View Full Version : I almost done it.

Sharon B.
01-09-2017, 03:22 PM
This morning I decided to get dressed as a woman, after taking a shower and shaving my body. I proceeded to get dressed as a woman, I even glued on my silicone breast inserts. After donning panties, next came coffee color pantyhose, black woman's slacks and black heels. I then preceded with my makeup, sprayed some perfume, took a woman's pull over sweater, loaded my purse up, put on a woman's long wool coat. I walked out to my vehicle, changed shoes to flat men's that could pass for women's, changed coats to a men's added a ball cap and sun glasses. I drove to a grocery store got a few items, I then drove to a park and changed back into my woman's coat. Removed the ball cap and put on a wig brushed it out, applied blush and another coat of lip gloss. Put my clip on earrings on and changed back into heels. I drove home as a woman and it felt wonderful. I can see myself going out dressed completely as a woman in the near future without any drab attire to change back into. I am in the process of letting my hair grow out and want to go to a beauty salon for dye, style and a manicure. If it gets below my ears I also want to get my ears pierced. That is my goal for 2017.

Julie MA
01-09-2017, 05:05 PM
You didn't almost, you did.

Sharon B.
01-09-2017, 05:44 PM
Except for the ball cap, men's coat and sun glasses. I'm sure there was no mistake in seeing I was wearing a woman's top and woman's slacks. Next time I want to be wearing woman's shoes, coat and no sun glasses.

01-10-2017, 07:47 AM
Congratulations on your achievement and yes it does feel wonderful.

Most of us have gone out a little bit at a time, building up our confidence and becoming more comfortable with going out. Keep taking those little steps and you'll be surprised just how far they'll take you.

01-10-2017, 08:35 AM
Hi Sharon, I like you target for this year and congrats and being out and about, no almost about it

Lana Mae
01-10-2017, 08:48 AM
Not almost, you did! Small steps a little at a time! Sounds like you have a plan, now work the plan! Best wishes going forward! Hugs Lana Mae

01-10-2017, 10:56 AM
I would reverse the order of changing but that's just me. I go out to the car underdressed because I don't want the neighbors to see me en femme. Sunglasses to hide eye makeup is something I thought of doing, but it could also look suspicious. Lightly tinted sunglasses might be better?