View Full Version : Leaving an impression

Jean 103
02-08-2017, 02:00 AM
This thrift store catches my eye on the way to a customer’s house. On the way back I stop. I’m working so guy mode. I grab my purse and go in. (yes I carry a purse all the time & were a ball cap with a pony tail, like a girl) once inside I see it is an upper end ladies used clothing store. The owner is with a customer so I just look thru the racks. When I get a chance I talk to the owner. Turns out we were in school together, like two grades apart. She tells me of this TG Girl that use to have a shop across the street. How great she was and then she disappeared.

I have been attending a TG support group that is like an hour’s drive from me. One of the Girls there is an advocate and speaks at colleges. She feels this is the best audience for her message. The group fundraises for her to help with her travel. After talking to her I put it together. She is the one the shop keeper wanted me to meet. My point is if you are out, (and I am) you touch people weather your know it or not. And yes I told the girl of the shopkeeper’s kind words.

When I’m in that town and I have a few minutes I check to see if the shop in open. She helps me go thru the racks looking for just that right dress. I have found a couple there.

I have experienced this before, it's like by someone going before it makes the path easier to travel.

02-08-2017, 07:50 AM
It is really nice to find accepting people. Really happy for you :)

Beverley Sims
02-08-2017, 08:05 AM
And when you are dressed and go in there, you will find it soo much easier again. :-)

If you can, do try it.

Jean 103
02-08-2017, 10:12 AM
Next month it will be one year that I rented a house with two friends and started living life as Jean(except for work and they know). I did not plan this, I had this opportunity and took it. It’s not all been easy for me. I have had to relax one of my rules. I don’t like for people to see me if I’m not completely dressed with makeup. I moved back to my home town, everything is within walking distance. The town is only like two miles across and I live close to the center. Friends drop by all the time. Leaving only one place that I will not break my rule, that’s at the bar. My friends don’t understand me, and that’s ok. I have found everyone to be very accepting.

Tracii G
02-08-2017, 10:57 AM
I have one MtF friend who is an author and she does lots of public speaking engagements.
Another who does public speaking at the colleges.
I respect both so much for being outspoken for the trans community here locally.
Jean its amazing just how accepting people can be if you are just don't hide who you are.

02-08-2017, 02:34 PM
One of the key things to do if one wants a similar experience is to out oneself with said shopkeeper, or other strangers. Now I am not advocating for all to tell everyone they meet. However, given the right circumstances, which will vary for each of us, telling someone, like when looking at women's clothes, can bring wonderful rewards, some short term and some long term. Thanks for sharing.

Jean 103
02-08-2017, 04:13 PM
I did out myself to her. It's not something I normally do. This shop is like 45 minutes north of the town I now live in. I recognized her last name and felt it was best to tell her and to let her get to know me as to control the message. I grew up in this town. That is my in. It is a small town, if you live here it is very likely I know someone you know. Especially if you grew up here.

02-08-2017, 06:25 PM
I was thinking about this. About seven years ago something happened to me that was so subtle and yet to this day I still smile about it.

We had just moved and were waiting for all of our belongings to catch up to us (including my girly stuff). I was home alone and had the urge to put something on. I headed over to Safeway with the idea of picking up a pair of pantyhose. Found the right pair, grabbed a couple of grocery items we needed (thought these would be good camouflage too) and headed to the check out counter. Keep in mind this is a grocery store not Victoria Secret. The girl (youngish - mid twenties) takes the pantyhose, looks at them and says "these are pretty." My jaw hit the floor. This is the last thing I expected. I was dumbfounded. She smiled sweetly and said "I guess you aren't used to talking about pantyhose in a grocery lineup." I was such a tongue tied twit.

Thinking back I should have said something like "stockings are nicer but these will do in a pinch." This could have led to who knows what.

I have no doubt she knew what was going on. She was sweet and seemed very accepting. I just wish I had engaged with her a little more......

Kandi Robbins
02-08-2017, 06:43 PM
My point is if you are out, (and I am) you touch people weather your know it or not.

I have experienced this before, it's like by someone going before it makes the path easier to travel.

BINGO! Spot on! Very well said! The absolute truth, the only way this all works.

02-10-2017, 12:08 AM
Thinking back I should have said something like "stockings are nicer but these will do in a pinch." This could have led to who knows what.

I have no doubt she knew what was going on. She was sweet and seemed very accepting. I just wish I had engaged with her a little more......

I had a similar experience. I was buying a full set of lingerie at at a lingerie shop. The girl waiting on me was my age. I knew all the sizes and as we talked she suggested, "everyone should enjoy pretty lingerie in a way that was saying I should. She hinted a couple time that she was available and might like to go out. I didn't take yer up on it, but later thought I should have.

Anne van D
02-10-2017, 12:27 AM
I don't live in the same state where I grew up, and I live in a medium-sized city, so I can't imagine trying to shop where people know you, but my experiences with being forthcoming about who I'm shopping for have all been positive.

At the thrift store, no one ever bats an eye when I ask to use the fitting rooms with a load of skirts in my arms. At Payless the girl who helped me was really sweet and went out of her way to make me feel comfortable. At Soma, all of the women there have been supportive. Once when I returned something I bought online, one remembered me coming in the store and said, "oh, so you found something!"

I've never had anyone question what I was doing or why. I'm glad to hear your experience was warm and positive, even in a small town.