View Full Version : Amazing wife amazing life

Teri Ray
11-18-2016, 09:05 AM
After having the difficult open discussion with my wife about my crossdressing I find that my wife and I have found a renewed loving bond. We share more laugh more and enjoy doing things together more. Crossdressing does not consume our life but being open with my wife has brought some unexpected changes for the better. We now share shopping trips and seem to have fun doing so. We have been taking things slow and find little things to share that we both enjoy.

Little things like shopping for nail polish together and painting each others toes. She mentioned how nice it is to have me paint her toes and not have to bend over and do them herself. I can relate to that. I enjoy doing hers and very much enjoy having her paint mine. Doesn't seem like a big thing but it sure is nice.

Yesterday she surprised me by bringing home a pair of new panties as a gift for me. Whew that was so very thoughtful and nice. I do so love her.

Just had to share this experience with those of you who would appreciate how lucky I am. And yes to brag a bit about my amazing wife.

Thanks of taking the time to listen.

11-18-2016, 09:31 AM
I have the same type if relationship with my wife, as well. I wouldn't have it any other way.

11-18-2016, 09:34 AM
I am SOOOO jealous! :)

Beverley Sims
11-18-2016, 09:35 AM
Yes it is wonderful to have such a relationship.

Just remember to be thoughtful and share moments with your wife and not let it be a one way street.

Rachael Leigh
11-18-2016, 09:35 AM
Teri, yes she's very special and your very lucky
While my wife is not quite that accepting she's still very special because I really think she try's to understand and I guess
sometimes that's enough

11-18-2016, 10:17 AM
Teri Ray, you've found the key -- help your wife have fun with your CDing and your love will only grow. My wife enjoys helping me with makeup, she is much better with eye liner than I will ever be. We go shopping together and she also loves it when I give her honest and informed comment about her own wardrobe, to help her find the clothes that make her look and feel her very best. And I can rely on her to let me know when I stray into Mrs Doubtfire territory.

Elizabeth G
11-18-2016, 10:19 AM
Hi Teri,

Cherish her and that relationship. My wife only recently learned of my dressing and we are slowly working through things but I don't ever anticipate being in your position. You are very lucky.


Sarah Louise
11-18-2016, 03:15 PM
Yes, I know what you mean. We're not at the stage of painting each other's toes (I doubt we ever will), but we can go shopping together and I've been able to buy clothes in her presence. She values my opinion on clothes she's considering, whereas before she knew, she would dismiss my view if it was different to hers. It's great to share a common interest.

11-18-2016, 03:52 PM
Very nice Teri, Yeah we have painted our nails. But now we get mani's and pedi's together which seem as nice and we often shop together looking or buying clothes.

11-18-2016, 03:59 PM
Yes Teri, it is wonderful to have such a loving and accepting wife. Glad things are going well for you and hope it continues. Hugs.

Bonnie Chan
11-18-2016, 06:01 PM
Congratulations Teri :) I wish you the best happiness. Just please do not forget the feeling before you told your wife, so that you'd always appreciate the current moment you share with your wife.

- Bonnie

Tracy Irving
11-18-2016, 06:43 PM
Panties are always a great surprise. A new pair can put a put a smile on my face for quite a while :)

11-18-2016, 09:41 PM
I love your post Teri, and I have to say I love your pic. I have boob envy.

11-19-2016, 11:10 AM
That's terrific, Teri. Thank you for sharing your story.

11-19-2016, 11:21 AM
Great wife and a great story.

I too have an amazingly supportive wife and i essentially try to do something for her every time she does something for me. So if we go shoe shopping for me, I'll go with her clothes shopping. If i order stockings online, i will get a pair for her as well. At least for me, it takes a constant effort too not always make it about me. Sometimes tough in the pink fog.. :)

11-19-2016, 11:26 AM
Hi Teri! I love to hear stories like this. Congratulations on your wonderful marriage; you give many of us inspiration!

Teri Ray
11-19-2016, 11:46 AM
Thanks for the lovely replies. I know I am a lucky person.

11-19-2016, 02:18 PM
That is so nice. Your wife is wonderful.

01-04-2017, 05:08 AM
I too, have a very supportive wife! Told her on our second date 13 years ago and it's been bliss since! Love it!!!

01-04-2017, 06:24 AM
Thanks for sharing. Those small things you do for each other, keep it up!

01-04-2017, 02:45 PM
You absolutely do have an incredible sweet wife, Teri Ray. You're blessed.

01-04-2017, 03:35 PM
Having an understanding wife is the best thing you can have. It's not always rainbows and puppies there are some challenges, but it sure beats not having one.

Jess S.
01-04-2017, 08:29 PM
Teri, I am happy for you! It is great to share these experiences with our loved ones.

01-06-2017, 08:32 PM
Hi Teri,

I too have to brag about my amazing wife! She is supportive of my feminine psyche but we haven't gone shopping together. Heck, we don't like shopping together regardless of my feminine ways. She'll shop for me whenever I like although I usually just use her credit card and make on-line purchases. My feminine spirit has actually brought us closer together. She loves me unconditionally and accepts me for who I truly am. We have so much more to learn about about each other. We are really trying hard to be there for one another always :) I'm so blessed...I'm so fortunate...I do not take her love for me for granted. She's such a strong woman and I need to do better in telling her how special she is to me! Nikki

Teri Ray
01-07-2017, 09:15 AM
Nikki sounds wonderful. I am so happy for you. Best wishes.