View Full Version : Q: Why I am so afraid of... Everything? (Warning, wall of text)

03-09-2017, 03:26 AM
Hello girls and guys, I would realy appreciated some input on topic. Title say almost everything. And when I say everythig then I mean it. Ofc its related to whole cd / being girly thing and I am not talking about conquering outside world, that is chapter on its own.
So for instance, shopping. I do not shop in girl mode ofc (crazyyyy thoooought) but even in guy mode i can't do it. I just. Can't. Walk in femals part of clothing store and pick new bra? No way. Throw some sexy 4in pumps in my basket? I ll got heart attack before that! I barely manage to buy moisturizer after like 10 minutes lurking around shelves with such a stuff. Staff must thought I wanna steal something. Shopping is kind of no go. Interstingly during xmas when lots of guys actualy go and shop for girly things as gifts for gf/wife, I had no problem (no big at least) to go and check stuff, pick it up and closely examine ,even buy! After new year it feels like gates to female part of stores are closed with big sign "No men allowed"
Bit even other things I am afraid of. Little things, such as lately I did start to show up more my liking of pink/violet color. It's nice color, I like even way before. But a guy and pink color? Once we had discussion at work about cars and I stated I would love to have black-pink car with same color scheme inside. Reaction? "Pink car? You are such a gay dude". Here in my country when you are falling out of "socialy constructed norm of ordinary guy" then you are automaticly labeled as gay. As insult. Stupid ppl here. So yeah I cant go crazy in even things like that, bcs i become afraid of consequences
Telling to ppl I know personaly and see everyday? No bloody way.
Wearing something too obviously girly in guy mode? I dont think so.
Then we came to going out part. I know not all do it, nor care aboout it. Everytime when i think about it, imagine Ash outside in cold evening wind, then I am like: waaaaau that would be awesome, must do it. Its like challenge to beat. Mountain to climb. The icing of the cake. Assets to acquire. Dream to fulfill... But then my fear strike again. And hard. Filling my head with tons of wild catastrophics scenarios so my exictment for idea of going out diminish to zero. Maybe even lower. Many times when i was en femme i tryed convice myself that I can do it, but one glimpse in mirror totaly break it. Or break my will with "seriously dude? Thats stupid, why are you doing this. Cut it of" on other hand i did midnight drives (3 to be precise) but event there were more fears then joy. Big struggle. And everytime i see some beautiful pics of others then I just wanna smash my head against wall and then cry knowing that is dream I never get to fulfill.
In general I am trying to be "That is me, I dont give flying f*** what are you all think about me! Go home" but that thought disappear quickly everytime I stand in front of anything related to my girly side and others can see it. Those shops so on.
I would gladly listen any advice how overcome this fear and bad thoughts on everything. If even some way exist in first place. Slowly but surely get there. Somehow. Someday.

PS: Sorry for super ultra lenghty post of random nonsence from me :)

PPS: Ashley's confindence is -500 points on 0-10 scale

03-09-2017, 04:26 AM
Oh, another shelf-lurker xD
I've been in those situations quite a lot too.
I have managed to buy some things by being stubborn and think "F*ck it, lets do this!".
Last time I bought something was from a shoe store. I did pick a pair of both male and female boots to make it a bit easier (or at least I think it was).
But most of the time I'll just leave empty handed.
I guess this is one of the things that will get easier the more you do it?

03-09-2017, 05:17 AM
Morning Ashley.
I am the same as you, and probably the same as maybe 50% on here maybe or more.
I go shopping for girly clothes and mostly walk out empty handed. For example yesterday went to tescos and not my local tescos miles away, wanted some new female jeans I ended up looking at jeggings as they were the first thing that I see as I entered.
I think to myself I can't walk around the girls section looking at the clothes, what will people think of me. I tried them on but picked up 4 or 5 other male clothes and wrapped the jeggings in the male clothes so the sales lady would not see them.
This is a good way to try them on, but on the other hand would it make my whole experience better if I just was honest and walked in with the female clothes in the first place. I could say I needed a bigger size maybe or smaller, without needing to go back and get more male clothes to wrap the trousers in, if you no what I mean.
The whole experience, was and is a waste of time spending 30 mins walking around looking around checking knowone is looking and over thinking the whole thing.
It's a acceptance and confident thing within yourself, not worrying what the lady or others might say or do.

At the end of day its how you feel the most comfortable.

I have started chatting online to sales advisers and find this has helped me a bit you can be honest with them and not worry what they think. Not that it should matter anyway, 100% of the times I have done this I have never been made fun of, or spoken to wrongly because I am a male, why should it be different face to face.

It is hard and I should listen to my own advice in future would make me happier and make my experience shopping better

natalie edwards
03-09-2017, 06:08 AM
So you have no problem shopping for women's items at Christmas?
Think about like this, any given day could be your wife's, girlfriend's, sister's, or mother's birthday.
Granted buying a bra for a present may seem odd unless it's valentine's day. Any other clothing item, or perfume would be a normal gift. Makeup would be a little odd too but use a self checkout and be sure all the labels are attached.
All this is in your head and how you act. If yo
u look a bit fem or too well dressed someone might think the items are for you. If you're like me and a disheveled mess at the end of a work day no one will suspect a thing.

03-09-2017, 06:14 AM
Try to keep in mind that while we are all at the centre of our own universe, we are just another customer to the people at the check-out. They don't give a damn about us, they are there to earn money. Some are nice, some are mean, but none of them has any power over you...except what you give them.

It isn't illegal for men to buy women's clothes, nor is it illegal for us to wear them, even in Prague. I have a friend from Prague and decided to tell her that I like to wear women's dresses. She is highly intelligent and well travelled, young, into alternative medicine, yoga...you know, I thought she would be very accepting of others. At first she just thought I was joking, but when she realised I meant it, she became disgusted- it spoiled our friendship. If someone like her reacts that way, I can imagine how the average macho Czech guy reacts - no wonder you have fears Ashley.

But why you worry so much about the opinions of total strangers just doing their (very boring) jobs, I don't know. Insecurity is often irrational. I'd suggest reading about it online, and looking for self-help guides that will give you exercises to try. With very small steps it should be possible for you to begin to face your insecurities- don't despair, it is always possible to change.

Thanks for sharing your story, you have a great sense of humour!

03-09-2017, 07:48 AM
hi ashley,
i would think we all start out at that spot, embarrassed they will think its for me.....well it is, so what....no one can confirm it, i think when i came to full term of who i am that was when i quit caring an just became a customer....easier said than done i know.....but i have tried womens clothes and shoes in stores in guy mode many times, i go to beauty stores to buy makeup and even print out coupons to use, your avatar has you looking younger so you have that.

as said its in your head, you have to get over yourself, just do it......once you do that going out dressed will become easier also, i found this :
http://www.36hoursinprague.com/if-youre-lgbt/ its a few years old but may still be relevant, i pulled it from this search :


and if you need help with makeup, pinterest, youtube, and practice, practice, practice.

as far as sharing you like a pink and black car with the guys in general, youll get negative reaction 9 out of ten times, perhaps 10 out of ten,

use these tools and go knock down some fences and march up to a register and buy yourself a cute pink dress and be loud and proud about it.

03-09-2017, 08:06 AM
You're afraid because human brain, like any other sentient creatures, are designed with a bias towards self preservation. Really, our most basic brain structures help us perceive possible risks and triggers flight or fight responses.

Of course that response can be excessive, but running from an imaginary lion is a better long term survival response than failing to notice the real lion behind the rock.

We don't have as many lions to deal with, but this part of the brain keeps doing it job.

The only way to overcome this tendency is to stop and think about you fears. Recognize that most of the really bad possible outcomes are also highly unlikely. Risk assessment is a higher brain function that enables us to gather fruit and sleek mates in a potentially dangerous world

03-09-2017, 09:07 AM
I'm fairly sure we've all, at some point, experienced being a "femme buying chicken". I know I have. In life you crawl before you walk, walk before you run and run before you sprint. I agree with and did what Chibi did, "let's do this". Yes, the first few times you will be apprehensive, but go for it....it gets easier and easier each time to the point, it will be the natural thing to do. You'll find your anxiety/tension feelings subside and eventually go away. A new day is out there. Most SA's are and should be there to sell, sell, sell...not judge. Even if you encounter a rude SA, ignore them. There's rude, judgemental people everywhere. Go for it. You'll be glad you did.

03-09-2017, 09:23 AM
I'll toss in the reminder that the tension and fitful jealousy you feel is the thwarted energy of the desire you have. I learned quickly living at the boiling point is unhealthy, and then we often revert to depression instead to nullify it, when what we want is to go out and be seen and experience our identity in feminine ways.

The really good news is that I found the smallest beginning of freedom brought me back from the boiling point and ended depression. Then I found I could safely expand in a kind of measured way. Sample recipe: Wear a bracelet that is manly first, then make it slightly more feminine, and you'll be amazed- guys will admire it and ...next time a flimsier shirt, etc. No, it is not a skater skirt and heels, but I found it really relieves so much pressure and kind of makes the point that I am willing to be softer, while not being a cringing an self-doubting target.

Once you find as others have said that most SAs and most people are tolerant if not uninterested in your dressing, you won't feel so confined!

03-09-2017, 09:49 AM

We all have had this anxiety because of fear of breaking some social norm or expectation, but the intensity of the fears you describe go well beyond the average. It is all in your head. Most shop assistants don't give a hoot as to whom is buying what. Have you thought of opening up to a counsellor to help you break out of this thought pattern. Is the Czech Republic that repressive?

03-09-2017, 10:08 AM
Hi Ashley, as many have said the fear is all in your head. Until fairly recently I would not buy anything, unless it 'was for my wife', and even then I felt uncomfortable doing it. One day I wanted a new coat which I'd seen advertised, I thought to myself, 'come on, you can do this'. I went to the store, picked up the coat, took it to the counter and said I'll take this. The SAs were really nice and asked if it was for my wife, I swallowed and said nervously 'no it's for me'. Their reaction was; okay would you like to try it on, what size was I, and recommended one size bigger for the coat. They found the right size for me and were totally professional. I walked out of the store feeling amazing and have been back a few times since. I guess what I am saying is it can be done, if some one like me can do it anyone can. Go for it!! and good luck.

03-09-2017, 10:54 AM
I've generally given up trying to pretend what I'm buying is for anyone other than myself. Most SAs read me anyway, even in guy mode. One did say "if you leave the tags on, you're wife can return the panties if they don't fit", but I quickly added that they were for me. Another time I was buying panties and the SA at the cash said she thought the selected size would be too big for me.

Once recently in a pharmacy I couldn't find the pantyhose display. It was a new pharmacy. I asked the very young SA to show me where it was, and you'd think she was a deer caught in the headlights. I could see her discomfort so I added "yes, my wife asked me to pick up a couple of pair for her on my way home". She quickly regained her composure, led me to the display, and asked if I needed help, but I told her I thought I knew what I needed. When I paid on the way out, just for fun I added "I hope I got her the right size!". However, I did that for her comfort, not for mine. I could sense she was new on the job (it was a brand new pharmacy). I wasn't particularly in the teaching mood, I just wanted to get home for supper.

Other than that my experiences have been 100% positive. It is, after all, 2017. I've had SAs allow me to use the change room, fit me for a bra and other clothes, and see me in pantyhose and bra as I tried on clothes. It's all in a day's work for them as long as you behave with class and good taste.

The last time I shopped (I'm due soon!) I went in drab mode and did say to the SA that I didn't have the courage to come in dressed. She strongly encouraged me to not be embarrassed and come in dressed next time, so I may take her up on her offer!

03-09-2017, 12:15 PM
You will get over this fear/nervousness, yes for sure its bit daunting but after the first time and succeeding it gets easier. My first time was a nervous one until I later learnt that this particular shop had several regular CD shoppers. So yes it gets easier. I have bought lingerie in guy mode and never had any problem.
Go for it have courage you will get there.

Lily Catherine
03-09-2017, 12:30 PM
I think the spotlight effect is responsible for this. On one hand the ideal would be to shop like nobody is watching. I did that at one of those dollar stores for hair accessories and even stockings, although at first I made sure I wasn't sharing the aisle with anyone. For jeans I don't even try to make excuses when I try them on. I don't try tops or dresses before buying. Very few issues. It will be a long way before I try on any dress in a boutique, much less a gown. Even longer for a corset.

I am concerned about being recognised in public, though. I've already driven in public, and I'm not really proud of it.

03-09-2017, 12:38 PM
Hi. I have some of the same issues as well. OMG I love that dress but..... dare i try it on? Oh!!! Those shoes are so pretty and I love the style..... OMG do I dare try them on or even take them to the cash? Like many have said try it go to a different city if you can. I live in a small town of about 1000 people if that. I am planning on going to the big city Toronto!!!! it is 2 hours away from me. Why travel that far? Because of these 2 e mails I recieved because I asked about their policy on Crossdresser's and how friendly are their SA.
#1 reply back.
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Reply #2

Hello Stephany R,

Thank you for your email.

At Penningtons, customers are our main priority, and we are more than happy to help in any way that we can.

If you are interested, we can have one of our fashion associates contact you to arrange a fitting. Please provide us with you preferred store location, as well as the best telephone number to reach you, and we will forward your information to our fashion associate who will contact you to schedule an appointment.

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When you e mail companies or even small stores you can call them ask them and they will help you out. These 2 replies from these companies have just supported my inquiry into how I will be treated.
Hope this helps

03-09-2017, 01:00 PM
Hi Steph, I also got the same e-mail responses from Reitman's, and also their sister store Addition-Elle! They lived up to their expectation when I finally went to shop there in person and I've had three outings (2 at Addition-Elle, 1 at Reitman's) I'm in the same boat as you, I live in a very small village, and even shopping in the nearest town is fraught with the risk of being recognized. So I drove 90 km to shop in the Big City.

Remember girls, it's 2017 and discrimination is not only illegal, it's also uncool. As long as we behave, it's reasonable for us to expect service with courtesy. FWIW' the SA's at both stores said they have frequent male customers shopping for themselves. We're not alone!

03-09-2017, 01:17 PM
Ashley, You are not alone, but I will admit that where you live in this big world makes a tremendous difference on how you feel. I live in the Great Pacific Northwest, Portland Oregon. People for the most part are pretty easy going relative to gender issues, but in ones mind that doesn't help much. I still get nervous as heck going into "Women's" stores or even women's departments, let alone but anything. I have been trying to be more adventurous but there can be a lot of fear and on the other hand excitement. Don't give up or be angry with yourself, and don't purge. You are already taking a big step in sharing your feelings here with us. Take care, Brenda

03-09-2017, 02:02 PM
Ashley, I'll wager everyone of us has experienced what u do. Some get over it in time. Some of us NEVER DO!:sad:

I've been out 100's of times shopping in drab and dressed to events and vanilla venues. I still hate dept. store shopping the worst! So, I shop online a lot.:thumbsup:

There isn't one time before I leave my hotel room dressed at an event, or open my car door, that I don't get those butterflies in my tummy!:sad:

But, I tell myself, "You've done this 100's of times. So, u can do this!" And, I do. It becomes easier over time. But, if it wasn't for meeting other T's out, I'd happily dress in my closet the rest of my days!:)

03-09-2017, 04:17 PM
It isn't illegal for men to buy women's clothes, nor is it illegal for us to wear them, even in Prague.

No, but it will still get you killed once in a while, just because there are enough people out there that hate anyone who dares cross the gender line: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/brazil-police-search-men-killing-transgender-woman-article-1.2992128

So, Ashley, you're justified in being concerned about being spotted as one of us.

03-09-2017, 04:39 PM
Natalie has the answer, there are so many ways to shop in the women's section .

After Xmas you get Valentines day, with out these obvious shopping opportunities, most of us have a wife/ partner/ girlfriend/ sister or daughter. I bought a denim mini skirt by simply writing down the information about size and product code and told the SA that my daughter was too busy and asked me to pick this item up. On that occasion the SA asked if she normally wears skirts that short, I was thinking no but I know a man who can ! I also added that if the items wrong she can return it herself that comment always worked well.
It doesn't take many times before you don't need to make up stories, most SAs are OK about it, some get paid a commission so the more they sell the better.

Tracii G
03-09-2017, 09:05 PM
Pretty common for CDers to feel as you do at first.
You need to step outside the box and buy just one item like a pair of girls jeans or a girls top.
Build up your confidence over time.
In a store nobody is watching what you buy and most likely they don't care what you buy.
And if somebody in the store thinks you are gay so what you know you aren't so who cares what they think?
You are too worried what other people think and you need to get over that.

03-09-2017, 09:50 PM
It seems like we are all on a journey of self acceptance. Along the journey there are certain hurdles we choose to tackle or not. Some crossdressing remain in the closet (have you noticed how many guests we have perusing this forum versus member - 20 members to 105 guests right now) and they never progress further, others are out to their SOs, others dress in public, others are 24/7, etc..

Do you remember the first time you put on a piece of feminine clothing? Did you feel a little guilty? Did it feel so wrong and yet so right?

Most of us here have gotten over the guilt part (I think). But we all have our personal hurdles we are working on. It's like we are always pushing the envelope trying to take the next step on our feminine evolution. I know I am.

I certainly have a ways to go on my journey. My instinct tells me we would be better off if we owned up to our crossdressing. I'm reluctant too, but I think it's the better approach (yes listen to me talk tough like a 14 year old girl). In the case of shopping, what is the worst that can happen. Not much really. I've shopped a few times and bought something delicate. Occasionally someone has a suspicion but mostly I've been treated to a sweet knowing smile. The best scenario would be to either be accepted for who we are, or maybe we educate a little. When you encounter other people, they need to figure out how to deal with you. If carry yourself with confidence and enthusiasm it will tend to rub off. Just try to be who you are and have some fun while you are at it. Going and buying a pair of panties and saying "yes they're for me" seems OK to me. I think most of the doom and gloom is in our heads, not in the world.

Becky Blue
03-10-2017, 01:43 AM
Ashley, try this as an exercise next time you think about shopping for something feminine. What is the worst thing that can happen? So for example it could be the SA asks is this for you and laughs at you (probably very unlikely to happen but still) then think OK what would I do in that situation? Well you could say yes so what? Or you could say are you crazy? Why would I be buying this for me? So again what is the worst thing that can happen? the SA doesn't believe you. A person who you may well never see again will think you are weird or whatever for all of 10 minutes as you will be gone and forgotten soon thereafter. If that is the worst thing that can happen? then ask yourself how bad is that? compare that to some of the really bad things that could actually happen..

The more likely scenario is the SA thinks, I bet this shopper is buying for themselves but maintains a professional front.

03-10-2017, 02:14 AM
I believe Ashley is inferring the problem is more than with SAs, as she says just to say you like pink is enough to suggest to some people you have a feminine side, the annoying part is in her country it immediately goes with being gay.

I have to admit how many of us have been screwed up for years trying to prove we are men, I've burnt myself in the process by working 8 days a week ! For most of us now the gay attachment is fading, it's not politically correct anymore , besides our UK and I'd say US culture has changed and become far more accepting . With same sex marriages and going on to have children . The gay bashing culture just had to go. So many think CDers must be gay, only a very small percentage are and some of those are bi-sexual.

03-10-2017, 04:23 AM
I am surprised with sooo many aswers from you. Thank you,I just finish reading all of your posts. Back to it.
It is true that I am thinking about consequences in everything I do (even non-cd related but misfire there osnt that bad) and are of them should make great conspiracy theories :D probably one most think I am afraid of that I ll meet something who knows me. And since like all ppl who knows me, they know I dont have gf so I can't say that cute pink corset dress I carry in my hand are for my gf and most likely not gift for my mom either. Especialy in size that is like XL women's sizes.
When I talked about shopping at xmas is easier then i mean it. Basicly I blend and I DID bought last xmas even! But still so stressful and whole time while checking all girly stuff i was telling myself in head "you are buying a gift, its okay" over and over again. But in the end i got myself t-shirt and not so girly hoodie. Actualy this wednesday I was at shops again. There were sale on jeans so I make a plan. Plan was go in, grab other stuff i need, then head for sale, grab correct size jeans and get out. Thaaat didnt work. Even on way TO the shop i got nervous and had my heart in mouth. So hard to fight that "what they think?" so my 5 minute action in shop ended with over half hour there, with those 25 minutes spend going from left to right around shelves with said jeans and other stuff. No need to say I ended with nothing.
Also wanna say that everyday when going from work i pass big drugstore and best and most fun stuff aka makeup, is in front part of store. Sooo much stuff its taunting me everyday I pass by. Like torture. And everyday is there bunch of teen girls buying, seeing them I became so jealous and saying "f this, why i cant buy too?!" Well i can i know but i probably I became "that weird guy who bought mascara and powder last week, look at him". idk maybe they dont care.
This fear of being read, recognized and labeled publicly as weirdo is only thing that keep me for going out en femme. As you read my post then you know I stated i never been out. That is not exactly true. First time ever i had been out was at my twelve. Idk why i did that but i have even pics from night! 10 minutes out in middle of night, then i was "i am never doing that again". second time was 4 years back but that was kind of "fun with friends" so nobody care and know who I am. Damn, we even hit the town! I was soooooo nervous ofc and went with crazy scenarios what would can happen (i dont wanna explain my parents that i broke my leg bcs I spent night in 6in boots) but there werent any fear of consequences. Bcs there weren't any! Its just for fun (for them mostly, me a heaven). Last outing half year back. Alone. And my fear won. When sound of door closing behind me ended, i was frozen. Feel cold wind and unable to move. But there were nobody! After while i did move. Few meteres at least but then turn back and almost run home. So here goes my "experience", it is completly nothing and total garbage when compared to most of you. Feeling so sad...
As some suggested to incorporate girly things to everyday life, well I am working on that. Sloooowly. For instance that hoodie i got at xmas, I am wearing that, hell i have it now o at work. Its gray so kind of unisex only by fit and size label you can find out that is actual female hoodie. And other little things, like take care of my skin, eyebrows, growing up long hair, check my nails, pick different clothing style, feminine manerism even, but I can't go from rought-dont care about self- stand up guy to super clean and care about self girly type of guy in like instant :) Tooo obvious. Mom getting suspicious already...
Also i wish there is some more open lgbt comunity. Hey we have Prague Pride every yeat but ppl arent still open to it. Right now L and G fight for their rights with more and less succes T ppl are like"on second rail" atm. And I talk about Ts not binary, nongender, genderfluid and so on. CDs ( still mostly called as TV here) are nonexistend. Hell, this word is known here like 5-6 years bow? Our own language barely to determine if that word we translate or not (its used in its original eng form officialy niw, btw). Even law dont know difference between sex and gender. We dont have that. Here we have just sex, that means what is between your legs. LG have few tights, T almost none. Wanna go for HTR? Hundrets of doctors from different specialisition you need to visit. SRS is even worse. You need to be sterilized first, mean no own kids. You cant have marriage! You must divorce if you want SRS, that how stupid law here is.
I was looking for like lgbt friendly bars and so on. And to my surprise they DO exist here actualy. But are out of main streets, labeled as ordinary bars. Definetly big rainbow flags and huge sign "lgbt friendly" on door. At best case they would end up with nasty, insutling sprayed text over doors, at worst with Molotov inside more likely.
So living in not so frinedly country isnt helping to overcome fears. Some stated maybe i should go for consultation with expert. I wish i could, but i cant. There is none! Yes we have with help to LG mostly, then few for TS (few means four to be exact) but none, just no one give consultation to anybody else. If you aren't L,G or Ts, then you are on your own. Thats why i look for help here, with all you that you understand. And why I want be so much passable as possible if going out since be readed or even regonized true "identity" would be kind of dead sentence here.
and thus we come back to start. Shopping for girly things is walking in edge. Now you see that my fears go way more deeper then you maybe thought.
On one hand I want be me as Ash most of time, on the other hand I am so afraid of what would happend. Its realy tearing me apart from the inside.

Oh damn, wall of text again. So sorry :)

03-10-2017, 10:13 AM
No problems with your reply being long, it shows how lucky we are in the UK maybe US members will agree. We should have no worries about going out socially or shopping, we have no barriers compared with you.
We have come a long way in the UK with the rights of the TG community it looks like you will have to wait some time before you catch up .

I hope you get support you need from the forum, your choices are very limited in your country .

03-10-2017, 11:21 AM
No problems with your reply being long, it shows how lucky we are in the UK maybe US members will agree.

Ditto in Canada. We take our personal safety for granted. Although we do need to be a little careful, overall the worst case scenario is a little embarrassment.

Leslie Mary S
03-10-2017, 11:57 AM
Just for a point, at one time a glossy black car with pink trim paint and gold metalwork was all the rage. Just tell the guys you are talking about doing a 60 retro looking auto.
True here in the states they were long and powerful, but you are just emulating the period, even if it might be a little Yugo. Humm, maybe I will Paint my 2013 KIA SOUL that way. Now a days, if it is a long powerful convertible painted pink with black trim and a white top, some of the 'locals' would refer to it as a 'Pimp-mobile'.
They just don't live in the present when people are painting their cars all sorts of colors just to get away from the mundane silvers, blacks, grays, and whites. Even the colors RED or GREEN are usually earth-toned (muted) down.

The American cactus is perceived as a male type plant, but they too have blooms. Maybe we are the flowers on a cactus.

03-11-2017, 01:03 PM
Thanks again girls :) I must admit that I kind of feel better now since I let out little bit of hatred for word. And myself. I may in future try use some of your advices if I got guts to shop or get crazy enought to venture out en femme :)
You dont even know how much envy you all you dont need to hide and not afraid of anything. If little embarrassment would be worst scenario for me, then hell yeah I would be out and about by this time.
And yes Leslie, ppl paint car there days with totaly random and crazy colors. I should do it to. Actualy I was thinking about that last few days, about whole black/pink color scheme for my car. I came to interesting conclusion. Why I should worry what ppl think, let alone to "notify" anybody that I would like to do it? Or go and ask opinion on "should I do that"? That is pretty sutpid, dont you think. It is MY car and I can do with it anything I want (if its still legal of course) ! And I am kind of decided to do it (at some point, its kind of expensive thing :) ). Mostly bcs I want to and I like that, but also to show ppl that I dont care and I am different.
Maybe this can be way how to build up some courage and banish that guilty feeling of being different