View Full Version : The Perfect Storm

03-04-2017, 06:24 PM
So last night I decided to go see a drag show. A new friend of mine is TS, a musician and performs at this club. I decided that I would attend in drag and got myself looking beautiful. I was a little nervous as I was going alone and really didn't know anyone at the club other than my friend. The show was a lot of fun and I felt very comfortable. By the time the show ended it was about 12:45Am. She said hey lets go do karaoke they're open until 2AM. Sounded great to me so off we went. Incidently the city I was in is about 30 mils from home. So as we were driving toward the second club all of a sudden my battery/alternator warning light comes on. I knew this wasn't good! Within about 5 minutes the lights began to dim and next thing we knew the car was dead! So here I was 1:30AM city far from home dressed in drag oh and my cell phone was down to 28%. Oh shit was all I could say. So luckily for me I had packed a second set of boy clothes (for emergencies) and some makeup wipes. Luckily for me my friend had a cell charger and a flashlight. So I changed clothes right there in the parking lot, wiped all the makeup off my face and called AAA. They showed up about 45 minutes later and hooked up my car and towed it home ($330 later). My friend grabbed Uber. Funny thing was that as I got into the tow truck I realized that I was carrying a purse! LOL. It all worked out but talk about Murphy's Law. Lucky I packed those extra clothes. So girls, when you go out...PLAN AHEAD...make sure your phone is charged and that if you have a multiple system breakdown like I did you are prepared.



03-04-2017, 06:39 PM
Something almost the same happened to me a few years ago. I was dressed going into the city when my low battery light came on just before the Caldecott tunnel toward San Francisco. I knew that I needed a gas station quickly so got off at the Rockridge exit and, luck was in the stars, and found a German car repair shop (I had an Audi) just closing up. I drove in and left my car. Not wanting to lose the evening out, the shop helped me get to a nearby car rental and off I went for a fun night out. About $600.00 and a few days later I got me car back with a new alternator. I retrieved in in male mode. Oh, I also got to drive a cute yellow VW bug for a few days too! I am glad that it all worked out for you too. I also carry an emergency bag of clothes in the back of my car, for just in case. However, that night I decided not to use them.

03-04-2017, 06:53 PM
Several years ago, I was driving to Minnesota from Texas. I had just passed Muskogee OK when my car started missing and shuddering. I was fully en femme and although I had male close in the back, it really wasn't an option to change in on the roadside in February. Fortunately, up ahead I saw a GM dealership, so with a bit of luck I was able to sputter my way to the Service entrance. The service manager couldn't have been more courteous. There were several people in the customer lounge as well, and i was treated with friendliness. Turned out i had a cracked distributor cap that caused the misfiring. It took about 2 1/2 hours to get the part, get it installed and get me back on my way, and despite the wait and the relatively modest repair cost, it proved to be a very rewarding experience.

03-04-2017, 06:58 PM
Hi Allie. I was down in Sunnyvale when this happened and and from an area near Hayward. Seems that we are neighbors of sort.

03-04-2017, 08:08 PM
Hi Jacqueline:hugs:, Some times you just seam to have a years worth of bad luck all at once...:daydreaming:...

03-04-2017, 08:11 PM
This sort of thing can happen at anytime. Fully enfemme I was driving in the middle of the day to go shopping when the car lost acceleration. It kept going but didn't want to go much above 50mph. It seemed like it had gone into get you home mode.

I drove to the carpark and headed off shopping for a few hours. Thankfully when I got back and started the car it had reset itself so no need to call the breakdown.

Linda E. Woodworth
03-04-2017, 09:49 PM
I was on the road enfemme this past Tuesday. I was going to my Therapist who is 180 miles away. I considered packing an emergency bag but decided not to. I'd never done it before. Besides, I was being positive.

Was 100 miles from home on the way back when the truck refused to start. No choice but to call AAA and get a tow home. I knew this was going to be interesting as Linda would be delivering the truck at the house in full view of the neighbors. Oh well, I'd deal with that when it happened.

The tow truck showed up in 20 minutes and of course that's when my truck started up without a problem. I thanked the driver and tipped him for his trouble and then hit the road. I didn't stop until I parked the truck in my garage.

Rogina B
03-04-2017, 11:08 PM
So last night I decided to go see a drag show. A new friend of mine is TS, a musician and performs at this club. I decided that I would attend in drag and got myself looking beautiful. I was a little nervous as I was going alone and really didn't know anyone at the club other than my friend. The show was a lot of fun and I felt very comfortable. Lucky I packed those extra clothes. So girls, when you go out...PLAN AHEAD..


So,you were with another woman and you had car trouble...Other than the cost and inconvenience,where is the big deal that merits a clothing change ? What were you so afraid of? Your "TS friend" lives her life in this mode....

03-05-2017, 07:00 AM
I always throw a bag of male clothes plus a warm jacket in the car now, and also makeup and nail varnish remover. I make sure I have a decent torch and a road map if I do get caught with roadworks and have to divert.
I don't know what it's like in the US but the roadwork diversions in the UK are never too clear, the other problem is you never know if the signs are valid or not because they never appear to be in a hurry to take them down.

I partly agree with you, These precautions are more for my wife's peace of mind especially if I did get stopped by the police or an accident did occur .

03-05-2017, 09:55 AM
All good precautions though it is a shame that we cannot just be open about it. As for roadwork signs, Teresa should try driving on US highways. I live in Houston and one of the main freeways is being rebuilt while still carrying heavy traffic. Signs are constantly changing as lanes are closed or narrowed and many drivers go much too fast for the conditions. It is so scary that I take a long detour on another road to avoid it, whether dressed or not. When they rebuilt a another major highway here several years ago, there were frequent accidents and several people lost their lives. I could not believe the carnage it caused and nobody seemed to care at all.

Having driven in the UK as well, I would say you haven't too much to complain about, but keep the torch handy.

03-05-2017, 11:23 AM
The guys that print the diversion signs are the only ones that understand them, the problem is they leave them up for months after the works are complete, it's OK if you know the area but if it's strange territory you're faced with a guessing game of sticking to the correct route or taking the detour.

I do sometimes wonder who designs the road schemes when you hear of it causing so many bad accidents.
Some years ago we were travelling through Utah and the neighbouring states, we were going to take a look at Virginia city ,( an old western town ? ) the road was fine and then just stopped, we asked what had happened when we arriverd in town and were told that's what they do take up a road and leave it as rubble for months on end .