View Full Version : Chance Meeting With Other CD'ers

Diane Taylor
02-24-2017, 12:01 AM
Have any of you been out, either as male or female and strictly by chance run into other CD'ers in a vanilla situation? If so did you try to speak to them or just let them go on their merry way?

02-24-2017, 12:15 AM
Here's what I've noticed while dressed. When a woman begins a conversation with me, she usually opens not with "Hello" but with "I love your shoes" or "I love your jacket". Come to think of it, that's a better invitation to converse, because I find its nearly impossible to not talk at least a bit about my shoes after saying "Thank you". It's real easy to respond in kind to a "hello" and not say anything further. So now I try to find something in a girl's outfit to compliment. It doesn't always work, but at least she knows this is no pickup line.

02-24-2017, 08:17 AM
Yes, I was in WalMart early one morning dressed more female than andro and looked over to the female clothes and saw a fully dressed MtF CD. Why pass up this one in ten thousand chance to meet someone else so I went over, starting looking at clothes in the next rack and started a conversation about how nice the girl clothes were. That got the conversation going and of course she could see how I was dressed. And we then went our separate ways. Nice to see someone else likes what we like.

Stephanie Julianna
02-24-2017, 08:37 AM
I let them go there own way. I'm afraid some of their heads would explode from nerves if I came up to them and said i spotted them.

02-24-2017, 01:59 PM
Now I go out socially this question has become irrelevant , but I remember the first time I saw one she was so nervous waiting in a check out line in a grocery store. The second time was waiting on a cable car in SF we made eye contact as if we knew the special situation we both experience. Recently I was in a charity shop in Alicante with some friends and the husband bought some golf clubs for 10 euros, I was surprised to see a TS serve him, afterwards I made the comment about the person to the husband but he hadn't realised .
All those meeting I made no comment, now I'm in a different situation I wouldn't have a problem if people approached me.

02-24-2017, 02:58 PM
I've been in two situations where I pretty much had to interact with TGs I came face to face with (I was in male mode). But I wouldn't go out of my way to start a conversation with any I've seen, and I've seen quite a few when out and about.

02-24-2017, 10:53 PM
I can say I've zero encounters with other CDs, but wish I would. The only way I'd be OK going out in public, is if I could find a safe and accepting venue, and in my part of the country, those places are certainly not advertised. I'd like to think that if someone was comfortable enough to be out and about, then they may have info about hangouts and/or events. If I run into any others, I will definitely step outside of my comfort zone and make an attempt at conversation.

02-24-2017, 11:22 PM
I've only ever seen one other cross dresser out and about. It was at goodwill of all places. As I stated in another post, I no longer shop there. She was looking at dresses on the back wall and had some clothes laying on top but hanging over the end of a rack of clothes that ended near the back wall. I saw her but wasn't going to engage her. I tried to sneak past her with my arm load of clothes and managed to knock her stuff off the rack, and they fell on the floor.
I apologized to her and tried to help pick up her clothes, but she was so embarrassed she wouldn't even speak. I'm not the embarrasing type, so it was no big deal to me, so I put what I had already picked up back where she had them and went on my way. She look so flustered, she grabbed what she had already and went to the check out and left as fast as she could.
I probably spent another half hour or so shopping.
I did see another person at Lowe's once, but I'm not entirely sure if she was GG or Trans./CD.
By the way, I really hate these kind of posts. It's not like we're encountering BigFoot or The Loch Ness Monster. Some of us are out and about and living our lives as we should.