View Full Version : Super Moon Swim Night

Lauren Richards
11-20-2016, 10:14 PM
Was out of town on business on the night of the recent Super Moon, so thought it would be a good idea to float around in the hotel pool late in the evening, and soak it all in. So I did.

Warm pool, warm night, Super Moon floating in the clear, star-filled sky, and an occasional airplane on approach to the airport slicing a wing through the moon, not leaving a mark. Me, floating in the pool, not a care, fully in the moment.

The sand in my hour-glass figure may have shifted a bit, and now resembles more of a sand dune than an hour-glass. Doesn't matter. The feel of the one piece suite, and the freedom of being in the water on such a night more than makes up for it.

After a while, a bit more wrinkled than normal (normal is SO boring), emerged and dried off. A long, warm, soaking bath with lavender, wild orchid and shea butter bath and body oil in the water finished off the evening. Most delightful.

Hope you allow yourself to have times like these, too. Most delightful, indeed.


S. Lisa Smith
11-20-2016, 10:41 PM
Sounds like you had a blast!!!

11-20-2016, 11:46 PM
So sweet just relaxing in the pool.
Done it a few times myself but you look alot better in a one piece