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View Full Version : Underdress or not with one exception

01-11-2017, 06:56 AM
Many men underdress and wear panties and hose under their jeans, or suits. Some men underdress all the time.

If a person didn't change anything else, except put on a pair of pumps or feminine shoes, that would be the biggest factor.

Even without undressing. If a person wore all male clothing but no socks and pumps, people would notice.

I went to the shoe store yesterday and purchased a couple of pairs of women's shoes. Like all other apparel the women's section was probably more than 90% of the store. As I walked up and down the aisles I noticed many male styles with low heel and everything looking exactly like men's shoes in the women's aisles.

Prior to going to the store I had discussed this with my wife. I had told her that it is not right that women can dress in men's suits and wear them and look totally beautiful. They can wear men's work clothing and work boots and remain feminine and look beautiful. Obviously any person that wears clothing should have clothing that fits them. No person would look good in a suit 6 sizes too large. So a woman in a male style tailored suit is still a woman in a man's suit. I believe that a handsome man can still be a handsome man in stylish female apparel.

I plan to wear women's shoes with or without hosiery in the future when it is appropriate. I am going to clean and repair an apartment I own today so today is not a appropriate. But going to the grocery or most other places would be.

I believe that if nothing but shoes were changed, people would identify a male as a crossdresser by just changing their shoes. Obviously a woman could wear the exact same jean's, shirt, belt and everything else and would not be crossing or be considered less feminine.

It it is kind of crazy that every shoe in the world can be worn by a female but 90% or more if worn by men deem them strange.

Shoes are the greatest single identifier.

01-11-2017, 07:36 AM
I love my heels. I am what you may consider a "waist down" crossdresser. I have no use for the wig, fake boobs, makeup, or presenting fem. I do love pantyhose, skirts, and heels. Skirts with pockets. I've worn skirts and hose to the store many times, and nobody bats an eye really. But as you said above, if I wear some heels with that combo, then all eyes are on me. I've worn some lace up boot style heels with jeans and it goes okay, as they're mostly hidden. Like you, I wouldn't wear a skirt to change the oil in my truck, but I might when I go out to buy the stuff to do the oil change.

Maybe it's because women love their shoes so much, that we're not allowed to. I don't know. It is a double standard for sure. But I'm doing my part for you, as every once in a while you'll find this dude in Home Depot or NAPA wearing a skirt, heels, and hosiery. It's a thrill, but I wish it was just as common as my Redwings and cargo pants.

01-11-2017, 08:20 AM
This is hitting close to one of my gender blender episodes that I've been meaning to try. Full lingerie, forms, heels and full makeup, nails, jewelry and wig. But, with a men's suit and tie. That would be devilishly exciting and would probably look cute!


Lisa Roberts
01-11-2017, 08:26 AM
You are absolutely correct. Just to test the waters, several years ago I started wearing "Toms"shoes. They make them for men and women, but the men's styles look almost exactly the same but no exciting patterns, colors and prints. I started ordering them in a larger Women's size in a pretty and more feminine color and print. I do get some strange looks, but I don't care, it's just a shoe in a different color maybe with flowers on it. It is such a strange world with it's double standards regarding clothing and masculinity/femininity.
Lace and Smiles,

01-11-2017, 09:43 AM

Shoes are the greatest single identifier.[/QUOTE]


The stigma of shoes... I also underdress most of the time. I wear panties just about every day and if I can get away with putting on my bra in the gym I will wear it that day as well. I am not fully "out" to everyone. However my wife and I (to prove a point) did a test involving shoes just as you described above. To not cause too much attention we used shoes thinking something low to the ground wouldn't garner too much attention. We were wrong.

First we both shopped for a blouse and a pair of shoes from JC Penny. Then we went into a Wallmart on the other side of town separately wearing the same blouse but not entering together. Our objective was to buy five things off our grocery list. Then we wore a different shirt but the same shoes at a different Wallmart. Again we both shopped for five items, paying attention to who took notice. We both were wearing Levis 501 blue jeans, black tights, and sweatshirts (sneakers to begin with). She was to watch my surroundings and I was to watch hers to see who would take notice...

By a far margin more people did a double take on what I was wearing more shoes than blouse than even noticed my wife other than to check her out. According to her more women noticed my shoes than men, where more men noticed my blouse than my shoes from what I saw.

I wish you luck on your experiment, we both were pleased with how our experiment turned out.


Tracii G
01-11-2017, 10:17 AM
All my shoes are from the womens side of the store and I have never had someone mention that I had womens shoes on.
It seems you are the one with the problem because you keep harping on it.
Why can women wear mens clothes and men can't wear womens clothes argument is a moot point because you can wear whatever you want.
I haven't worn mens clothes in years so if I can do it you can too.

01-11-2017, 10:49 AM
TraciG if all CD's wore women's clothes like you we would be more accepted, we don't for fear of embarrassment and family. Thanks for furthering our acceptance.

Jenn A116
01-11-2017, 06:08 PM
Like Lisa above I also have a pair of Toms. Mine are black and are litterally a "woman's shoe". A few years ago I was in P-Town with my wife and she found a pair of Toms she liked. While she was trying on various sizes/colors I spotted a men's black pair that I liked. Well, they didn't have them in my male size (8) but they did have black in my female size so that's what we bought.

01-11-2017, 06:48 PM
My wife has a heck of a time trying to find athletic shoes that fit her. She had a toe fused which makes it difficult to find something comfortable. I suggested to her that she go across the aisle and try on men's shoes. If she were to find something that was more comfortable, then buy a pair of pink shoelaces. Presto! Feminine shoes. In some of my comments on taking strolls in the evening I've also suggested men just wear a comfortable athletic shoe and swap out the black laces for pink and carry their heels in a tote. That's what all the professional young women tend to do anyway.

I've seen some really downright sexy looking women driving cement mixers wearing steel toed boots, jeans, flannel shirts and hardhats. Sorry Billy. I bet there is some OSHA regulation against wearing high heels and a hardhat while working construction.

01-11-2017, 07:06 PM
To quote a line from Shawshank Redemption, 'Who looks at a (mans) shoes'.

Really, do you go around and the first thing you see about a person is their shoes?

Generally, it is much more, we look at a person and sometimes, something draws us to a particular item of clothing, hair colour, or maybe shoes, but, generally, it's going to be if something doesn't fit.

I know that I cannot pass as a woman, but, for the last 2 weeks, with the exception of wearing a fleece jumper and boots, I have been fully dressed and no one has batted an eyelid. I know that I could wear suitable ladies footwear and still no one would look twice. Admittedly, I am only wearing ladies jeans and a top (on the outside), but, none the less dressed in women's clothing. It is much more about how you carry yourself with wearing what you wear and that what you wear fits your appearance than a pair of shoes.

Whenever I have spotted another CD, it's been something about either their mannerisms or overall appearance that has highlighted them to me.