View Full Version : went to the hospital for heart problem. This really happened.

02-13-2017, 10:17 AM
Ok, from the start I am full time , no problems with any of that type of issue and very relaxed about being trans.

I went into the hospital a few days ago. When I woke up at 3 a.m. with heart pain and my arm hurt.
Rushed to the hospital , arriving in less then 15 minutes. Admitted in less time then I can remember and taken into emergency area.
I-V. installed , pain meds and other med. given. My heart pounding, head hurting. All things getting better slowly when a doctor comes over and looks at me.
Oh my how many months are you, when are you due?
Gee I just have to loss some weight I am thinking.

My wife just lost it and started to laugh.
I told him I wanted a baby girl.
The nurse looked at us all as if we were crazy.
The patient in the next area, Said congratulations.

I fell asleep from the drugs.
Yes, I am OK now. But I am pretty sure I am not pregnant.

Anyway I just thought I let you all know even in the worst of times, you can have a laugh.

02-13-2017, 11:00 AM
Hahaha! That's amazing. When will people learn not to ask that question!? So frequently a bad idea. XD

Rianna Humble
02-13-2017, 11:37 AM



I Am Paula
02-13-2017, 12:11 PM
My Doctors receptionist asks every visit if I could be pregnant. I'm lucky, I can just say 'I'm 58'.

phylis anne
02-13-2017, 06:20 PM
I de elpoed as the dr called it gyne co mastica the standard not the pseudo and the dr reccomended I either make an appt. with obgyn for a thorough check or he would schedule me for a mamo gram and I started laughing ,he asked what was so funny and I told him with my sense of humor I will get a shirt that says "twins" with the arrow pointing down and go sit in the waiting room , he said that oughta shake them up down there !!

02-14-2017, 10:41 AM
Gerri, I'm glad you got to the hospital in time and are doing well.

Good luck on the baby girl!!

Hugs, Bria

02-15-2017, 01:26 PM
LOL. I'd never ask a women if she was pregnant. If she's not pregnant it could be very awkward to say the least.

Leah Lynn
02-25-2017, 12:40 AM
Had six bypasses, and now 11 stents, I understand heart disease. Did have an incident a few months ago. I was having severe abdomonal pain and cramps so went to the ER. At one point the nurse popped into the room to check on me just as the worst cramp started. Lying on my back, knees up and doing the huffing breathing, I managed to say that I wished this baby would get with it and pop out! The nurse, aware that I'm trans, burst out laughing. She apologized immediately for being so unprofessional when I was in so much pain. I told her I was trying to make her laugh.
