View Full Version : Calcium Channel Blockers

10-18-2016, 05:22 PM
I have been a long time crossdresser. I started dressing about 20 years ago. I had heart attack begging of this year. I stopped taking them since I had no idea how they will react to my medications.
But them few weeks, my wife commented how fuller my boobs have got in the last few month.

So I went online to do some research and I found out that Calcium Channel blocker medication that I am taking to keep my blood pressure have side effect. They can increase swelling in certain body part especially in your ankle, feet and legs. And seem that it also also increasing the size of my boobs.

It was pleasant side effect but I am also worried of there might be any complication from that. So I have decided to approach my doctor and tell them this. It is going to be difficult since he has no idea that I have crossdresser.

10-18-2016, 06:14 PM
Medications can have side effects, and some are rarely seen. Talk to your doctor, you don't have to tell them you're a crossdresser. Just say you've noticed breast enlargement and see if they think it's due to the new medications.

Lana Mae
10-18-2016, 06:18 PM
Same thing as Lexi!! Hugs Lana Mae

Tracii G
10-18-2016, 06:19 PM
Some guys boobs get larger for a whole host of reasons so don't worry.
Your doctor isn't going to ask you if you are a crossdresser just because your boobs have reacted to medication.

My anti seizure medication make me gain weight and my boobs get bigger, he is well aware of the medications side effects.
He hasn't said OMG you have boobs are you a crossdresser?
You are worried over nothing.

10-18-2016, 08:00 PM
My prostate meds cause breast enlargment. Says so right on the info sheet that comes with every refill. I'm a happy camper most of the time, but I don't go shirtless in the summer anymore. I see a lot of older guys with man boobs, at the beach or the boat ramp. But I prefer to keep my shirt on.

10-18-2016, 08:08 PM
mine are getting larger and I don't know why for years I tried to get them to grow so I stop doing that and then they startgetting bigger on there own

10-18-2016, 09:49 PM
I have had stomach problems for years, started taking Tagmet when i was in my early teens, i always thought i GYNO but did some research and one of the side effects of Tagmet is male breast enlargment. I took them for 20 years then switched to a differnt type of ulcer medicine as the tagmet stopped working. now some 40 years later since i started on ulcer medicine i have been on 5 different types the last ten years has been best i have taken for my stomach and my breast are a full B and very full. Not sure if it was all caused by the medicine but that's my guess. DRs have never said anything about in all those years.

10-19-2016, 12:50 AM
I had a heart attack earlier this year too, but I don't take a calcium channel blocker. But I had some breast development long before my heart problems and meds, and I noticed on one of the lab reports done during my stay for the heart attack back in March of this year, they noted me as having gynecomastia, but no one said a word to me about it. I've had two echocardiograms of my heart done this year, and that was a bit painful, as the women who did the procedure had to use significant pressure in the chest region due to my boobs, but again, not a word was said about me having some breast development.

10-19-2016, 01:02 AM
wait...you STOPPED taking them without talking to your doctor? And you want tot know if they made your breasts larger? Seems you have other things to be concerned about. This is why pharmacies and pharmacists talk to you when you get an Rx.

I'm closing this because it has become a discussion of drug side effects and really, there are so few of you here who have the background for that. we'll use this rule

The discussion of non-surgical breast enhancement is prohibited.