View Full Version : Outed to my children

12-14-2016, 08:01 PM
Hi everyone, and couple of friday`s ago, my wife was a little drunk and she told our children about my dressing, in a way I glad about it, I`ve been dressing since the age of 12ish, my wife new I dressed right from the start, and was ok with it all up until last year when she broke her knee, then didn`t like me dressing, so I stopped, and wish I hadn`t, we`ve been married next year 30 years, but since that day, I think it`s over between us, I`m gutted but there isn`t anything i can do to change it, I thought I would share this with you all,


Tracy Irving
12-14-2016, 08:30 PM
I have never heard of a causal relationship between a broken knee and a newfound dislike for cross dressing. And this leads to the end of a marriage? There is probably more to this story. Find out what is really going on with your wife. Communication is important. It might save your marriage.

12-14-2016, 09:13 PM
Wow sorry to hear that Jeniffer, I hope thing get better for you.

My SO thinks putting on woman's clothes was something I did fooling around while in my teens.
She doesn't know I still do it sometimes, and has never told me not to do it.

When my wife doesn't like something I'm doing she make life hell for me till I conform.
I do hate sneaking around but Judy is part of who I am and I don't need anyone telling me I can't be me!

12-14-2016, 11:10 PM
Sorry to hear about your marriage, but it's not every couple who shares the same dream over decades, most people experience things differently and have different expectations on life as they journey through it.
I doubt a broken knee is the issue in your relationship, more likely she wants to take her life in a different direction, maybe a conversation you 2 should have?
As to the kids knowing - so long as you cross dress with respect for women, I doubt that will be much of an issue - all my kids know (9 yrs -23 years old).

12-15-2016, 01:54 AM

I can only repeat the words of my first counselor when she had to work on me to stop going around in circles with assumptions in my head. You do sound as if you have that problem.
You know you have to sit down and talk to your wife to get to the bottom of this, she might be regretting being slightly drunk and telling the children, so perhaps she needs reassuring that you don't have a problem with it. Also you don't say how old your children are but have you spoken to them about how they feel.

My wife's biggest fear was my son finding out, in the end I told him after the talk with my counselor, and he's OK about it and even told his wife. My daughter is very supportive and her husband is fine in fact they both saw my pictures a few days a go.

I could still be going around in circles but breaking that cycle has proved better than stewing on it all and fearing the worse .

12-15-2016, 05:19 AM
I agree with Tracy, it is a strange connection. It's time to sit down and open up to each other in think. I'm no expert but it's too much to give up on unless there is a hidden agenda.
Keep your chin up xxxx
Emma x

12-15-2016, 10:07 AM
It sounds as if the alcohol allowed her to get feelings off her chest that she's been stewing over for a long time, but she should have discussed with you the decision to tell them- that was selfish of her. You were honest with her from the start, so you have nothing to blame yourself for.

I hope you can restore a balance between you that will let you continue to crossdress, and I hope too that your kids come to terms with the news.

Now's the time for patience, lots and lots of patience.

12-22-2016, 06:55 PM
I told my wife a few days after I proposed.
She was confused, but we talked and I answered every question she could think of.
My daughter walked in our room when I was dressing for work when she was around 5, she laughed and went and told my wife that Daddy is wearing girl panties. Wife talked to her and told her we didn't talk about what people wore. My son has seen plenty of panty waistbands over my jeans or shorts waistbands over the years and noticed the outline of a bra under a tshirt a couple of times. Both my daughter and my son have seen my bras and panties and shorts and shirts, blouses etc in the laundry but nothing else was ever said. Its obvious they arent my wifes things due to the size - shes a tiny little woman and most of my stuff comes from the pkusnsize stores.So - they know, nothings been said and life just keeps rolling along.
If they ever come right out and ask, I'll tell them. Otherwise, what I wear under my clothes is my business not theirs just like what they wear is theirs not mine.

Tracii G
12-22-2016, 07:17 PM
i feel there is more going on here so I will keep out of it.