View Full Version : Happy for My Friend :)

10-31-2016, 09:23 PM
I while back I posted about my friend who came out to his GF and she couldnt deal with it and since then made his life a living hell.
Well, its all over....she is moving out at the end of November.
Im so happy he can finally move on with his life.
She was a huge anchor and he is so much happier now, its unbelieveable.
Its nice when bad things have good endings.....

11-01-2016, 12:03 AM
it's always good losing a bad anchor.
Hope s/he lets the next one know before getting serious

11-01-2016, 07:00 AM
Her loss, she could have doubled her wardrobe. See how smart it is to be a CD, you can weed out the bad ones early.

Joni T
11-01-2016, 03:36 PM
My bad anchor walked away from 28 years of marriage 4 years ago to be some dude she met in her bowling league (I hate bowling). Best thing that ever happened to me.

11-01-2016, 04:00 PM
Split ups are never good at the time but most happen for a reason and your friend made the right decision before it went too far.

I remember playing , " Leaving on a jet plane ," over and over when i split from a GF, at the time it brought tears and smiles in equal measure, it was a favourite of a hers, the words reminded me of her but the thought of jumping on a jet plane and moving on gave me hope at that particular time. It still touches me even now when I hear it, I just give a smile of what might have been and let it pass !

Just for the record her name was also Teresa and she was OK about my CDing, but other things didn't work and she moved away and found someone else.

11-01-2016, 04:19 PM
Living with someone you are not married to is not wise

11-01-2016, 04:50 PM
Sometimes bad anchor will haunt rest of your life. I was married to a very spiteful woman that even tried to blackmail me. It took me years for her to leave me alone.
I am very happy for your friend.

Lana Mae
11-01-2016, 05:37 PM
I am glad your friend had a happy ending! It does not always come out that way! Dolovewell, not wise but sometimes it happens(sorry, but your age is showing) LOL Hugs Lana Mae

11-02-2016, 07:11 AM
Her loss, she could have doubled her wardrobe. See how smart it is to be a CD, you can weed out the bad ones early.

Ha ha, love it! But that's assuming you wear the same size. Myself lucky to have accepting loving wife who encourages my dressing. Just wish we were the same size :)

11-02-2016, 07:35 AM
dolovewell, you must be a lawyer or never married and divorced. Divorce lawyers love married people, if they can get them fighting and stretch it out both lawyers win. They can run their bills up at $300.00 plus an hour and in my case I had to pay my Xwife's lawyer according to the judge who was also a lawyer. When I challenged it the judge, her lawyer and I had a meeting in the judges chambers, after the judge and her lawyer finished their twenty minute conversation about their hunt club he told me pay or go to jail.

You can live together, draw up legal papers on property, etc. and just walk away if it doesn't work out. NO money sucking lawyers!!

BTW you look great in your avatar, love the way your bra shows through the white sweater. If we all could look like you.

11-02-2016, 08:50 AM
I've watched the documentary "Divorce Corp" on Netflix which shows what a nightmare divorce lawyers and family law courts can be, simply because there is so much corruption. The problem is that a lot of states consider cohabitation to practically mean you are married, meaning there will still be a lot of legal drama should things hit the fan.

I live by a set of rules. One of the rules is this:

NEVER under any circumstance live with a woman you aren’t married to or are not planning to marry in within 6 months.

Because every liability and accountability of marriage is still in effect. It also gives the woman way too much leverage.


Thanks for the compliment? Apparently white bras are considered a fashion color now instead of a neutral color. I always assumed white was a default underwear color, but not anymore. I know when I was growing up all the girls in my class and such wore white bras under white shirts. But most women wear nude bras these days since they don't show under tops, which I don't own one. So I really had no choice, a white bra was the best option to wear under that pink tank top.

Tracii G
11-02-2016, 09:15 AM
I agree if you aren't planning to marry her don't live with a woman.
Once she moves in she will automatically assume she is running things.Little things she doesn't like will brought up and you will have to change.
That may be something as trivial as a shower curtain or how you do everyday things.

11-02-2016, 10:43 AM
If there is one piece of advice I could give all cross dressers who are still in their teen years it would be to thoroughly understand your cross dressing needs, realize that the need to cross dress will change and probably increase over your life and so, DO TELL ANY PROSPECTIVE PARTNER/SPOUSE. It may cause a storm and lots of emotional upset but that is NOTHING when compared to not telling and having your partner/spouse find out many years later when you will probably have children and lots of relatives and many other entanglements.
I did tell before marriage but I did not either properly understand my cross dressing needs and certainly did not have a clue as to how they would evolve through my lifetime.