View Full Version : I haven't crossdressed in a while...

11-10-2016, 11:46 PM
On Halloween, my boyfriend saw me dressed for the first time. He's always know that I did it, and he's seen me try certain things on, but this was the first time he'd seen me fully dressed. Everything seemed like it was normal, but a few days later he told me that it unsettled him. He said that I was pretty, but it was creepy because it was like some girl stole his boyfriend's face.

I had an instagram where I was posting pictures of myself while dressed, and I deleted all of the photos where I was wearing my wig. I really want to get dressed up again, and I want to share outfits that I'm proud of, but I can't bring myself to do it after I made him so uncomfortable. All I seem to do anymore is stare at my closet, and that's as far as I get. I don't really know what to do about it, but I haven't talked to anybody about it yet, and it's really bothering me.

11-11-2016, 01:14 AM
Well, for most of us it never goes away. Maybe you need to work out a DADT relationship with your BF?

11-11-2016, 03:39 AM
It is hard to see the person you love, try to be someone else (my wife reminds me often).
She doesn't look at my "Rachel" picture folder on my PC or veiw my blog often.
I suppose if he is your "happy ever after", you may need a few hours to "yourself" every so often.

Emily Ann Brown
11-11-2016, 07:34 AM
My experience and observation is that friends and contacts have least trouble with our feeling about our dressing that the people that love us. I am very sorry about your situation. I for one have been there. HUG. Em

11-11-2016, 09:24 AM
It doesn't matter if its a boyfriend or girlfriend, or spouse; Its a difficult road understanding or accepting our cross-dressing. Good Luck!

11-11-2016, 11:11 AM
Although you didn't state this, I am assuming from your post that you are a gay male and that your boyfriend is also a gay male. My guess is, that as a gay male, he wants a relationship with another gay male, and not a female or a male dressed as a female.

I could be wrong of course because I don't really know what your boyfriend wants or how he feels. This is something the two of you need to work out together. Or maybe you need a boyfriend that accepts you as a crossdresser. You have the advantage here that this is just a boyfriend relationship, not a marriage with children. There's not the same level of hurt if it doesn't work out.

11-11-2016, 11:20 AM
I think it shows that CDs are not attractive to Gay men. They don't like girly things. I would work out a DADT relationship with him. and have a long conversation with him letting him know how you feel and getting that time to be fem. Yeah they like men only. I have been there. And to be a CD in a relationship. Two married men contacted me and they do want to see you fem. Thant was pretty revealing and the sex was fantastic.

11-11-2016, 11:39 AM
Really sorry to hear about the discomfort both you and you BF are having over your dressing. Like many here who have had troubles with their significant other, it seems communication and compromise are the key to getting to a place where things are okay again.

I hope things get back to good for you two soon.

Hugs, Sayyidah