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Brooke H
09-29-2016, 08:30 AM
Hi all. I just wanted to share with everyone that i shaved my legs for the first time in my life. It feels great, little bit of adjusting but definately will look better when i put a dress on. :)

09-29-2016, 09:21 AM
Looks better, feels better, if you wear stockings or pantyhose they stay up better. So much to love about shaved legs, congratulations!!

09-29-2016, 09:42 AM
Congratulations!! I have done it a couple of times too. Your legs will look fantastic. So jealous right now. And Lisa is right the stockings will feel amazing.

Jane P
09-29-2016, 10:40 AM
I have shaved a few times over the years . It was my birthday the other day so I decided to do it again. Legs , chest , even shaved my head , had my back waxed last week so I am "pretty" hair free. In the past I have always been very self conscious about doing it , always thinking that I look too feminine but this time looking in the mirror I just see myself ( a not too bad looking bod for 52 if I do say so myself )

In the past I have also been very prone to ingrown hairs but have been using coconut oil on my body lately and the ingrowns are few and far between which really helps one feel better about the look . Nothing like seeing yourself covered in festering red bumps to destroy your self image.

Enjoy it Brooke . They are your legs after all .

09-29-2016, 10:47 AM
Even though I'm still in the closet, I shave my legs every week. I put baby oil and some silky body wash in the tub water. It feels so good.

I even wear shorts to work in the summertime, its an industrial warehouse environment. No one has ever said a word about it.

09-29-2016, 10:53 AM
I shaved my legs in the shower this am and rubbed scented body lotion on them. I then slipped on a pair of Hanes Silk Reflection hose. Oh my. Takes my breath away 😊 Yes, you will both look and feel better. Enjoy.

09-29-2016, 11:12 AM
Hello Brooke H, and welcome to the club...
i associate myself with the rest of the girls....when on hosiery its even better...and dont forget some body lotion
so happy for you :-)

09-29-2016, 11:44 AM
Good on you! I will be shaving mine tomorrow. It's been a long time. First with an electric beard trimmer then razor and conditioner in the tub. I always am thrilled wearing hose after that.

09-29-2016, 11:51 AM
I've already been a bit down of late since my wife won't allow me to shave at this time. She's still thinking about it. And now, I learn from Brooke that she's just shaved her legs for the first time. I'm so frickn envious! :[ My feminine side is getting stronger and stronger and my hairyness is really becoming bothersome...ugh!

09-29-2016, 11:56 AM
It's funny to me the this is such a big deal. Now, I get that it seems like some huge change, but after years of shaving, it really is a non-thing for society. Is leg shaving for men today like getting ears pierced 20 years ago?

If one were to push the ironic a little, a shaved leg looks MORE muscular because definition is easier to see and is therefore more manly, no?

09-29-2016, 12:51 PM
my excuse for shaving all my body hair used to be that my dad - who was an ornery cuss and would never win "father of the year" (another story) - was an excessively hairy guy - looked like a grizzly bear. because of all the conflicts i had with him growing up, the last thing i wanted to be was like him in any way. so... off went all the body hair. when swimming with the family and things like that, it was well known that i hated body hair and it had alot to do with dad. anyhow - that has been my story and i'm sticking to it.

09-29-2016, 01:11 PM
It is a great feeling so no going back now !

I chose to shave chest and legs everyday, as far as the legs are concerned it stops the itching

09-29-2016, 01:35 PM
Hey! Bodybuilders shave their whole body. Maybe that's my angle. (looking at myself) No I better try something else.

09-29-2016, 03:21 PM
I shave legs and chest every week. Have been doing this for several years now. My wife has never said anything about them yet. I absolutely love having them shaved.

09-29-2016, 03:30 PM
good for you! I'm so jealous! Not out to the wife(sort of).(she found my stash a year or so into our marriage and said stop or she's gone!) So I have been in the closet since(26 years)! That's my one wish is to be able to shave my legs and arms(gorilla that I am)! Maybe someday.

09-29-2016, 03:41 PM
I've already been a bit down of late since my wife won't allow me to shave at this time.

Hang in their Nikki. I know the feeling of envy you have for those of us that are freely shaving ourselves clean. However, remember there are a number of great things you've been able to do with acceptance from your wife that many of us are envious of too. From what I've seen, wives of crossdressers seem to often times look for some symbol of masculinity they can cling to and preserve in their crossdressing partner. For your wife, it sounds like that may be the case with your body hair. For my wife it's my facial hair. She's having a hard time dealing with my plan to shave it for Halloween and not let it grow back. I honestly believe she wants badly just to know that hey, here's something that keeps him "my man".

I have confidence your wife will eventually come around. Mine is at the point now that she's begrudgingly accepted that this is what I'm going to do.

09-29-2016, 03:49 PM
good for you! I'm so jealous! Not out to the wife(sort of).(she found my stash a year or so into our marriage and said stop or she's gone!) So I have been in the closet since(26 years)! That's my one wish is to be able to shave my legs and arms(gorilla that I am)! Maybe someday.

That's a long time! Yet your avatar (if it is you) is driving a car en femme. How did you get that done?

09-29-2016, 04:01 PM
Couldn't agree more!
Just the feel and look!
Even feels cool when it grows back.

09-29-2016, 04:10 PM
I don't know if it was this thread or another.
But I've shaved my legs regularly for years. For the most part, no one gives a crap. I've had some bad comments or inuendos. But over all, no one cares. My newest job, once they saw my shaved legs. I get complemented on my legs. Both from male and females, At 52, I'll take those complements.

Rachael Leigh
09-29-2016, 04:12 PM
I've been shaving mine for 2 years now and it's just a natural part of my grooming now. I wear shorts in guy mode all the time. I don't think it's a big deal anymore for guys to have clean shaved legs. I shave twice a week and love it every time I do it.
Congratulations Brooke on joining the club

09-29-2016, 04:32 PM
Have done it a few times, love the feel and look of it.

09-29-2016, 04:53 PM
So now I'm noticing my legs. They aren't nearly as hairy as they were in my younger years. Only a very unsightly glob on my kneecaps. I think I could get away with shaving my legs. The arms have never been overly hairy. Now how? Razors, Nair, wet/dry electric, what about an epilator? I remember my wife had an Epilady back in the 90's - looked like a torture device!

09-29-2016, 05:25 PM
I've shaved for years. I had to wear support stockings for many years . Nowdays weekly or whenever needed. No one cares ,shave are pits as well, honestly i feel cleaner ,grezt feeling..!

Maria 60
09-29-2016, 05:49 PM
Wait to you slide those pantyhose on. The most amazing feeling ever.

09-30-2016, 08:31 AM
I'm fortunate that my wife likes my shaved legs. She even bugs me to keep my chest shaved; it looks silly when wearing a bra with a hairy chest. And yes, there's nothing like slipping on a pair of pantyhose over freshly shaved legs :-)

10-01-2016, 07:31 PM
Jennifer, you look very nice. I shave my legs from just below the knees up. When dressed up I wear opaque black or brown tights with riding or slouch boots that come up to the knee, I also wear swede booties and with the opaque tights, no one can tell my legs aren't shaved from below the the knee down. I wear the tights with short skirts with snug fitting long sleeved tops. Shaving my legs in the shower always makes me feel feminine!

- - - Updated - - -

Lorileah sent me a private message but I'm new to this and don't know how to pull it up and read it. Sorry Lorileah, I'm not ignoring you, I just don't understand how this forum is set up and works.

10-01-2016, 07:33 PM
I have been shaving for about six months. Underarms too. I love it. I could never go back.🌺

10-01-2016, 07:51 PM
I can relate

10-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Fortunately I'm not a naturally hairy person, and from a young age I've kept what does grow in check. Although not out to my SO (for now), she's never questioned my lack of hair, besides which I really like wearing black opaque tights which hide what little there is on my legs.

10-01-2016, 10:41 PM
I also shaved my legs last week and am waiting for feedback from the wife. I didn't have heavy hair and it was blonde so others may not eve notice, i hope. I love the feel of the lotion and am sure it will become a standard part of my dressing preparation from now on. Good Luck

10-02-2016, 10:20 AM
I haven't shaved my legs for while but I'm ready to. Love the feel of smooth legs against clean sheets and with nylons.

Teri Ray
10-02-2016, 07:18 PM
I always enjoy having smooth shaved legs.

Jessica Thompson
10-02-2016, 10:15 PM
Nothing beats the feeling of freshly shaven legs!

10-03-2016, 03:31 AM
yay! shaved legs are the way to go hon!


10-03-2016, 06:09 AM
Been shaving my legs, in fact all my hairy bits for years, love the feeling