View Full Version : Prep time

11-05-2016, 10:40 AM
So in a little over a week I get the chance to be Helen all day for 7 days. And as they say, "Poor Planning Promotes Poor Performance (PPPPP)". The is another version with 6 P's but I'll leave that aside.

Hence, I've been using a slow tan cream to darken my legs. OK most likely I'll be in tights as the weather turns colder but there's a chance I may be bare legged. More importantly I've been using it on my upper chest. As I intend to create cleavage I don't want to have snowy white curvy bits with a darker V just below the chin from wearing polo shirts. Looking for an even covering. Applying extra on the chest bone to help accentuate the cleavage. Same thing as using a bit of dark eye shadow to add shading.

Last night the hair came off the legs; re-shaved today as you never get the little blighters all in one go. Next is to thin the hair on my arms. Not brave enough to shave them completely but it'll certainly be thinner. Thankfully I'm not that hirsute so the change won't be too noticeable to those around me. Unsure as to whether or not to shave under arm. I never wear anything than reveals those areas so I may just go with a good trim.

Clothing has been picked and packed in readiness and since I'm in the closet I plan has been hatched to get the aforesaid out of the house undetected. Home alone at present so wearing heels to give my muscles a bit of exercise to ready them for what's to come.

Eye brows have been slowly thinned over the past 2 weeks so as not to draw attention. Not going overboard there as I feel too thing on my face doesn't suit. Going for gentle shaping. Attention to the middle bit. A mono brow is a bit of giveaway.

Plans are laid to get out and meet others as well as shopping trips. I need some new bras to go with my new forms and I've decided I'd really like a knee length hounds-tooth skirt. Saw my neighbour wearing one the other day and it looked a little bit classy.

So still a few bits and bobs to sort but I think I'm on track. Hopefully I'll be able to post a few pic's of at least a few of my outfits if not actual ones out and about.

Wish me luck

Lana Mae
11-05-2016, 02:37 PM
Sounds like some good planning. Do it and get us some pics. The very best of luck to you!! Hugs Lana Mae

11-05-2016, 02:58 PM
I knew I would be wearing more revealing clothes or at least the chance to wear them so I've been trying to expose my legs as much as possible this year and when walking the dog finding quite places to walk where I could expose my upper body, tan lines haven't been a problem. I'm not sure about going bared legged. Luckily I've reached the point where my whole body is shaved.

I hope it all happens for you, as for all the Ps, we never get it perfect but then GGs don't either.

I do agree with you hounds tooth pencil skirts do work well , I never thought I would enjoy wearing them as much.

11-05-2016, 03:10 PM
Planning for it is so exciting isn't it! Have fun!

Nikki A.
11-05-2016, 03:19 PM
Shave your underarms, it looks so much nicer. I've been doing it for years and I notice I sweat & smell a lot less and the deodorant is much more effective.
Enjoy your week and have fun with it.

11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
I saw this comment sometime ago and didn't believe it now I do shave I find it is true, even on hot days there's less sweat and obviously little or no smell. I find women's deodorant is more effective and lasts longer if there is a problem.

11-05-2016, 11:49 PM
Good luck!

11-06-2016, 01:07 AM
I am with Nikki & Teresa on shaving your underarms, they are so much better.
I do mine and have to agree that using women's deodorant makes you feel so much fresher.
Hope you enjoy your trip.

11-06-2016, 10:39 AM
I knew I would be wearing more revealing clothes or at least the chance to wear them so I've been trying to expose my legs as much as possible this year and when walking the dog finding quite places to walk where I could expose my upper body, tan lines haven't been a problem.


Like you I've taken the opportunity this year to wear shorts whenever I can with sandals or flip flops so I don't get a tan line around the ankles plus when doing jobs around the house I've worn a sports vest so as to rid myself of the farmer's arms. That's also allowed a better tan under my chin and across the top of my chest so the bottles slow tan is to some extent a top up exercise.

I've heard that shaving underarm does reduce sweating as deodorant coats the skin and not the hair. Just might have to bite the bullet on than one.

Other things I've remembered; new bottle of super glue for the stick on nails. For those unaware, super glue has a shelf life of only a few months once opened. It looses it's strength. I've had nails pop off as a result. Also I've got the glue remover this time so I can clean off my own nails once I'm back to drab.

I may also use this trip to thin out my wardrobe. As I progress my tastes have changed and coupled to that as I get older there are things a GG my age is unlikely to wear. Hence it makes sense to find them a new home in a charity shop. I must admit to wondering what the shop worker will be thinking when a CD walks in with a bag full of old clothes. I'll have to watch their expression. Add to the age thing that my space is limited it makes even more sense to create room for new stuff. I can still see me trying everything on first though, "Just in case".