View Full Version : Checkout a college campus

12-08-2016, 10:31 PM
Next week I have a blessed day to myself to be Camille. Can't wait to feel pretty and see her shining eyes looking back at me from the mirror. <3

I've been looking to do more outings, but don't necessarily want to go to a very crowded place where I'd have a lot of up-close people exposure. Nor do I want to go to a overly deserted place where I have zero people interaction. I wouldn't mind just a walk somewhere pretty where I can take some selfies and perhaps walk by other people now and then.

So I had the idea to checkout the Stanford campus during the afternoon, which is pretty close to where I live. Despite it being winter break for the students, the campus is open for anyone to explore and has a lot of pretty buildings and gardens to see. Plus there's bound to still be some folks about that I can casually pass by as I explore. And being a pretty liberal place overall, I'm not too concerned with any negative vibes or comments coming my way.

I have two outfits picked out. One is more casual: just skinny jeans and brown boots, with a blue/green top and a long black sweater over it. The other is a bit nicer: a maroon sweater dress with a cowl neck, heather gray leggings, and the same brown boots and a brown belt with a long necklace to accessorize.

I'll post some pics next week.


Rachael Leigh
12-08-2016, 10:38 PM
Always fun to get out and do some outdoor shots. Look forward to seeing them

Diane Smith
12-08-2016, 11:13 PM
It sounds like a good plan. College campuses are usually clean places with nice architecture and many opportunities for creative photography. During break the traffic will be light. (I don't recommend going out on the quad during midday passing periods on a nice day; you will get run over if you don't move fast enough, no matter how you're dressed!) And the passersby will probably be friendly, or at least tolerant.

This sounds like such a good idea that I may try it in my own college hometown sometime soon. But not this time of year, because it's about 20°F out there right now, and if I stand still long enough to take a picture, my feet will freeze to the ground.

- Diane

12-08-2016, 11:19 PM
sounds like a good plan.
My uni has a large LGBT and several lecturers who lecture in both modes.

12-09-2016, 02:26 PM
What a great idea as a place to go out!! I'm gonna do it! Thanks>

12-09-2016, 02:43 PM
I think the break would be a good time to stroll across campus. Be sure and post the pics, also I think the skinny jeans and brown boots with a blue top and sweater would be my choice. You'll fit right in not matter who might be there over the break.

Jenni Yumiko
12-09-2016, 03:52 PM
Be prepared for random stops. My daughters school and a lot of other schools are tightening down on people walking around due to all the issues lately. Her school was on lockdown twice since fall. (Another big ten)
By no means am I discouraging you, they just keep an eye out more now.

12-09-2016, 07:48 PM
Before checking out the campus en femme you may want to check the schedules for tours of the nearby Frank Lloyd Wright house there. You may need to make a reservation, but the tour should be worth the effort.

5150 Girl
12-10-2016, 12:47 AM
I think you'll find most campuses are liberal places. I'm full time on my campus and nobody bats an eye.

12-10-2016, 08:56 AM
Be prepared for random stops. My daughters school and a lot of other schools are tightening down on people walking around due to all the issues lately. Her school was on lockdown twice since fall. (Another big ten)
By no means am I discouraging you, they just keep an eye out more now.

That's a very good point. Someone wandering around aimlessly on a college campus is likely to draw attention. A person wearing what to some looks like a disguise would draw even more attention.