View Full Version : Another fantasy thread ..Thanksgiving

Rogina B
11-27-2016, 08:40 PM
So,some of you wish that you could show up at Thanksgiving gatherings in female clothes..I am sure some people have thought of the "question and answer" session that might follow your entrance. What would you tell them? "Why are you like this ?" asks your FIL.. "Are you gay?" asks your BIL.."Is it just clothes ?" your mother asks. So,many here claim to be "just a crossdresser" BUT..Can you explain yourself? And,are you comfortable in doing so? After all,"it" plays a part in your everyday thoughts for some.... So,you would come out as a ?

11-27-2016, 11:57 PM
I can explain it; doesn't mean they're going to like it, or even accept it. People like simple explanations. Black and white. Not shades of gray. And they want it in terms that they're already familiar with. Having to deal with something new, especially something new that they're uncomfortable with, very often makes them hold on all the more to what they already feel about us. We don't fit into their nice, simple world, where everything is just fine, and things that they're uncomfortable with belong in other people's lives, not theirs. So they need to feel that there's something wrong with us, and so, that we need to be 'fixed'. The answer that there is no 'fix' to this, doesn't fit with how they want to feel.
Men are afraid; they see what appears to be a somewhat normal guy, who then for some unknown reason, became a sissy. They're afraid that if it happened to someone else, it could happen to them. Not knowing what happened, they simply want to avoid 'catching' whatever it was, so they don't want anything to do with us. Women depend on men in their lives for support and protection. Seeing us embrace THEIR role, can make them feel less secure, again, upsetting how they want their life to be. I looked normal to them; now, they have reason to feel that I essentially fooled them into thinking I was normal. They don't like being fooled. What if other men are fooling them too? Now their lives aren't as safe as they thought. Now they have to worry, they think, because maybe the men in their lives won't protect them when the need arises.

In my case, the single most important thing that contributed to my being this way, was being molested. Sure, there were other contributing factors after that fact. But without that, none of those other things would have made a difference. And people do not want to have to face that their kids live in a world where there are sexual predators out there. They don't want to think about that. How awful, they think. Who would do such a thing? And then it comes. They look around. Which adult that they know, might be capable of the same thing? Because someone is. In any grade school classroom, you can find at least one kid who has been abused this way. And there's no way for them to figure it out.

And then, there's the media, who reports things with twisted logic, that takes the fact that all child abusers were abused themselves, into everyone who was abused, will become a child abuser. And that makes me, and anyone like me, a potential threat to their children. Then they slowly distance themselves from me, removing me from their life.

They don't want to live with that fear. So they ignore it. Pretend that it, and I, don't exist. It's easier that way. So they don't have to think about it. And go on pretending that life in their little section of the world is just fine, thank you.

If I told my tale at the Thanksgiving dinner table, you'd be able to hear a pin drop. On carpeting.

Beverley Sims
11-28-2016, 07:47 AM
Rogina, for thanksgiving I think it would make a big impact at a family gathering.

Yes, you would get it all over in one hit but I think a slow reveal at an insignificant time of the year would be more appropriate.

Even a Halloween come out could work wonders.

Not at traditional family gatherings.

Although I did come out as Father Christmas some years ago, this worked and I am Father Christmas every year now.

Some of my children think I am Father Christmas all the time. :-)

11-28-2016, 08:13 AM
Rogina, for thanksgiving I think it would make a big impact at a family gathering.
Yeah, probably too big.
But it is a fantasy scenario. I would field the questions with explaining that I have an overwhelming artistic desire to immerse myself in the female experience.
But not in a sexual way. Just the clothes, appearance and posture. Wanting to better experience life from a different point of view.
So, after they swallow that we could all just sit down and have dinner.

Rogina B
11-28-2016, 10:17 PM
I can explain it; doesn't mean they're going to like it, or even accept it.

If I told my tale at the Thanksgiving dinner table, you'd be able to hear a pin drop. On carpeting.
You put the situation into words very well ! I have been living an "out" life for almost 12 years and have been [early on] put in "conversational boxes" where I was burdened with the explanation. It occasionally happens now with the local rednecks.

11-29-2016, 08:32 AM
"Coming out" as a crossdresser is something you cannot take back. People who know you and see you wearing a dress, boobs, hips, wig, etc. are not going to forget that sight. You will forever be a crossdresser in their minds.

Now some of us may be looking for a way to come out but a large family gathering is a really bad place to do this. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks but it's also about family. It would be very selfish to show up as a woman and focus all the attention on yourself.