View Full Version : Introduction

10-08-2016, 11:46 PM
Hello all,

I'm Danielle. Some of you beautiful people may know me from other areas of the forums.

I just wanted to introduce myself here, as I have recently made the decision to be myself full time.

It's been a really scary few months for me. After repressing my gender issues for sixteen years, everything came back in a huge flood during a period of high stress. I made my first post in the MTF forum a couple months ago, and a particularly caring member here, PaulaQ, warned me that I had best look deeper into myself and perhaps start therapy to examine how deep my gender issues possibly went. It was a very sobering post from someone who was obviously concerned. It was also a post that I promptly ignored.

I did however start therapy and continue to skip down the road to a cross dresser's paradise, my wife was supportive, I was happy and everything was great! It didn't take very long after I told my wife that I started to get irritable and anxious while in guy mode at work, grinding my teeth and spending a lot of time shopping on amazon. Therapy also turned up some troubling things early on that led to panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. I ended up missing a bunch of work and having to lie about the cause of my absence. I started to change my views and I contacted Paula to thank her for her warning. It was a very quick downward spiral into depression and despair. I spent as much time as I could out in public presenting as female, even though my voice caught me out every time it was still an extremely happy experience. When presenting male things only seemed to get darker. My relationship with my wife deteriorated and I spent a good deal of time at work crying or doing breathing exercises to stave off panic attacks.

I was at work the other day, having one of my better days and I began thumbing through my Danielle pictures on my phone. I found quite a few that I really liked. Just before I left work for the day I came to realize what it is that I liked about all of the photos that I had singled out. In each of them, it was very clear that the emotion I was expressing was Joy. Apart from a few pictures from my wedding day, I can't remember ever seeing a picture of my face expressing such happiness. I reflected on that during my ride home, it made the correct decision pretty clear and easy to make. 'I am Dani, and I deserve to live a joyful life'. Making the choice to live life to the fullest also lifted a crushing weight from my chest.

I've set a goal of six months, to get my affairs in order, come out to who I need to, change my position somewhat at work, and begin living as myself. Within that six months, I will continue therapy, as well as join my local trans support group. I will also complete a full regime of laser hair removal and begin female vocalization lessons.

I've already come out to my sister, a few friends, my inlaws, some of my wife's friends, my boss, and my parents (who don't really understand yet but I'm trying to help them along).

I'm resisting the urge to give myself a label at the moment, because I know I still have a long road ahead of me in therapy. I still don't know where the long road is going to take me in the end, but I do know I want to end up somewhere happy, and preferably be more happy on the journey as well. If I had my choice right now I'd start HRT tomorrow, but that's not how it works of course, I'm still on the first rung of a very long ladder. On the plus side if my therapist and doctor decide that I do require HRT my insurance should cover it if I am already living as a female.

If you got this far, thanks for putting up with my rambling.

And a special thanks to Paula (whom I thank every chance I get) who may have saved me from disaster.


Rianna Humble
10-09-2016, 04:44 AM
Hi Dani, welcome to this corner of crossdressers.com

I can understand why you originally didn't want to hear what Paula wrote, but the plain truth is that far from being a standoffish "trannier than thou" clique as some try to present us, we are ordinary human beings who are concerned for the welfare of other members on these forums.

I hope you can work things through with your wife and that you manage to figure out what is the right way forward for you.

10-09-2016, 05:01 AM
Thank you for sharing your story. Best wishes to you. One day at a time...

Kaitlyn Michele
10-09-2016, 09:20 AM
Im very moved by your story..

You have a lot of courage and strength!!!

Live day by day and be good to yourself and especially those around you...

I hope that you have a good therapist and can be smart and work though all this to improve your quality of life..

10-09-2016, 10:38 AM
The process is more than popping a pill.....continue with the therapy ......always ....always have medical following and complete blood work up.....Informed on both mental and physical issues will take time.....enjoy the ride :love:

10-12-2016, 08:24 AM
good luck... and hold on tight! Paula saved my ass too (almost identical to what you've written)...

for me, I've found that making plans, while a useful distraction, didn't pan out as expected; be ready for your GD to set the pace, and be ready for it to be fast. I think the parts of my brain driving my GD know exactly how fast I can move, and push me right to that limit at each step.

Hair removal is an EXCELLENT idea - you can never be too early with that step.

Good luck, and stay engaged. Welcome!

Jesse Six
10-12-2016, 12:41 PM
Hi from Calgary! Omg is there something in the water in Alberta?

I'm beginning to think that this anguished process is necessary for transition. Only once you go through all the anxiety, and come out of it tougher, can you face everything life throws at trans women.
Congratulations - you're undoubtedly more resilient today than before you started.

phylis anne
10-12-2016, 07:49 PM
Hi Dani,
welcome aboard all the posters here have offered very sound advice ,all aquired form experience you have a long journey in front of you , it will be forught with many trials and tribulations and yet you will also find great joy in your journey as you will now be the real you
hugs phylis anne

10-12-2016, 08:35 PM
Dani I just want to post here and add my encouragement to the thread. I share some similarities to your journey - a compelling event really kicking off a fresh wave of dysphoria, having weekly meetings with a therapist specializing in gender (so far so good - she's awesome!), and just today I made my first appointment for laser hair removal! I wish you the best and look forward to hearing how things are going for you. Be brave!

10-15-2016, 03:22 AM
Thank you all for your advice and words of encouragement.

Though I have a long way to go to realize even self acceptance, it would be even harder without all of you.

I have my first professional laser appointment for my face and neck on Tuesday. And I did the test patch for the rest of my body this afternoon. I'm mostly 'out' with mostly acceptable almost positive reception. Life is a little more comfortable and I'm nearly ready to exist as myself, how I was meant to be.
