View Full Version : Elderly Lady Wonders

02-20-2017, 01:33 PM
I've been dressing since my late 30s and I'm now 72. I could pull it off in my 40s and maybe early 50s but now I'm just a fat old man in a dress. I suppose I just need a session with a stylist and a good make over but I just can't see myself out and about. I have been out but mostly androme in jeans and sweater, small breasts low heels. But I wonder if anyone really sees my as female?

02-20-2017, 01:45 PM
Don't write youself off so soon, some of the members of my social group are in their eighties and they look great , one will be hosting a BBQ again this year in her home, she enjoys it as much as the rest of us .

02-20-2017, 01:47 PM
Many great looking 70 plus members on here LPark, don't do yourself down!

02-20-2017, 01:49 PM
I think many CDs of all ages struggle with not seeing a girl looking back at them in the mirror, certainly a makeover session can be a wonderful experience as not only will the memory last, but you can pick up tips for the future. Ultimately though, I think it's worth considering who you're dressing for, others? Or yourself?
all the best x

02-20-2017, 01:51 PM
I am 65 and still at it and I work out hard to keep my body in shape for this girl. I also have long hair and I think some see me as a female as a neighbor called me a lady one time. If you have the attitude and body movements as a female they will see you that way.

Tracii G
02-20-2017, 03:10 PM
I'm 64 and with long hair and the way I dress all the time I get mistaken for a woman frequently.
Do be too hard on yourself dress up and have a good time with it.

Jean 103
02-20-2017, 03:27 PM
I'm 61, I think it is easier to be an older women than a twenty something. I was carded last Friday buying beer for me roommate(he is 55). There is no way I look less than 40. She did say I look young for me age. I let it go at that. I get comments on what I'm wearing and how I look all the time. Than I dress like a thirty something. I get negative feed back if I dress my age( like an old women).

02-20-2017, 03:42 PM
72? You've got the best cop out in the world. Pretend you forgot Halloween wasn't over. Temporary Alzheimers. Wear what you like.

I was carded last Friday buying beer for me roommate(he is 55).
I tend to go places frequented by young folks (and I'm about your age too). So I get carded a lot. Bouncers say it's easier to just card everyone. Same with the cashiers at the supermarket when I pick up my beer.

Lana Mae
02-21-2017, 08:38 AM
Does it matter if they see you as female? They may see you as you. Is that so bad? If the first, see the stylist and get a make over. If the second, as I said is it that bad? Hugs Lana Mae

02-21-2017, 09:37 AM
Crossdressing has no age limit. Just dress your age. Don't try to pass your self off as a 24 year old. Maybe even go to the makeup counter to see if you can get some help with your makeup if needed. Age appropriate looks will help pass you off as the female you want to be.

02-21-2017, 11:24 AM
Just accept your age and dress age appropriate. If you do not like what the mirror reflects go to a gym. It's never too late to drop a few pounds. If you go through the pictures on this site you'll see many plus size figures. In some respects being plus size works better than being skinny as a rail. A few extra pounds rounds out the face and conceals the dreaded Adam's Apple or knobby elbows.

02-21-2017, 01:44 PM
I like what Lana Mae said, Park. No one has ever mistaken me for a female except on Halloween!

But, u know what? I don't dress for other people. I dress for me, PERIOD! I'm 73 and this is what I see in my mirror when I dress:


If u WANT to see a pretty woman in your mirror as much as I do? U WILL!:heehee:

Diane Taylor
02-21-2017, 11:37 PM
Dear LPark,
I'm going to be 71 in march and have been dressing since my 40's. I still go out dressed occasionally and have no problem with the general public so I believe that you can do it too. Like some of the others have said.....just dress appropriately for your age and you'll be OK. Go to a supermarket or mall and observe what the older gals are wearing and create a similar look. Don't see yourself as you mentioned......"a fat old man in a dress" ! There are many women who are not slim by any means so no matter what you weigh you have female equals. And if you're still not comfortable you can always shed a few pounds to where you feel better about how you look. The important thing is to keep active and enjoy your female self..........

02-22-2017, 08:38 AM
Some senior CDs are more passable than the younger ones. Maybe because less people take a 2nd look! Or maybe it's easier to blend with a gray wig?

02-22-2017, 11:29 AM
I am almost 69. Started fooling around with womens clothes in the srventj grade. Enjoy it so much more now. Occasionally I wear a micro miny skirt but usually girl jeans or skirt above the knees. But the salt and pepper wig has made the difference. Stopped at a gas station I frequented the first time I wore it and the twenty something told me she loved my new wig saying "It's so you."

Debra Russell
02-22-2017, 12:34 PM
Going on 72 - I dress age appropriate and try to blend and present as a woman - so far have not had a pblm (in the last 5 yrs) being miss-gendered. I think being older is an advantage - it's easier than being younger as I think you draw more attention......................................... ......Debra

Stephanie Julianna
02-22-2017, 01:17 PM
God how I hate the term "elderly" as male or female. That being said I am wintering in FL until early April and can tell you that "elderly" women come in all shapes and sizes. They're all over the place down here. So do what I do and observe the ones that are your shape and coloring and look at how they dress and do their hair and makeup and emulate the ones that you think look feminine enough to make you feel good. Now one is questioning there femaleness because of their shape and age. It's all about presentation. I'm 68 and I'm always observing women with my stature, weight and coloring to see how I might look in what they are wearing. I never stop updating my look.

02-23-2017, 09:43 AM
I am in my 60's, so I guess I can say I am in the elderly cd category. But I still dress as women did when I was in my early teens. Girldes, gartered stockings, nylon slips, LL bras, etc. So I certainly would not blend in with todays younger women, nor would I want to. There just isn't much style in casual womens wear today. I don't go out fully feminine, But if I did, you can bet I would not be in the clothes I see women in everyday. So sloppy, wearing flip flops, overweight, wearing things that only accentuate that.

02-23-2017, 10:25 AM
LPark, I went out just last Monday, I really wanted to blend so I dresses like women do in my area (Pacific Northwest), shirt dress, yoga leggings, workout jacket, and running shoes. I did blend, I didn't get noticed at all, not even a second glance from male or females. I was actually a little disappointed. Half the fun of crossdressing for me is looking attractive to myself and others, I guess I really wanted to be sceen as woman and not a man in a dress. So much of crossdressing is attitude, hold your head high, dress appropriately for your age, and location, but dress attractively. Thanks for asking. Brenda

02-23-2017, 09:48 PM
Hi L Park:hugs:, I have two years on you and I'm still going strong...:daydreaming:...

Nikki A.
02-24-2017, 01:41 AM
Personally, I think as we get older we seem to blend in better. Older men and women seem to look more alike. Mens features seem to soften a little and women tend to wrinkle more.
I think I look more like a woman now that when I was younger. Not that I think I can now be passable, but at least I feel at first glance I can at least create a bit of doubt.