View Full Version : The Pro's Opinion

10-06-2016, 08:07 AM
If there is a psychologist reading this maybe you would like to give us your opinion? Even though it's been said psychologist have had little training in CDing, they just try to help the CD deal with it, but I would still like your opinion based on your training and experience. The question is "Why Do Men CD". Once they try it they want more and more, from being curious to what it would feel like to try on a pair of panties to fully dressed as a woman, it's in your mind forever. There is a drive that doesn't stop. Why does it bring so much pleasure? Most CD's say it's in your brain from birth, a few think you got it from growing up around women/sisters or a mother that dressed you and wanted a girl. Then there is reading Playboy as a formative adolescent when a lot of your brain functions are ingrained (when the hormones are really kicking in, (you are horney 24/7) and seeing all those gorgeous women in hose, garter belts, pumps and showing big sexy boobs). Why isn't this just a phase and CDs grow out of it?,

10-06-2016, 08:28 AM
Once they try it they want more and more, from being curious to what it would feel like to try on a pair of panties to fully dressed as a woman, it's in your mind forever.

How do you know that to be a fact? The people who post here are for the most part, crossdressers. For all we know, the rest of the males in the world may have tried on a pair of panties, not gotten a big thrill and never did it again. Also, it's quite possible for a crossdresser to quit and move on to other hobbies. You won't know about these people because they don't continue to post on crossdressing forums.

Kate Simmons
10-06-2016, 08:44 AM
It can be different things to different people. I've stopped trying to analyze it myself and just enjoy it. :)

10-06-2016, 08:54 AM
That's true and I meant to include that in my post. And like you, I don't try to analyze it any more, I just enjoy it.

10-06-2016, 10:44 AM
I personally don't believe a true crossdresser can simply move on to another hobby. A crossdresser could be distracted by a hobby or interest for a period of time, but he's still a crossdresser. It's in my genetic make up and always will be.

Tracii G
10-06-2016, 11:03 AM
I have other hobbies as well as CDing and I don't need a psychologist to tell me why I do it. I just like it.
Was I born with some genetic connection to women ? Heck I don't know.
Why people constantly over analyze things and feel the need to have an explanation for every feeling they have.
Its almost like obsession to cause themselves anxiety and stress.
I have friends like this and they drive me nuts.

10-06-2016, 11:35 AM
I personally don't believe a true crossdresser can simply move on to another hobby. A crossdresser could be distracted by a hobby or interest for a period of time, but he's still a crossdresser. It's in my genetic make up and always will be.

I more or less agree with Josie on this too. The urge may wane at times, sometimes for years, but never truly goes completely away. From all of the literature I've read, there's no consensus and the possible "Why's" are many and varied with none of them an obvious choice.: genetic, environment, brain chemistry/hormones during development, etc.

I tend to lean toward a mix of genetic propensity to CD (show a feminine side) with some hormonal influence during fetal development. It just makes more sense to me, for others that might not be the case. Science may come out with a definitive answer at some point, but I don't think there's much research money being thrown at this question.

10-06-2016, 11:46 AM
I agree with Kate, i dont try and analyze it, crossdressing for me relieves stress, it feels relaxing and it feels natural. I plain enjoy it. It may not be that way for everyone! But it is for me.

10-06-2016, 01:19 PM
For me, I have had many hobbies, they have evolved and change with time. Crossdressing is more than a hobby and my need & desire to dress has only increased as I have aged. I stopped dressing for about 10 years after I married. The need or desired never waned.:2c:

10-06-2016, 01:24 PM
Its a mystery and I don't even know if the psychology profession is very interested in studying it. I suspect they have more compelling issues to study.
By the way I don't regard cross dressing as a hobby. I have hobbies and enjoy them but they don't affect my "being" in the way that my transvestism does. I can lose interest in a hobby but my transvestism is a strong inner drive that has been with me almost all of my life. I find I cannot lose interest in it in the way I lose interest in a hobby.

10-06-2016, 01:34 PM
For me I know I was born like it, and for a long time it was sexual and still is to a degree but the wanting more is to satisfy an inner need, we may not be genetic women but there are some powerful female forces that possibly combine with sexual aspects that keep driving us. The combination of female on top of male stimulates some of our brains everyday while for others it can go weeks or months. I can only speak personally but I know it's for life, sometimes we don't need experts to tell us the basic facts.

Please will some people stop calling it a hobby, I find it an insult and if I told my wife it was just a hobby she would finally divorce me, she's been through too much anguish and pain with my CDing for me to insult her like that.

Kendra Sue
10-06-2016, 01:42 PM
No reason, just fun and relaxing.

10-06-2016, 01:47 PM
I used to try to analyze it; now I just accept and enjoy it.

10-06-2016, 02:37 PM
I think the professionals call it the snowball effect. In my case it was a curiosity of what it was like to wear a skirt, that lead to panties which led to a blouse which lead to a bra then hose then shoes so on and so on.
I know it didn't come from the way my mom dressed, she was a practical dresser even wearing men's pants because they were cheaper.
The real question as I see it is what makes someone want to put in girls clothes to begin with? I don't think there is any way of know what that is. What makes anyone want to do anything really?

10-06-2016, 02:58 PM
I have been a underdresser my whole life yes I used to wonder and tried to stop but I cannot I feel more relaxed and am a much better person to be around

Lana Mae
10-06-2016, 03:07 PM
The best explanation was on a different thread when a member told a little girl that it was because they were born with a boy's body and a girl's brain. I do not necessarily buy it but it is as good as any other explanation. Me, I just enjoy and do not really care why! Hugs Lana Mae

10-06-2016, 03:25 PM
When I was a kid I used to simply enjoy it, but when I got older it seemed like people just needed some sort of elaborate explanation out of me. Apparently just liking the clothing wasn't a good enough reason to wear it. But that's literally all it is for me. I like looking pretty and having a lot of cute options for clothes.

valerie anne
10-06-2016, 03:37 PM
At the age of 12, I put on my mom's bra and lipstick.

It felt good then and it still does. For me, the breasts are the key element. I have developed myself so that I am dependent on wearing a bra full time.

I dress fully now, but my focus is still on my boobs.

Amanda Park
10-06-2016, 03:59 PM
I am no pro by any stretch, but I do think that there has been enough research done to date to give us a clearer picture of what is now being called the "gender spectrum". This idea basically says that there are many potential variations that can (and do) occur in the development of a fetus (chromosomes, genetics, hormonal) that can impact the formation of our sense of gender. There are also many factors that can influence our views of our gender growing up such as when a mother wishes her boy child had been a girl.

The spectrum idea also says that there can be varying intensities of being transgender from mild such as with occasional cross dressers, to strong such as with transsexuals seeking SRS. If this is the case, then it is easy to see why some of us here might see crossdressing as a hobby that they can give up any time while others feel as I do that being transgender is something I was born with and that will never go away.

If you are interested in exploring the "why" question, I'd suggest doing a search on the words "gender spectrum" and have a look at the sites and articles that come up. There is also a good book by a transwoman called "Transgender Complete: I Virtual Handbook" by Joann Borden.