View Full Version : Funny Little Interaction

Nikki A.
10-16-2016, 06:17 PM
Not looking to hijack or sidetrack the "Church" thread I decided to start a new thread.
I was recently clued into a very nice accepting church that is much closer to home than the church I have been attending. I attended last week in male mode to see if I would be comfortable with the people and to make sure that there were no regular attendees that may out me (I am still some what closeted although lately this is less of an issue for me). Well, I had a very nice time and met many nice people.
This week I went as Nikki, and again I felt welcomed and accepted. While getting coffee after the service I was approached by an older gent who I had met last week. He asked me if it was my first time there. I said no I was there last week and we had chatted then. He looked a little surprised that he didn't remember so I added that I was dressed a bit differently, mentioning the floral shirt I wore last week. Then it clicked in his mind and we both laughed about it. We ended up sitting at the same table with a few others including the sister who told me about the church and talked about politics and life in general.

10-16-2016, 09:58 PM
Thanks for sharing that story Nikki. I get a lot of encouragement from that - I hope to find a similar accepting church. The one I attend in male mode right now I'm not sure they would be accepting of me attending dressed as Sarah.

10-16-2016, 10:12 PM
Good for you Nikki, glad you found a place to worship and not be outcasted hugs.

Tracii G
10-16-2016, 10:59 PM
Thats awesome Nikki.

Joyce Swindell
10-17-2016, 11:37 AM
You mentioned "sister" ....so is it a catholic church? We attend a church that is very accepting as well. It's called CCU or Christ Church Unity. Their thing is "sole growth" and there are many gay and transgendered there. Being that it's a church my wife's family attends I will not go as Joyce but it has been an awesome church for us. Very diverse and very accepting.

What an awesome thing it is to be able to go to a church such as this.......even if you are straight!

Nikki A.
10-17-2016, 02:03 PM
No it is a UCC church very nice and accepting. When I said sister, I meant that it as a fellow dressers who attends there, I don't know if she is on this forum though. She is active in the LGBT communities and we met down in Allentown.
It seems that there are many churches who are accepting, but you need to find one that also fits what you're looking for. Sometimes you just need to keep your ears open and not be afraid to at least check them out. I had the chance to meet someone who does go there and she clued me in. Still I first went in drab just to feel out and make sure I was comfortable there. I've visited other "accepting " churches but the vibe was all wrong for me at least.

Lana Mae
10-17-2016, 03:12 PM
It of course varies from church to church. UCC is generally accepting. UMC is variable. As was said ,check it out in drab first. I seriously doubt the church I belong to is accepting. Just my 2 cents. Hugs Lana Mae

Nikki A.
10-17-2016, 08:38 PM
With the political and religious conditions in NC you may be right Lana, Hopefully things will change or you do find another church that may work for you if that is what you want,
Silly thing is in drab I rarely make the effort or get too excited attending church, but enfemme I really enjoy the services and walk out feeling more inspired.

10-17-2016, 09:04 PM
It of course varies from church to church. UCC is generally accepting. UMC is variable. As was said ,check it out in drab first. I seriously doubt the church I belong to is accepting. Just my 2 cents. Hugs Lana Mae

I wouldn't judge a book by its cover. The church I go to is very conservative, 110% against gay marriage/homosexuality and sex out of wedlock and abortion and all of that. But they welcome everyone. Even if you are gay or lesbian or trans or whatever.

Tracy Irving
10-17-2016, 10:03 PM
Very cool Nikki. And a great excuse to wear your Sunday best! :)

Ellie Summer
10-17-2016, 10:30 PM
At a pride parade that I attended recently, I was pleasantly surprised to see how many churches were marching, holding up signs that say how God loves everyone, and anyone is welcome in their church. Their actions spoke a lot louder than the handful of people with a megaphone on the sidelines, chanting about how everyone was going to hell. It was a nice break from seeing things like the westboro baptist church hating on the LGBT community.
Thanks for sharing your story Nikki. Sounds like a good time and a great group of people.

10-18-2016, 08:33 AM
Ellie Summer thats because most churches are that way.

I don't know a single Christian who likes Westboro or agrees with what they do. They aren't even a church, they are just a small family of inbreds who call themselves a church so they can get legal protection and tax exempt status when filing their lawsuits. They are not a real church. Yet the media acts like they are the typical, standard church that speaks for all churches in the country and that every church is like them.