View Full Version : Checking out our new panties

12-03-2016, 10:34 PM
The other day my wife saw a special online for panties and said did you see this ad for panties? They look like Christmas colors. I looked at her screen and she said she wanted to order some. Ended up that I ordered for both of us. They came in yesterday. I opened the package and started to hand her's to her. She said what kind did you get? So we sat down and went through them. Opened the packages. Cut the price tags off and talked about how great a buy they were. Lucky for us we prefer different styles and there is a size difference too. Life is good.

12-03-2016, 10:39 PM
Almost the same think happened here..... email from Shadowline Xmas sale plus free shipping. My wife used to wear shadowline and, of course, I still do. We discussed sizes adn colors.... and placed the order!

Ain't life grand!

12-03-2016, 11:14 PM
LOL, Liz.'

A good and charming story.
The last discussion The Wife and I had over panties was a disagreement over WHOSE panties they were coming out of the dryer. Black panties.... so difficult to read the labels. And I'm not going to tell her that her panties are the larger ones.

12-04-2016, 06:23 AM
Ouch, certainly be ready to duck before you do !

I prefer to keep my laundry discrete, I only do it when I have the house to myself. I must admit seeing just your clothes on the rotary line does raise a smile, it the neighbours do catch a glance they must think my wife wears some interesting clothes.

Liz, it must be great to be in that situation and order jointly , then be able to compare the new items .

12-04-2016, 11:26 PM
Teresa, Years ago when I was staying with my aunt I needed to wash my lingerie. She only had a clothes line. I washed everything and hung them out. She got a kick out of it saying she hoped the neighbors thought they were hers because mine were much sexier. She was very supportive and encouraged me to go out in fem.