View Full Version : Outings??

03-12-2017, 06:11 PM

I have noticed that some of you have been out on the town in Ireland and other parts of the world dressed! I'd love to hear some stories about young and old going for a night out!! What did you wear, who did you go with and where did you go!
I have never went out dresses, just played women in comedy and musicals😂

Michelle xxx

03-12-2017, 07:27 PM
You should get some responses to this , a while a go I posted a thread about being out and over half are out or want to be , only six said they were happy at home in the closet.

I've been going out for just over a year thanks to Carole who introduced herself on the forum and invited me to her social group, I've never regretted it for a moment. The highlight for me was the Xmas party when we mixed with the general public and I stayed over in the hotel and dressed for breakfast . I wore the dress in my avatar and danced in it wearing 4" heels for most of the night. I admit once a month isn't enough but it's still better than dressing behind closed doors and hiding behind curtains , it's given real meaning to my dressing and made shopping so enjoyable to put outfits together.

Sometimes Steffi
03-12-2017, 10:40 PM
I've been out many times since I started accepting myself about 10 years ago.

I'm active in a couple of meetup groups. One's a predominantly GG clothing swap and the other is predominantly MtF TGs. I'm in a DADT relationship, and I've agreed to limit my outings to about twice per month. For that reason, I usually go to TG events and the clothing swaps, but I've also gone out shopping alone or with friends and eating out with friends. I've also gone to the Keystone Conference 6 times. This year's conference begins in a little over a week. I'm expecting over 500 girls like us there.

When going out en femme, I always go all the way, that is to say girl clothes, forms, makeup, wig and jewelry. I've been out in what I call Girl Lite (Jeans and T-Shirt) to evening gown, and everything in between. I've even worn a wedding gown for a photo shoot.

03-13-2017, 01:39 AM
I have had too many fun times out!
But out with the wife Halloween last year was a real blast!


But as far as a real rush was when I did stand-up comedy all dressed up; I have pictures from the evening in a thread here.

Tracii G
03-13-2017, 08:51 AM
I go out frequently enfemme, go to trans support group meetings and if it weren't for someone reaching out to me I may have never done it.
Going out enfemme is just a normal thing these days so the more you do it the easier it gets.

03-17-2017, 01:13 AM
I now spend most Saturdays and most evenings en femme, often out and about. It's winter so I'm usually in jeans and a casual top (Old Navy has great tops in their Tall selections and they are inexpensive). Saturday errands are varied. Two weeks ago I was in Home Depot buying a 50 pound bag of Weed'n'Feed for the lawn. This week was the salon and a stop at Ulta for a new shade of lipstick (needed a nice pink to add to the collection). In any given week I'll find that I've stopped by the grocery stores, been to the movies, stopped in at Outback for dinner, etc. Last Sunday evening Rain was in town for one night and I went to that concert. I do have to say that I felt so much more comfortable dancing and moving to the music while in en femme than I ever felt when I was at a concert en homme. I went to another play last month.

I've also committed to attending the local support group each month. I avoided it for a long time because I felt it was just a larger closet and I didn't want to be in any closet now that I'd put myself out in the world. I changed that decision for two reasons. First, there are members of that group whose only outings are those meetings. I now feel I should be there to support them. Lead the way by example? Maybe, maybe not. Even if I'm not leading or they aren't following, just being there to offer support is my first goal. Second, and more selfish, is that I have some clothes that just aren't right for the average day's errands. I now have a somewhere to wear my dressier outfits. However, I can assure that the first of those two points far outweighs the second.

Well, now I've rambled. I hope I remembered to include something relevant to your original post, Michelle. (By the way, Michelle was my first pick for a femme name. I've always thought it was pretty. I've posted somewhere else around here about how I wound up with Valerie instead.)

03-17-2017, 07:59 AM
Just reading older posts about this going out I've noticed that living near a larger town is better for adventuring out. Most it seems are even north to north east part of the US. I would be scared here in a small West Tecas town.

03-17-2017, 11:37 AM
I haven't been out dressed much among everyday folks. But I've gone to places where I'm with other CDs and transgenders quite a few times now.

One is TG weekend in Saugatuck, MI. My first place to go out dressed. It happens twice a year with the next one being April 7-8. I've been there with several other girls that I met thru this website. CDs dress anywhere from blending in to outrageous makeup and outfits at this event. There's drinking, dancing, karaoke and photo ops and also shopping in the downtown area.

The other place is a monthly support meeting in Grand Rapids, MI. This is a great opportunity for CDs that want to get out of the closet a bit but aren't ready to go out into the real world. We chat, take photos and order pizza.

03-17-2017, 12:39 PM
I've been out with other T's all over the United States. But, I found Cambodia to be completely different! Not having the same Puritanical and religious history, the people there tended to be curious rather than judgemental. :thumbsup:

We had an interesting argument with officials there. When we went to Angkor Wat we bought an all day ticket. Went in drab in the morning. Then, my T friend dressed before we returned in the afternoon. Our tuk tuk driver who knew we dressed, strenuously insisted my friend was the same person who's photo was on his ticket. (They take photos of u and put them on your ticket). Finally, the guards decided it was ok. Whether or not my friend was the same person. But, they never gave either of us that fisheye look I've seen everywhere in the USA!:straightface:

I dressed inside Angkor Wat after we went inside the complex. A female official yelled at me! She caught me dressed like this taking photos. But, she didn't care that I was a crossdresser in a mask. Only that I had my arms and legs uncovered! Females aren't allowed to dress like that in the temple complex, she explained!:eek: