View Full Version : Outed to my new neighbor

02-25-2017, 12:03 AM
So today I put on my fem jeans for working outside now that I no longer own any guy jeans. Since I was going to pull weeds I put on a oversized long sleeve woman's shirt. While I was working I got hot and unbuttoned to the bottom of my bra band. Much like a lot of women. No one around so no problem. A couple hours later I'm down on my hands and knees pulling weeds listening to my cell phone's music. I hear the voice of a woman friend from down the street. As I raise up I realize that someone is with her as my shirt blows open enough to give both a clear view of my lace bra. I'm a C cup so as I stand up to greet them the wind blowing against my chest leaves no doubt about my projection. In addition the shirt being white as was my bra gave a view of the bra straps and lace.

My neighbor introduced us. Then she told my new neighbor that if she ever needs anything she should just call me. Paid me some compliments and as we were standing there the conversation was as if 3 women were talking. As my friend left she said you should get some cute swim tops. I laughed and said maybe I will. My friend has seen me variously dressed on many occasions so I'm sure the new neighbor was well informed. Seemed like a very nice woman.

I'm sure that most all of my neighbors know about me.

Tracii G
02-25-2017, 01:20 AM
Not the ultimate meeting the new neighbor situation but not bad either.
I hope she turns out to be a nice neighbor.
All my neighbors around me all know about me and we get along just fine.
The lady next door is the newest of my neighbors and she is a very nice lady. We chat frequently.
One day I will be in my 50/50 mode (androgynous) and the next I may be in girl mode it makes no difference.
She has a habit of referring to me as "she" which is fine too.

02-25-2017, 10:07 AM
My neighbors are just starting to come around to opening up to me since last year. They see me going about my business en-femme and androgynous at home but still shy away, this spring they are going to have to come to grips with my mode of expression because it's going to be in their face. These are people who have lived here for over 15 yrs. with me in the closet, but now it's the shock of my coming out I think that has them stand offish but I'm out in the daylight now and not going back into the dark. If they don't like it THEY can move.

Antron III
02-27-2017, 07:47 AM
My neighbours have seen me out in kilts several times and I'm very comfy with that. My goal this summer is to add long or flowered skirts to the mix. Still working on how to do that transition. Have a chat first saying that the kilts are just part of my wardrobe and they may notice some different things or just go for it and own it? Things to ponder...

Beverley Sims
02-27-2017, 08:37 AM
Not real close to my neighbours they all rent small condos, I come and go all the time so others think there are two women and one man living in my house.

Great setup. :-)

Karen RHT
02-27-2017, 09:13 AM
My neighbours are just that...neighbours. As such, they have minimal impact on my life as I simply refuse them any form of control in my life. Yes, I'm civil, polite, and sociable with them. They're free to think what they will about me, gossip about me, tell stories about me, or ignore me. Point being they will say, do, and believe what they will no matter how perfect or imperfect an example I set. I would prefer they not gossip, ridicule, or demean me either to my face or behind my back. If they do, so be it, I simply ignore.


02-27-2017, 09:24 AM
Not the worst way to come out to a new neighbor. Did freind introduced you using a femin name?

02-27-2017, 01:50 PM
Well Liz you seem to be out to your old neighbor so I cannot see much harm in adding another. It will be interesting to see if your new neighbor does call you to help her. Moving in often raises some difficult issues and you may be the practical gal to help her. Keep us posted.

Allison Chaynes
02-27-2017, 07:55 PM
This sounds like you had a wonderful interaction. Unfortunately my idiot neighbors like to call government agencies and file false reports because they're mad that I call in legit noise complaints and DUIs. I don't think Allison would help the situation l!

02-27-2017, 08:08 PM
I am the last house on a private way. It's about 400 feet long. There are two other houses. Both can be seen from the front of my house. My back yard however is secluded. I have many times taken advantage of the seclusion and dressed up outside. Once, many years ago. I heard a cat call from a farther neighbor I didn't think of.
Jump ahead. One of my closest neighbors son busted me dressed. Never heard anything but later in the day heard him talking to his father who replied "maybe he is gay?." We really don't talk to each other so I don't care.
My other neighbor knows. He has seen me dressed. We don't go out of each other's way to interact. But none the less we do often talk to each other often. It's kinds dadt.

03-06-2017, 11:33 PM
It's good you outed yourself. Visibility is very important for growth, for self acceptance and confidence.