2016, 09:55 PM
I agree with Rader. When I asked my son who was eating us out of house and home and using up all the hot water twice a day, he decided to move out! Whoopie! He was a smart kid who never applied himself in school. Now? The kid turned his life around. No longer a freeloader. He earned $89K a year before his $2.00/hour raise. Our daughter moved back in after graduating from college, got a job and quickly moved out.

There are always things that will crop up. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and just started chemo with the recommendation she restrict exposure to germs. She's a teacher who will be out for the next six months. Glad we don't need the money. Dressing will be on the back burner for awhile.

09-24-2016, 08:17 AM
If your wife is against telling them, you know what you must do.

I agree with your wife. Your best bet is to get them out of your house as soon as possible.