View Full Version : My Debutant evening. OUt AT LAST

01-20-2017, 10:59 AM
Though I've posted many times, you will better understand the following post and how VERY important it was to me, if I give a little background about moi. I'm 81 y/o, lifelong closeted CDer, and until about six months ago, I had restricted my dressing en femme to the privacy of my car. I drive Pretty whenever I can, and have done so for years.

After turning 80, I began to become very daring (for me) and ventured out of my car for the first time with a solo walkabout at a deserted strip shopping center. This breakthrough was followed by 4 trips through drive up restaurant food windows. Baby steps. My next step was to meet a fellow sister in a remote corner of a mostly vacant, open shopping mall for coffee. In my 80 plus years, this was the first time I had met another sister, and the most public I had ever been. Nervous? Oh, my goodness YES. This was followed by another coffee meet up, which ended with an unexpected and gigantic step where she encouraged me to join her in walking through a supermarket. The most bold outing of my life, and I was on cloud 9.

My confidence was growing to heights I never imagined, and was ready to take another BIG step. Remember, I am 81, and all of this being Jenny in public is very new to me. Late last year I had come to where I just really needed to fully present myself in a more public arena, and the opportunity (story to follow), took over a month in the planning. It was time to be fully Jenny, fully me.

I'd earlier mentioned that I'd be dining with two forum sisters, and I did, Sunday evening!! But actually, there were three, as one sister brought a pretty CD guest!

We dined at an upscale restaurant, and had a nice corner-nook table, so we could talk without the band's background sound overpowering us. Each of us learned much about the others, and I was as calm as the proverbial cucumber .. no nervousness what so ever (the other three were seasoned pros!). We got a few glances as we were walking to be seated, but then became one with the normals. Our waiter was fantastic, and always called us ladies. I thanked him for that. The food was delicious, and the wine more than fine.

The other ladies were very nicely dressed, but I initially felt I had over done my presentation, as I had glammed up more then they. Let me share my presentation, for I had never felt more feminine!

.Shiny black flats with off-black thigh highs
.Beautiful black and red lingerie
.An above the knee, long sleeve black dress, and over that
.A long sleeve 3/4 length buttonless, white cardigan
.A 3 strand pearl necklace with matching ear rings
.Makeup:red lipstick, slightly rosy cheeks, mascara, eyebrows high-lighted and light blue eye shadow
.Fingernails, a pinkish red polish .. toes, too
.A short, champagne colored wig with curly bangs
.A stretch wedding ring set, plus two more rings, a woman's watch and gold bracelet

I felt radiant and pretty, and was told that I could blend in anywhere, appropriately presenting. I so needed to hear that. Lookout world, here I come ... maybe. I felt very secure and confident with them, and hope that I can soon solo in real time.

An encouraging word to sisters who would like to 'go out' ... befriend a seasoned forum sister in your area, get to know her and then make a small outing (coffee?) with her, if possible. Having that sister with you will give you the confidence that you need that you can do it! It worked for me, believe me!

I'll post a group photo as soon as I have permission from two of the ladies.

Lana Mae
01-20-2017, 11:39 AM
Thanks for sharing your story! This is what I need! I need a "seasoned sister" to go out with if only once to get me over that hump! Happy for you! Hugs Lana Mae

01-20-2017, 12:31 PM
Never too late, Jenny, and baby steps are fine. You build up confidence that way. Choosing your venues is sensible,and I'm glad you finally got to see another one of us in the real world outside. Are there TG support or social groups near you? Those are good safe places to be out more.

One thing I have noticed is that others don't expect senior citizens to be beautiful or skinny or sexy. Just look around at other older women and realize that they come and go in public all the time without presenting flawless feminine images. They just are who they are, and so are you. Have fun!

01-20-2017, 12:45 PM
Thanks for sharing your story about your wonderful time. It is a bit unfortunate that you waited so long to experience the wonderful feeling of being accepted as a woman while in public. Oh, well, now you know!

01-20-2017, 01:19 PM
Congratulations, better late than never. Yes you have waited a while to take those steps but who's not to say that you could have decades of dressing to come. Embrace the opportunity now in front of you and make the most of it. Show the young whippersnappers how it's done!

01-20-2017, 02:04 PM
Fantastic! It's never too late to break down the barriers. And it sounds like you cleared quite a dew hurdles in rapid succession. Keep on enjoying the freedom!

01-20-2017, 02:19 PM
Congrats and keep pushing those baby steps forward

01-20-2017, 06:53 PM
Someone had a really fine evening! I really enjoyed reading and vicariously sharing your experience.

01-20-2017, 07:02 PM
Jenny, finally able to go out. yes it is never too late to start. Good going girl.

01-20-2017, 07:14 PM
HI Jenny
Glad you made it out and had fun. Let the fun continue and keep getting out and enjoying yourself. Guess what no one cares except you and your the one having fun. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy. We all know the nerves and it seems like we are being read by every one on that first step but its only in our own mind.
Congratulations on your stepping out Have fun

01-21-2017, 02:51 PM
Ladies, thanks so much for your kind and loving thoughts and comments! It was an evening I will always remember. Now, I'm trying to figure out how to post photos that are in my phone to my Mac, resizing, etc., and then to post to the forum. If you can help me, please PM me.

Lauren Richards
01-26-2017, 01:15 AM
Debutant Event, Indeed!

Never too old to dream, Jenny was a sparkling bundle of elderly energy, classic glamour, and joy on her big night out. A lifetime of wishes fulfilled. Was wonderful to have been able to be a part of such a significant event in someone's life.

Jenny is away for a short while, and asked me to post of photo which was taken by our waiter on her special night. This is the first photo of her to appear on the forum (yes, that is Jenny on the left). Cindy, Sherry and I stand in proud support. An evening to remember, and celebrate.


01-26-2017, 01:22 AM
Congratulations Jenny I hope this is only the beginning of many more outings.You look very happy....you go girl !

01-26-2017, 01:34 AM
Jenny! Great photo. You look fabulous, perfectly put together. Brava!

Methinks somebody's gonna want to go out again soon.:clap:

Aunt Kelly
01-26-2017, 06:32 AM
Oh, Jenny. You look so happy. Congratulations on a big step. And my thanks to those wonderful friends of yours who helped make it happen.



01-26-2017, 08:07 AM
hi jenny, what a wonderful turn of events, so happy to hear of your progression and joy.... :hugs:

Karen RHT
01-26-2017, 08:08 PM
Great post Jenny, very happy for you. Trust you'll enjoy many, many more adventures out and about.


01-26-2017, 08:20 PM
Hi Jenny Youall looked like you had fun Hell iI thought i was too old Im only 59 i see now i still have hope you go !!

01-26-2017, 08:20 PM
U and Lauren could go anywhere in my book, Jenny. I hope u will!

It was a relaxed and enjoyable evening for us, too.:drink:

Ally 2112
01-28-2017, 12:41 PM
Thanks for sharing the story and pics .Im so glad you got to finally go out and with some beautiful ladies !

02-03-2017, 11:34 AM
Ladies, I thank all of you for your warm comments. It was an awesome night for me as a confidence builder. Next outing will be to a super bowl party with these ladies and many others! Hopefully, I will make many new friends. Lauren, thanks for posting the group photo and your comments. For those who really want to go out, find and make friends with a seasoned forum sister(s) close to you, and she will help to lead you down that path.