View Full Version : Dumbest Thing I Did While Fully Dressed

Diane Taylor
02-28-2017, 12:48 AM
I would think that most if not all of us have done something that made a time out dressed go awry and I'm no exception. I've been going out fully dressed for many years and each outing went as smoothly as possible. Then one night I made my monthly trip to the casino with my small gambling allowance and when I parked the car I took one last look in the mirror to check my wig and makeup and since everything looked good I got out of the car, pushed the lock down, closed the door and headed for the entrance. About 7or 8 steps later I realized that I didn't have my purse so I headed back to the car to not only realize that the car was locked and my spare key was in the purse but the motor was still running with the other key in the ignition !!!! Talk about brain freeze ! Or was it a blonde moment because I was wearing a blonde wig? I had no choice but to go to the security area and explain to the person there that I needed assistance to get my car unlocked. I told the guy in the booth which section my car was located in and he told me to go to my car and wait. A few minutes later a truck marked SECURITY came along and out come two guys who worked on my car. After a few minutes they got it open but before they left I had to sign a paper stating that they performed the job they were sent to do. I signed my female name and off they went. I then went inside the casino, played video poker, had my self imposed two drink limit, and on the way out stopped at Krispy Kreme for a coffee and donut and then went home. What , if anything , did you do to make a night out something out of the ordinary?

02-28-2017, 01:03 AM
Small potatoes, darling. And I'm glad you survived your moment in grand shape. You still got to party on!

I, however, made a rookie mistake during one of my first public outings. I locked myself OUT of my bed and breakfast late at night. There was no service personnel on the premises and no one was answering the (so called) emergency number. I was decked out in my blue spring gown and had been drinking wine in the B&B courtyard. My stranded location was near a busy thoroughfare, and I dreaded the possibility of being found. But I was also faced with the fate of sleeping outdoors for the night, and THEN being discovered. I solved the problem by breaking a small window on the back door and letting myself in.
The next day I met the proprietor to explain the mess. I offered to pay for the window (of course). The owner was quite a gentleman about the whole ordeal. He let me know that he saw the 24 hr security camera of the episode. I gifted him with a fine bottle of scotch for his discretion.

Elizabeth G
02-28-2017, 07:45 AM
Hi Ilene,

We'll if that's your payment of choice then you can break one of my windows anytime you like:lol:


Linda E. Woodworth
02-28-2017, 07:54 AM
I too locked my keys in the truck when out shopping during Southern Comfort in Atlanta.

I knew I'd screwed up the minute I slammed the door shut but of course by then it was too late. There I was in the middle of a huge shopping mall parking lot somewhere in the suburbs of Atlanta and I was locked out of my truck. Luckily I had at least grabbed my purse and immediately called AAA. A nice gentleman showed up and very quickly unlocked my truck and I was on my way. (Unfortunately I forgot to ask him to take my picture before he left)

By the way Ilene, I think fixing the window would have been cheaper but not as gracious

Jenni Yumiko
02-28-2017, 08:08 AM
Got in a bar fight, pulled a weapon, got arrested. Did get to change, but spent some time at hotel California. Even in division B there, I probably would have been molested or killed in a dress n makeup.

02-28-2017, 08:27 AM
Diane, hide a spare key outside of your car in a magnetic box like under the fender or bumper.

Elizabeth Ann
02-28-2017, 08:57 AM
I have been thankful several times for the keypad lock on my driver's side door!


02-28-2017, 10:27 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this thread could go on for a year, rack up a hundred responses and no one will beat Jenni. I'm calling it.... Jenni wins the dumbest thing done while dressed challenge.

02-28-2017, 10:46 AM
All your stories are wonderful and... Yes, it could be me!
Once a time a had a small walk with a summer dress and a bag I had just bought... Only in the back of a car park... I felt so guilty because a woman with a baby almost saw me and i escaped back in the car. In a moment I was feeling bad, I dressed back my man clothes and purged everything away in the nearer garbage can. Then I drove home in the highway, and when I reached the exit (in Italy you must pay there) I understood I had no money because... my purse was in the bag!! In the garbage, 20 Km away. Fortunately, I found some money in the car (god bless the supermarket trolleys), I payed the highway exit and run back to the place were I purged. The bag with my purse (money, ID card, and so...) was there... I drove back home swearing myself it was the last time in my life I crossdressed. Obviously, it was not...

Christina Page
02-28-2017, 11:03 AM
The dumbest thing I did while crossdressed was to go pet a hungry horse while wearing a grass skirt.

Regarding being locked out of a car, my current car can be unlocked with a combination on the door handle.

02-28-2017, 12:32 PM
I'm always extra careful before exiting and locking my cars. No matter how I'm dressed!

But most exciting screw up dressed was out at my very first DLV in Vegas. I was getting low on gas driving to a private "skimpy clothing" event. Knew I had enuff to get there and back, tho. Unfortunately, on leaving I took the wrong road, got lost, and ended up driving nearly out of town. Scared S-less to stop because of the way I was dressed, finally found Las Vegas Bld., the main street in town. Heading back toward the Strip my gauge was below empty! I had visions of being stranded for who knows how long on the Las Vegas Strip in my stripper outfit! It was about 1 A.M. Magically, a station rite on the Strip appeared suddenly! I pulled in so happy I didn't care about my attire. But, the attendant and other customers didn't bat an eye at my outfit.:straightface:

Diane, hide a spare key outside of your car in a magnetic box like under the fender or bumper.
Those don't seem to work with new cars, Deebra. All plastic around the bumper and grill areas. Inside a fender could easily get knocked off the first heavy rain storm u drive in!

02-28-2017, 01:46 PM
The dumbest thing I have done is to drive my truck with expired tags and fully enfem. I saw a State Trooper go by turn on his lights and hang a u-turn and pull me over. He was younger and did a pretty good double take at me when he came to the door. I was shaking so much when I gave him my drivers license. He was polite, gave me a verbal warning and told me to get the truck licensed. I was still shaking an hour later. All of our vehicles are licensed all of th time now! Thanks for asking. Brenda

02-28-2017, 06:33 PM
OMG after reading all of these it scares me even more. I was stopped by the OPP (ontario Prov Police) my wife was with me. I was dressed and just handed my lic and insurance and all was good. No questions asked but it is scary.

Jenni Yumiko
02-28-2017, 10:15 PM
The amount of stupid things I did, dressed and not dressed in my 20's is staggering. Had a lot of anger in me. Having my first kid was what changed my life. Had I not had her, I'm not sure how bad my life would be today.

03-01-2017, 10:25 PM
The very first time I went out fully dresses was to a Seahorse Society Social meeting that is held once a month about an hours drive away, I had only driven a short distance from home when I looked at the fuel gauge to discover that I only had enough fuel to get me there, but not home again, that meant I would have to purchase fuel fully dressed or turn around and go home, but since it was my first meeting I thought what the heck and kept driving. I purchased fuel on the way home which was almost midnight and hardly anyone around, once I got back into my car I felt good that I had achieved another milestone.