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ashlee chiffon
02-27-2006, 11:35 PM
just wondering what the thoughts are when seeing a guy with both ears pierced? Especially the GG's...i have one ear pierced twice, but don't wear any earrings during the day because i have a high profile job. Would people think i'm gay *i'm straight* if they see both ears pierced? Now, i have to wear clip on's to match both ears when dressed and am thinking of getting the other one done.

02-27-2006, 11:41 PM
Today it is not uncommon for men to have one if not both ears pierced. I do not but my son the taxman wears diamond studs. Now you know where all your hard earned tax money goes...... LOL


02-27-2006, 11:47 PM
I have both ears double pierced, and the only comments I have gotten were "where did you get the earings" I don't even know I have them on they feel so natural :happy:

ashlee chiffon
02-27-2006, 11:55 PM
well, i'm older and i see it a lot in younger guys, also. Guess i should have stated that...

02-28-2006, 12:47 AM
Well, I'm on the wrong side of 50, and I got both of mine done. Can't say that it's ever been a problem.


Diana R.
02-28-2006, 12:57 AM
I have had both ears pierced for about 40 years . Never had a problem. I have some small stud crosses that I wear when in drab.

Sarah Rabbit
02-28-2006, 01:44 AM

I.m 40 +

Hve both ears done for some time now. When in drab I will wear small sleepers no one is yet to comment. One Of my senior managers, a somewhat semi conservative character (if that makes sense) has a small diamond stud in his ear. I do not think anyone gives a rats these days :D

Sarah R :bunny:

lee james
02-28-2006, 03:02 AM
I agree with Sarah Rabbit-I dont think any one DOES give a rats these days,I have both ears done - two small hoops (sleepers) in each ear and I work in a very masculine enviroment and have had no adverse comments-not that I,ve heard anyway.The guys probably think I,m having a midlife crisis,I,m 47!
How I got around any comments was to get one piercing done in my left ear first,that gained me a strange glance or two,then one more piercing in each ear by which time the guys were becoming blase,then the final one in the right ear a few months later-no one even noticed that one!-all done over about a twelve month period
One bonus is that lots of nice young ladies talk to me a lot now-my 20 year old hair dresser loves my piercings-she thinks I,m really " out there".Little does she know!

Gail Stauffer
02-28-2006, 03:11 AM
having pierced ears is almost a natural thing for everone these days, you rarely see anyone not having piercings anymore. I say if it makes you happy do it. besides it give you more options on prettier earrings to wear when dressed!! I had mine done last year and haven't really had anyone say anything about it. if they ask I just don't really say anything.

02-28-2006, 07:36 PM
I personally do not see pierced ears be it one or both as being anything uncommon in todays society. Even here in the deep south where I live its as common to see guys with both or one ear pierced as it is to see a woman with hers pierced. Same for long hair.....never gets a second glance

BrendaB GG
02-28-2006, 08:13 PM
You asked for GG's opinions and I agree with what has been said here. I never assume a guy is gay just because he has pierced ears. In fact, I think there is soemthing very attractive about gold or silver studs when a guy is in drab mode.
My husband Tori really wants to do it and I wish he would just do it and be done with it. I guess he's a little nervous about the reaction. We both work in the same office, so i'm ready to back him up. I'm totally willinging to tell people that I like it and I made him do it. But my feeling is that nothing will be said.

Gail Stauffer
02-28-2006, 08:53 PM
just have him go and do it, it will allow him to wear the prettier dangly earrings when he dresses. no one will probably say anything anyway. if they ask just say that it was something he wanted to do and leave it at that!! I love having mine done. it opened up a whole new world of earrings to me when I did!!! If that would make him happy let him do it.!!

02-28-2006, 09:25 PM
Don't know if others here have had a similar reaction, but I found piercing made my ears much more sensitive in an erogenous sort of way. Enough so that I'm tempted to get more holes. I've had a single hole in each lobe for many years and would like to add two more on each side.:D Are earrings habit forming or what?


Gail Stauffer
02-28-2006, 09:26 PM
I don't know, I do know one hole in each ear is good enough fo rme for now!!

ashlee chiffon
02-28-2006, 11:31 PM
thanks for the insight and i totally relate to your husband on this... want to...but nervous..
i think that if i had a GG nudging me along on this like you are doing, i would go ahead and do it. I just have me, for now, so it is a little more motivationally difficult...

03-01-2006, 04:13 AM
I'd say you should go for it. No one cares nowadays and you have the feeling of feeling a lot more feminine while dressed.

Have had one ear pierced for the longest time now and have worn a fairly chunky ring on it. Most women have said it makes me look a lot more appearling to them.

Really want to pierce the other one and alternate between the two on drab mode and wear the prettiest earrings while dressed. The best of both worlds i think...just a tad apprehensive about getting the second one thats all!


Sarah Rabbit
03-01-2006, 08:10 AM
Honestly, unless you work with some neandathals (Is that the right spelling?)
you will get a very minor response. Perhaps, Some will gig you about it. So what!!. Start with one, then two over a three month time period. Little discreet studs perhaps.Believe me, before you know it, one or two other guys will follow (they are just waiting for some one else to take the plunge.) My Two younger brothers., Who were or are in very MALE dominated lines of work, wear pierced rings/studs, out of work hours.( I pity the poor fool who gives them a hard time!!)

Hugs, Sarah R. :bunny:

03-01-2006, 08:38 AM
I have one ear done and it has been for about six years. But, scared to death to have the other one done.

Kisses, April Marie

03-01-2006, 09:32 AM
In this day and age I do not think people will consider you GAY if you have both ears pierced. When I had mine done last year, the girl in Clair's commented that 'lots of guy's are having both ears pierced' . I'm really happy with mine, they are a whole lot better than the magnetic ones that I used to use, after a couple of hours they used to hurt like hell, and I don't like clip on's. I honestly don't think you will have any adverse comments from people, and you will love the freedom of choice you will have regarding future earing purchase.

Julia Cross
03-01-2006, 09:54 AM
I think people view guys with one ear pierced as trying to be trendy, whereas both ears pierced shows they are doing what they want and not following trends. I think the days are gone where pierced ears is a sign of sexual orientation, if anything, it is a sign of strength in so much that you are confident enough in your sexuality to pierce your ears and not care what others think.


03-01-2006, 10:12 AM
I am in the 50+ crowd and have recently had both ears pierced. People have noticed and said positive things. Only one person keeps asking if I still have them in. Just studs now but I am looking for others to buy.

kathy gg
03-01-2006, 10:50 AM
I believe the old way of interputing pierced easr was
peircing in right ear = gay rights
piercing in left ear = straight but likes errings

I doubt anyone adhere's or cares anymore.

I have seen many older men ...think the guy on 60 Minutes who have an earring. My ex-father in law used to have an earring and he was well over 50 and rode a harley.

I supose if you are older, your peers might find it strange. Maybe you need to start haning out with a younger crowd!

But reallym, if you think it, all those people who were hippies in the 60's and 70's alot of those people in those age groups have piercings.

What I ussgested to my husband was rather than just get one hole in each ear which 'might' look suspicoius in his workplace, get two in the left and one in the right. I fiugured the extra peircing just makes him look sort of cool and alternative. I think he got a handful of comments the first week and basiclaly said I had suggested it. I am 7 yrs younger and maybe his work asspciates thought he was trying to keep up with his younger wife...who knows?

ANyway, what ever you do, let the hearl before removing them! Infection does not feel very pretty!

03-01-2006, 10:50 AM
I have both ears pierced. Nobody has ever mentioned anything about it. I wear two diamond studs, princess cut, to work every day. I work in an office and it has never been a problem.


ashlee chiffon
03-02-2006, 01:40 AM
in response to KathyGG...i have two holes in my left ear from the 60's *L*...but for us "hippies" that was ok..always wanted one in my right to match...maybe i should get two in my right to match now?! They were shot with a gun *not needle pierced*...wondering now which way is best to do?

Natalie J
03-02-2006, 02:20 AM
I have 2 in my left ear and one in my right. Getting the right one just seemed the way to go, and then I got the second one on the left done the next day. I thought it evened things out from the guy perspective. But then again, I also have my eyebrow and tongue pierced; I love piercings. It's a somewhat neo-archaic (if that is a word) statement of uniqueness.
Anyhow, it's very common for guys to have both ears pierced nowadays, and if you're in the 50+ crowd, from someone on my side of the age range (mid-twenties) it could be viewed as just trying to look/act younger, and is promptly dismissed without a second thought.

ashlee chiffon
03-02-2006, 02:23 AM
good points natalie!
i don't think i could do the eyebrow one...looks like it hurts!

Natalie J
03-02-2006, 02:27 AM
Oh, and as far as the gun/needle decision goes, get it done with a surgical needle; it's far less painful, and heals better. unfortuately, to do that you'll need to go to a specialized piercing/tattoo place, and it can be pricey (mine was $15 +jewelry, about $30 altogether, eyebrow and tongue were twice as much, just in passing) wheras the gun method is a bit cheaper ($15 for jewelry--piercing was free). Whatever you do, just make sure to keep up with whatever stuff they tell you to do durng the healing process. It takes about 6 weeks, and accidentally hitting the earring with a brush can cause a world of pain and swelling during that time, so be careful!

Natalie J
03-02-2006, 02:33 AM
No, the eyebrow is just a bunch of fatty tissue, so it was just a small pinch. The tongue DID hurt for about 30 seconds, and swelled up to the size of a small ham for a week (I had a lisp when I was little, and it sure came back during that time!), so pass on that unless you're determined!
I can't help it, I like telling that story.

ashlee chiffon
03-02-2006, 02:43 AM
thanks..i will pass on that! *L*...think i would do my nips if anything...but that's the most the masochist in me will allow!
i will take your advice on the needle...rather then the gun...look forward to wearing danglers in both ears!

Natalie J
03-02-2006, 02:45 AM
Nipples and genitals are the 2 most painful piercing sites on your body...I'll pass on those!

03-02-2006, 10:29 AM
in response to KathyGG... They were shot with a gun *not needle pierced*...wondering now which way is best to do?

Just go to your local mall or where ever there is a jewelry shop that does it. There is a Claires Boutique in my local mall. I got my left ear dane when I was 18 there. I went back to the same place to get my right done many years later. They use a newer gun style now. It takes only but a second and your walking out. No pain at all really, and they give you a bottle of topical disinfectant to apply while it heals. Don't bother with the pin process.


03-02-2006, 11:05 AM
I had mine done right before New Years day while I was on vacation. I work in a high profile job so I can't wear them while working. I keep plastic sleeves in them while working. I have had some coments, but it was quickly forgotten. I'm over 40 so I just told them I was having a midlife crisis. It worked. I must tell you when dressing you get a lot more choices of earrings. I love it and the only regret is I did'nt do it sooner. My bad.

Gail Stauffer
03-02-2006, 12:41 PM
alison, I couldn't agree more... I had mine done last year, you are absolutely right about being able to wear so many more types of earrings, I absolutely love wearing my favorite dangley earrings when dressed!!

03-02-2006, 01:37 PM
Had mine done (Claire's) in November, and only a couple of guys in the office mentioned it. Nothing derogitory though.

Now my only problem is deciding which earrings I want to wear, they're all so inviting.

Gail Stauffer
03-02-2006, 02:13 PM
absolutely donna there are so many pretty dangley earrings, having pierced ears opens the door to somany pretty earrings!!

03-02-2006, 05:57 PM
ive got 4 in each ear and in this day and age nobody really gives a damn anymore

03-02-2006, 06:03 PM
I have both ears pierced. Havent had any problems I just tell the people that I had a wild moment and it passed after a while . No one has said anything.


Jennifer in CO
03-03-2006, 01:21 AM
My wife used to have hers pierced and usually wore wires (with something dangling from them). A short while back, she mentioned that she was thinking about getting them re-pierced. Now I must tell you, I was a big fan when she QUIT wearing them the 1st time as I was constantly being stabbed by the wires when snuggling. So I simply commented "you pierce yours, and Im getting mine done as well"...it hasn't happend yet...


03-03-2006, 01:45 AM
Years ago it would have a problem but today it isn't; these are different times. So different I don't even have a poem that rhymes. Whoops! :D

03-06-2006, 09:48 PM
I don't think it makes much difference anymore which ear you have pierced these days. I've heard that for guys fashion anyway, if you are going to get one ear done, go ahead and get the other one done as well so you look semetrical.
I got my first piercing (one in each ear) several years ago then got the second one in each ear last year. I like to wear a dangly earring in the lower hole and either a small gold bead or diamond in the top hole.
Now here's one for ya, I've been toying with the idea of getting a nose piercing. You know one of the small stud types. My brother has an niece with one and it sure is hot looking.

Love ya lots girls,

trannie T
03-07-2006, 12:02 AM
I have several in each ear. Nobody says anything about them except for the girls who think its really sexy.

03-07-2006, 03:53 AM
Girls, I have to thank you all profusely!

All this talk about pierced ears got me charged; charged enough to go and get my non-pierced ear...well...pierced! :) Needs a couple of days to heal and then the world of earrings opens up!

Thank you so much! If and when I meet each and everyone of you, one drink is on me!


03-07-2006, 07:41 AM
Girls, I have to thank you all profusely!

All this talk about pierced ears got me charged; charged enough to go and get my non-pierced ear...well...pierced! :) Needs a couple of days to heal and then the world of earrings opens up!

Thank you so much! If and when I meet each and everyone of you, one drink is on me!


Was that hard? See how easy it is... Any reactions from the gang?

Bekka Taylor
04-04-2006, 07:37 PM
I've got both ears pierced three times and a small stud in my nose, I love them. Just go for it.:happy: