View Full Version : Baby steps to a Giant Leap!

11-07-2016, 02:47 PM
And the earth didn't open up!

Yesterday morning I had my second personal meeting with a seasoned, fantastically wonderful forum sister. I met her, as I had vowed to her I would, in full fem, top to bottom: wig, makeup, forms, jewelry, nails, black leggins and t-shirt, white wind breaker, 3 1/2" open toe, white wedges and red toenails and my new, black purse. I was just a little nervous as I walked girly steps across the parking lot where I met her. We sat for a coffee chat and to show her phone photos and videos of my earlier, very careful outings... my baby steps. People were walking past us and didn't bat an eye even as we took some photos. My mentor sister even suggested that we continue my new feminine journey by going to another place, a large supermarket. I really had to think about that as I didn't yet have that much nerve.

As things progressed, and feeling so wonderful that I had done it presenting as a woman, I simply forgot that I was an older guy! It was so natural being me, the girl inside, that I really didn't care what others may have thought. I was finally ME, the whole person that I wanted to be, "I gotta be me, I gotta be me," as the song says, and I finally was.

My forum sister's absolute assurance that I was properly and nicely presenting as a woman made me feel terrific, in that gentle, low key environment. I was so happy that I had been among some normals as a woman. But, I had to pee! What to do now? She said let's go to the coffee shop, and you can use the ladies' room. What !!! She urged me on, so I went to the ladies' room, did my thing, remembered to put the seat back down, and the adventure continued ... yep, we drove to the supermarket! It was in a major shopping center, and lots of people were around.

Her calmness inspired me! I put my phone, car keys and money in the purse. She rounded up a small shopping cart for me. I put the purse in the wire tray, and off we went, entering the store along with others. I felt so natural that I couldn't believe I wasn't nervous... but excited? YES!We walked the store. I pushed my prop, and we stopped in the OTC drugs area. She got my phone and took several photos of me there and said, "you now belong here." What an absolute thrill !!

We left the store and in crossing the drive area, I lost a nail. I traced my steps and found it, bending lady-like to retrieve it She again took a couple of pics of me, and we talked about our next meeting being for dinner at a nice restaurant in Newport Beach. Why not, I thought. I could wear my LBD or LRD and be dressy this time! We'll work on the date.

We parted ways after my profound thanks for all that I done that morning with her encouragement and personal guidance. It was, finally, a truly wonderful experience for this old girl! I refreshed my glossy red lipstick and thought that i could do more today since I was already presenting as a woman. I drove to a sports park (lot of people around) and walked to an overlook, took pics, back to the car. I was hungry, so off to a Wendy's drive through where I got a 'thank you, ma'am'.

I felt so girlishly giddy! I had actually gotten well out of the closet I was truly a happy woman!

I hope this long story was worth your reading. I just had to tell it as it happened. The moral? It will help you to do the same, if you can locate an experienced, agreeable forum girl to assist and encourage you. BTW, yes photos were taken, but I'm not yet ready to show same, so please, 'no pics, it didn't happen' comments. If you doubt me, PM me and we'll have a girl-to-girl talk.

I've only just begun!

Love and hugs to all.


11-07-2016, 02:56 PM
Great story, I am soooo jealous!! I dream of being able to do something like that.

11-07-2016, 02:59 PM
That is tremendous! Keep on keeping on. I've only gone out after much help from a gg. On Halloween. You're light years ahead of me.

11-07-2016, 03:25 PM
That was an inspiring story. Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on living a day on your terms.

11-07-2016, 03:32 PM
You've found out as I did what the way the forum can help you, it's good to hear all about your first time out, so pleased for you.

How much has your attitude already changed to the way you feel about your dressing ? Do you feel the thoughts of passing are fading away, you weren't nervous just a feeling how right it feels, your inner feelings are finally being satisfied, you've been out and your female side has been accepted. I also found that thinking through outfits means something now, I try and think how would a GG dress in the same circumstances, the great thing is I've had GGs compliment on how well I do it . Keep taking those pictures they are so useful, post them when you're ready and comfortable with showing them.

Rachael Leigh
11-07-2016, 04:33 PM
Jenny now that you did it, it will just get easier and easier and yes it will become natural. So glad you had a great time

11-07-2016, 04:41 PM
Very nice experience Jenny, Perhaps you are getting more comfortable out.

Lana Mae
11-07-2016, 04:58 PM
You encourage me! You are ahead of me but I will get there! Thanks for sharing! Hugs Lana Mae

11-07-2016, 05:46 PM
You've found out as I did what the way the forum can help you, it's good to hear all about your first time out, so pleased for you.

How much has your attitude already changed to the way you feel about your dressing ? Do you feel the thoughts of passing are fading away, you weren't nervous just a feeling how right it feels, your inner feelings are finally being satisfied, you've been out and your female side has been accepted. I also found that thinking through outfits means something now, I try and think how would a GG dress in the same circumstances, the great thing is I've had GGs compliment on how well I do it . Keep taking those pictures they are so useful, post them when you're ready and comfortable with showing them.

Teresa, my attitude towards my dressing is a more positive one due to yesterday's thrilling experiences! What is fading away is my concern of not being able to be out and about as my girl self under the right circumstances.

- - - Updated - - -

You encourage me! You are ahead of me but I will get there! Thanks for sharing! Hugs Lana Mae

Lana Mae, don't rush. You will when you are ready. It took me years to do it, and I wouldn't have without the wonderful help and encouragement I received from our forum sisters, and one special one.

11-07-2016, 05:53 PM
... But, I had to pee! What to do now? She said let's go to the coffee shop, and you can use the ladies' room. What !!! She urged me on, so I went to the ladies' room, did my thing, remembered to put the seat back down, ...

Jenny, congratulations on getting out but if this was a multi stall bathroom, SIT. I can't imagine the look on some woman's face if they were to enter a restroom and see the backs of someones shoes under the stall door, coupled with the sound of falling liquid.

Kandi Robbins
11-07-2016, 06:11 PM
Pretty soon you can take off the training wheels and get out there by yourself! Well done and exactly what it is like out there, a big nonissue.

11-07-2016, 08:29 PM
Thanks so much for sharing, Jenny. Sounds like you had a wonderful time...so happy for you....:)

Lauren Richards
11-11-2016, 08:19 PM
Thank you for sharing your delightful experience. The details were terrific, and I could nearly imagine being there with you, drinking coffee and wandering around a grocery store, totally girl mode. Something changes when we stop trying to be a man trying to conceal the fact that we are wearing women's clothing, and become comfortable with being a person who enjoys our feminine side, and the clothing which comes with it. As you found out, it is transformative.

One thing which I rather enjoyed was the use of the small grocery cart as a "prop." An octogenarian lady would most likely use one not only to carry groceries selected from the shelves and bins, but also use it as a less conspicuous walker. Being natural in your movements for your age and using a small cart (as would be natural) only enhances your ability to be unseen. An odd thing, being unseen, but totally true in most cases. And if someone sees you as a man in women's clothing, no worries. They may be looking for ways to improve their look for the next time they slip into something appropriate to their brain gender. Terrific that you felt so comfortable.

The other high point for me was what you did on your own, no helpful guide present. It seemed like you felt, finally, free to be Jenny. On your own, in the world with others, accepting of yourself and enjoying the simple things which make life so grand. Air, trees, walking. Wonderful!

Looking forward to your next chapter. Perhaps that grocery store can be your go-to place for food. A place where you are only known as Jenny. Or perhaps... you have a lifetime of things which you have kept yourself from doing... until now.

Training wheels off. Go!


phylis anne
11-12-2016, 06:24 PM
Jenny, congratulations on getting out but if this was a multi stall bathroom, SIT. I can't imagine the look on some woman's face if they were to enter a restroom and see the backs of someones shoes under the stall door, coupled with the sound of falling liquid.

:eek::heehee::tongueout gigggggle

11-12-2016, 06:52 PM
Jenny, it's good to hear you had such an amazing time. It is really amazing to see how you girls help and encourage, even outspokenly cheer for each other :)

Karen RHT
11-12-2016, 07:02 PM
Enjoyed your story Jenny. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.
