View Full Version : First Time Out Fully Dressed

Diane Taylor
02-17-2017, 11:52 PM
What was your first time out fully dressed like ? Was it scary or not?

bridget thronton
02-18-2017, 02:43 AM
It was on a holloween so not too scary

02-18-2017, 03:22 AM
The first couple of times I went out totally en femme; heels, makeup, blond wig, dress, hosiery and all the undergarments it was over three decades ago. I believe the early 1980's. I was really apprehensive. That was before there was any enlightenment as to cross dressing, gays, lesbians, etc. I really did not know what would happen if I was ID as a man. I did go out twice on Halloween fully made up. Since it was Halloween I felt more comfortable.

Linda Stockings
02-18-2017, 03:50 AM
My first time out I was terribly nervous, but I should have been even more nervous. I had no idea how to do anything to get to the look I was after. I had a nice Revlon wig and no clue how to style it. I had no idea how to apply the nice quality makeup I had bought. This was before internet, before digital cameras, and to check myself out, all I had was a mirror. I was trying for a business woman look in my navy pencil skirted skirtsuit, black pumps with 5 1/2 inch heels. My hair stuck out everywhere. My makeup was over emphasizing everything I put it on. I looked WORSE than any clown.

Yeah, it was scary, because of my own ignorance and stupidity, AND I had spent almost NO TIME LEARNING a few basics before heading out that way. Learn and practice a few things. You'll look much better, your confidence will be good, your body motions will be more grateful, and I'd bet you'll blend very well.


02-18-2017, 05:14 AM
I didn't feel nervous, it just felt so right. The first time out the door was in a long ballgown and 4" heels to meet up with a social group to celebrate their 4th anniversary. We had a meal and then I couldn't believe I was on the dance floor having a great time .

My avatar picture was from the Xmas party, it's the first time I'd had a meal and danced with other members of the general public, it was a wonderful night.

I'm getting use to driving dressed to the venue , I just smile when a get a double take from other drivers and their passengers .

Lana Mae
02-18-2017, 07:18 AM
Fully dressed, yes a little! Not a city person/large crowds person! Went wig shopping! Parked in parking garage. Thankfully I was with someone who knew where to go. Left parking garage, down some stairs to a hallway, past a police precinct, rush across the street turn left and rush across the street and in the wig shop! Outside noticed two stares, one was like "Oh, my God!" and one was a sort of double take with mouth open! Inside one customer kept looking at me at different times but poker face. Treated well by staff, even if the male employee called me sir! Shop was crowded and said "Excuse me!" in my best Lana Mae voice and got an "Excuse me!" back from a female customer! Then the rush back to the car! on the way back had one man say hello but just hello! The "Oh, my God!" look was bad but overall not a bad experience! Hugs Lana Mae

02-18-2017, 08:16 AM
I was very nervous. Not so much scary. After about a half hour or so I calmed down. I gain a lot more confidence after my first interaction with muggles.

02-18-2017, 08:29 AM
Yes. Four years ago in Florida to drive to a fast food restaurant at night. First time out, first time driving in heels, and first time ordering over those awful speakers at the drive through in my other voice.

02-18-2017, 09:38 AM
First time out? I'd say it's scary. You're hyper-vigilant, convinced everyone is staring and everyone who looks can see straight into your heart. But you get over that. ;) I have a hard time deciding what my "first time out" was -- first time out the door at all? First time going to a place with other people present? First time going to a place where you're going to have to interact with people? I suppose some folks have all those wrapped into one but I had those as three separate experiences. Each scary. Each exhilarating. Each plastered a smile onto my face that took days to wear off. Go for it.

02-18-2017, 12:00 PM
Hi Diane, My first time out was to a park, I made sure it wasn't a busy park. I was totally en femme, over dressed for the occasion, but it didn't matter by that point. I was in the pink fog and just had to go out. I was so scared, my hands were shaking, I kept telling myself "don't lock yourself out of the car". When I first put my foot out of the car my leg was shaking so bad it made my heal start tapping on the pavement of the parking lot. I was terrified and loving it! I stayed away from other people and kept to myself on a short walk around the park. Thanks for asking! Take care Brenda.

Nikki A.
02-18-2017, 12:07 PM
Not really scared, a little nervous but I think I calmed down pretty quickly. Only time I was really nervous was the first time I went to an IHOP on a Saturday morning. Once we sat down though and no mobs with pitchforks came after me, I think I settled down.

02-18-2017, 12:47 PM
I'm fairly new to going out dressed, had many drives but leaving the safety zone of my car for the first time had me full of nerves. However, after a fairly short time I realized no one was looking at me, no double takes, no comments and it felt great. Been out several times since and would do more if time allowed.

02-18-2017, 01:04 PM
My first and only time out was a year ago last October. Fully en femme with my wife. We tried a bar we thought wouldn't be busy but it was jammed and my heels which I thought were ok were loose and kept coming off. We got to the door and when I saw the crowd chickened out. We tried and OUTBACK restaurant with a lot less people. We're seated quickly, my wife ordered us drinks, waitress referred to us many times as "you ladies" . I was nervous and scared . We've talked about going out again or a girls weekend, but I'm in no hurry. I guess I goes with your confidence level and if you really care. I work with all guys and would never live it down. It will happen again, but who knows when.

02-19-2017, 02:08 AM
age 15.....with my super liberal bohemian Aunt and trip on train into NYC........start of the journey

02-19-2017, 04:38 AM
You make a good point about shoes ! How many times do you wear shoes around the house and they're fine as soon as you go out do they give you problems ? I know I don't feel nervous but I wonder if feet do shrink with nerves, I guess they do reduce in size when it's cold, hot feet tend to hurt more in shoes. All I know is most of my shoes now have heel grips in.

02-19-2017, 07:04 AM
First time for me was in high school. My parents were out of town and my sisters were out. I bought some heels that fit, put on makeup and borrowed some of my sisters' and mom's clothing. It was autumn and a bit cold out so I put a shawl over my head (no wig and thought I was being fashionable). I went to a convenience store and looked at Cosmo. I managed to pull it off.
When I returned home I parked the car and was walking toward the side door when a car pulled into the driveway. I hid in the shadows while my heart was beating like I had just run a marathon. I thought my sisters or parents had come home early. Thank God it was just someone turning around. I still can't believe I did it. Scary, but what a feeling!

02-19-2017, 09:07 AM
It was 2012 in Saugatuck, MI at TG weekend. Not too much to be frightened of since there would be other CDs there. But no one told me what time to arrive and when I got there (1pm), I was the only crossdresser in the bar. Eventually a TS came in and sat next to me to chat. I was relieved to have her with me.

It was a bit scary just getting out of the car!

02-19-2017, 09:31 AM
At first yes, I was so nervous for complete strangers to see me in my car. Once I got out of my car and saw how natural I felt being out a whole new world opened up.

02-19-2017, 09:54 AM
Like Bridget, my first time out fully dressed--thirty plus years ago--was to a work friend's Halloween party. It did not seem scary at the time but given that half those who attended were work colleagues it probably should have been.

02-19-2017, 11:23 AM
I wear warm ups over my outfit and take them off once I am near my destination and put on my wig and heels. I also bring a bag with male clothes and make up removal towelets and a damp wash towel, just in case I have to change back to male mode.

My first outing was to a park area. I sat on a bench and enjoyed the day. Nobody noticed me. My first outing interacting with the public was a drive thru liquor store. I ordered some beer and paid and left. The girl working the window knew but was nice. Another place I like to go is a local adult novelty store. They are very nice and let me shop unbothered. At an adult novelty store everyone shopping is a little nervous and I fit right in. Enjoy, but be careful.

Becky Blue
02-20-2017, 01:25 AM
My first time out was in Sydney in 2005, it was less than 2 months after I first saw Becky properly. I was around 40 years old, I went out at night with another TGal and a GG. We drove to an area packed full of restaurants, bars clubs etc.. the highlight was when we got out of the car and walked about 3 blocks to a bar, being seen by so many people was such a thrill.

Scared? Not at all
Feelings - surreal, excited, thrilled, ecstatic, elated, I could go on

02-20-2017, 12:53 PM
My first time out, fully dressed up in daylight, was fairly nerve-racking - but totally worth it too!
I had gone to a specialist store for crossdressers in the suburbs of Birmingham (England not Alabama). I was there for a makeover but I also spent a fair amount of money buying a complete transformation outfit - everything from the skin out including makeup and wig. So, when my makeover appointment was nearing its end, instead of getting cleaned up and changed back into boy mode, I got the SA to pack all of my boy clothes into a the carrier bag that she had been preparing to pack my purchases in, paid for all the goodies and left as Judith to go back to my hotel in central Birmingham.
The first challenge was to catch the bus to the local train station. I had to wait for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes. Then when I got to the station, I had a 15 minute wait. The single platform was deserted until about 5 minutes before the train was due I heard footsteps. I saw an older man (mid sixties) coming down the stairs into my platform. He was probably mid sixties, about 5'9" (so at 6' + 3-4" heels I was significantly taller) in pretty good shape and probably ex- military (I didn't get a good look at his tie but I'm pretty sure it was a regimental tie, possibly Royal Marines). I was pretty sure that he wouldn't approve of me so I tried to blend into the background.
Along came the train and, wouldn't you know, it was one of the old style commuter jobs with multiple compartments and one door per compartment (opened by reaching in through the window!) I looked around me and walked up to the train and was just about to reach out to open a door when I heard, "Excuse me miss", and there he was, standing with open door in hand. I walked over, smiled my sweetest smile, mouthed "thankyou" and got in, wondering what might happen next. He got in , closed the door, said "you're welcome" and then exited into the corridor and thus to another compartment. I sat in solitary splendour the whole way into Birmingham and then got a cab from the station to my hotel. I'm not sure which was the stronger emotion when I finally got to my room, exhilaration or relief! But the bug had bitten and next morning I made sure to get up early enough to go to breakfast as Judith. Scary but SO worth it!

02-20-2017, 01:06 PM
The very first time I went out fully dressed was on halloween with My SO, and even though it was very scary and i was very nervous, towards the end of it i started easing up a bit. When we left our apartment, she pulled the car around and all I had to do was lock the door, go down the stairs, out the front door and into the car. Simple right? then the neighbor came in the back door and i was hitting the bottom of the stairs and he bolted across the building to the front door as I was getting into the car.

My SO said "he probably wanted to see those legs better" but we'll never know. Nothing was ever said, no questions ever asked but thy did move out less than a month later, which I will never know if it was because of me or not. Might just be a coincidence. Once on the road, with no real destination in mind, we decided to head south and just drive. After all I just wanted as much time out as Joanne as possible.

as we came to a very busy intersection, she ran something over that made a GOD awful noise underneath the car so she pulled right over and I got out to look without even once thinking about how I was dressed. Last thing I needed was to have to call someone to come help us out if we were stranded there cause I wasn't smart enough to pack a "change" bag. Luckily nothing was wrong and we got back on our way, after that and a few laughs I became more at ease with it all.

Every time I have gone out afterwards, I have always wanted to stop some where and do some walking, this halloween was the mall but I chickened out, so it's still scary and I still get extremely nervous from time to time. I don't know if that ever goes away to be honest. I know if does if your TG but as a CD? who knows. I do know I wish i still had those cute , sexy heels I wore on that night lol

02-20-2017, 01:16 PM
Good advice/thoughts Renihoward -- I may need to adopt some of those!

02-20-2017, 01:54 PM
Other than parking lot walks, and drive thru food service, search my "Baby steps to a Giant Leap! "

Jeri Ann
02-20-2017, 02:11 PM
My first time out of the house, and away from the house, was probably forty years ago. Yes! I was terrified. I thought I was the only one on the planet like me. After perhaps 300, maybe 400 times there is no fear. It occurred to me quite some time ago that the fear and possible issues were, for the most part, in my mind. The reality is, no one cares. Just do it and be happy. Look nice, be nice and have a life.


02-20-2017, 03:37 PM
It's been at least fifteen years. I still remember it like yesterday. Got all dressed up and headed out to the local gay club. It was drag night and I hoped to fit in. Everything went great until I pulled up in front of the club! I froze up cold. I couldn't touch the door handle, and my hand was shaking!!! I told myself that I had come this far and was not going home.. I sit there about an hour and a gurl just happen to walk by my car, and all of a sudden I lowered my window and said hello.. I asked if I could go in with her and she agreed. Had a wonderful time and meet some new friends. The fear my be great, but the experience is wonderful.

Kandi Robbins
02-20-2017, 03:57 PM
Went to Janet's Closet in Detroit (I live in Cleveland). Got a makeover and bought a wig. Put on a dress (way too young for me, I let the girls at Janet's talk me into it) and walked through a local mall. Scared, strangely no. Nervous, you bet! Walked though, was read by a bunch of teenage girls, left and headed for my hotel. Checked in dressed and was comfortable the balance of the evening. Sammy Rogers (from this here website) was kind enough to help me that evening and the rest is history.

02-26-2017, 01:32 PM
Last night there was a Mardi Gras masquerade party hosted by the local LGBTQ group so I prepped all day to attend, thinking this might be a safe place to go out for the first time. I spent the day planning & prepping but had not yet been able to invest in any good clothes/hair/makeup...had to make do with a St Paddy's green wig from Walmart. Anyways, finally got all dressed and drove to the location. When I go there everything seemed quiet. I finally got the courage to get out of my car and walk to the place. A couple of GGs were outside complaining that it was empty. I looked through the windows and there were mostly (what looked like) traditional couples, and a lot of other people just there to eat (it was at a wings bar). I milled around for a couple of minutes but decided it was a little too risky to go all the way in. Walked back to the car and drove home. Although not the first experience I was hoping for, I'm proud that I had the courage to leave the house, drive to the place, and get out all dressed. Thanks to all for giving me the courage.

03-09-2017, 11:31 AM
Let me Chime in. About 10 years ago. At a hotel, went out after what seemed like hours of nervous prep. Walked down the hall, elevator to lobby. Hung out in lobby had some coffee. Got in the car, drove to a fast food restaurant. I am positive I was made by the young girl in the restaurant when I ordered. Other than that I don't think I was. I have to say that I think that evening really gave me a ton of confidence and have been out a number of times since then. I am becoming pretty sure of myself (other than my voice). It is an amazing feeling for sure. I was also made a couple years ago by a female hotel clerk after I had gone to the nearby mall and came back only to find my room key card did not work. However she was very sweet other than she called me sir. But did tell me she liked my dress and thought overall I looked pretty good.

03-09-2017, 12:16 PM
Petrifying. But one step ahead of another. Then talk and act normal, breath

03-09-2017, 01:08 PM
My first outing was just 2 weeks ago. I went to see my therapist fully dressed for the first time. I got dressed, did my makeup, got in my car, drove about an hour and a half, parked, walked one block to her office (which is out of her home on a fairly busy residential street), spent an hour and a half discussing the next steps in my life, walked back to my car, and drove home, then reverted to drab mode out of necessity.

Oddly I felt quite serene walking down the street, or driving.

03-09-2017, 01:43 PM
Wow. The first time for me was somewhere in the early to mid 1950's. I dressed in my sisters a party dress, (black with empire waist , and low heels and went for a walk in my neighborhood at about 9 pm. I was house sitting so no one was home but me. Yes, my folks said at( about 10 years old ) I could be home alone for a few hours. Scared and thrilled all at the same time.

Linda E. Woodworth
03-09-2017, 02:07 PM
My first outing as Linda was to a local support group meeting. Yes, I was nervous but also excited since I was finally getting out, meeting others and spreading my wings.

Also, realize that most of our fears are self generated and unfounded.

03-09-2017, 08:12 PM
My first few times out were always at night. The very first time I was a teenager and long hair was in fashion, so I brushed it into a more feminine style, and wore a calf-length skirt and top. At the time, I had a fairly androgynous face, so with a bit of make-up I looked quite convincing, so I wasn't really that nervous. I did this only about 3 times.
Many years later, I started going out again. It was such a long time since I'd done it before, so it was like the first time all over again, so really nervous for the first few times. I'd lurk in the shadows if I saw anyone coming, which was just ridiculous - I was probably drawing more attention to myself that way.

The first time out in daylight was strange. It was about 2 years ago. The rest of my family were overseas visiting family so I had the house to myself. I spent ages preparing my outfit, shoes etc. Shaved my beard, legs arms, and chest and spent ages doing my makeup and wig. Because I'd spent so long preparing, I looked quite convincing, so when I went out, I had no nerves at all. I drove to a place where I was unlikely to meet anyone I knew, and spent the afternoon walking by the beach. Made me feel so good.

I've gained some weight since then and find it less easy to look convincing. I could really do with losing between 10 and 20 kilos so I can rediscover my waist!. Going to have to work on that, I think.

03-09-2017, 10:30 PM

Yes, my first time out fully dressed I was very scared. I was supposed to meet two other ladies that couldn't make it at the last minute. I was already in the parking lot two blocks away and had to walk by myself to the shop. The only thing I didn't think through was what if other customers came in... Which did happen.



Beverley Sims
03-09-2017, 11:21 PM
I was six and went to an all girls party, the premise was that it was fancy dress so I was dressed as a girl.

I enjoyed myself immensely as all the other girls were dressed as girls.

I didn't get it at the time but I had been dressed many times by the girls as we played mothers and fathers a lot.

When I was eighteen I found out that playing mothers and fathers had totally different rules. :-)

03-10-2017, 11:09 AM
I am scared to. I have not been out in public dressed in full. I have at night when no one is around and hard to see in the dark. It is nerve racking and gets my guts turning. I want to go out but too scared for some reason. Maybe it is because I am afraid of being told "thats a guy" or "your a sicko" or something else of negativity. I grew up with negativity my whole life. and when it is given to me I fight back vigorously. It is something that I have been dealing with. So when I say it is hard for me to try and go out it is as one rude comment and that person would be knocked out. It excites me to think about going out or the possibilities. Exciting not in a sexual way. But being able to be some one else. Just a battle I have to deal with.

Sometimes Steffi
03-10-2017, 11:23 PM
Umm . . .

I decided to jump right into the deep end of the pool. My first time out en femme I went (alone) to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. There must have been thousands of people there.

I rented a wench costume and wore it over my only bra and homemade foam forms. I wore a scarf to cover my head, since I didn't have a wig. The GGs at the rental counter had to lace me up in the underbust corset that I rented. And they were so cool and encouraging. I had just gone to Ulta (alone) to buy some makeup for this adventure, but it was my first time using it.

But it was exciting, not at all scary as it should have been, especially as I hardly got a second look. I did have a number of GGs give me a big smile as in I know what you're doing. I just gave them a big smile back.

There were only two scary parts. One guy wanted to take my picture an I kept turning my back on him. Finally his GF told him to leave me alone.

Then there was this drunk GM. He looked at me and said that girl is a dude. His friends grabbed him and dragged him away.

The best part. The dude at the food stand addressed me as "m'lady". I curtseyed.

Overall, it was WONDERFUL.

Peggie Lee
03-11-2017, 12:49 AM
At 12 years old dressed in a Girl Scout uniform sell cookies door to door with a friend, this was in 1962, Oklahoma.

04-06-2017, 02:25 AM
Thanks for sharing..your stories really resonate with me..I can still after all these years (30 years in total - last 8 years HRT/transitioning) remember those feelings from my first time. Fortunately I had a GG help me with my makeup (red lips, false eyelashes etc), lend me a silver satin mini- skirt (great choice to remain inconspicuous I know!!!) and come out with me. I felt so feminine and in my youth was more passable and probably rocked a size 8!!!. We were just 2 pretty girls wearing their minis and heels out on the town. I practiced girl movements...walking, sitting, even dancing for months before the event and shaved every inch of my body. As I recall I wore a lot of clothes and lingerie...sheer stockings (hard to manage in minis), lace panties and bodysuit (wore a lot of lace in those days and still do) with attached suspenders with hip & butt thin foam padding, black lace 38DD bra stuffed with small rice/wheat bags (thankfully I had learnt how to tuck because it saved me when I was dancing and getting euphoric over the clothes and the situation). I got very excited particularly when some of my GG's male admirers and girlfriends pulled me on to the disco dance floor. I can even still remember the sound of GG's front door closing behind us as we started to make our way to the bus stop....felt doomed with no turning back but also amazingly excited. My passing was greatly challenged because my GGF was soo gorgeous that every guy we passed looked at her and obviously checked out both of us. So much fun...such reverie...hugs

04-06-2017, 02:53 AM
My 1st time fully dressed I was very scared as I was going to a formal put on for crossdressers, transgender and the like, but after I was dressed and walked out my motel room which was in the same building as the formal I looked down at myself and thought wow this is awesome, from that point on I just enjoyed myself.

- - - Updated - - -

At 12 years old dressed in a Girl Scout uniform sell cookies door to door with a friend, this was in 1962, Oklahoma.

Wow Peggy Lee I am so jealous, that would have been an awesome experience.