View Full Version : Real hair or wigs

03-05-2006, 12:19 AM
Hi all,

I was just wondering, but this thread might have already been asked. How many of you prefer to have your own hair long or wear wigs and why? I have neither, but if I had the choice I'd choose to grow my own hair and braid, or plait it, or put it up in a ponytails or a bun. What would you do with or own hair, and do any of you have pics of your hair in ponytails, buns, etc. Just curious. If you'd like to chat or talk just send me a private message or reply to this. Hope to hear from you soon, and thanks for you time.



Barb Valentine
03-05-2006, 12:33 AM
It' s hard for to grow my hair becaues I'm bald
thats why I wear a wig

03-05-2006, 12:45 AM
Unfortunately I wear a wig. I would prefer to have my own hair but my job prevents me from having long hair.

03-05-2006, 02:13 AM
I also wear a wig, because I work around a bunch of redneck SOB's. So 40 hr a week, I have to fit in, the rest of the time, I'm in a bra and panties and tonight, I have a pair of dress skacks on. Also a t shirt and fuzzy socks. There isn't a piece of male clothes on my body...BJ

03-05-2006, 02:20 AM
Real hair for me.

I guess I am one of the lucky ones that chose a career, employer, wife and life style that accepts long hairs.

Like they used to say in the VO5 commercials...

Don't hate me because I am beutiful.:p

Mandy Salamander
03-05-2006, 02:32 AM
have only begun wearing wigs relatively recently,,, as my hair has become too thin in front t' get away with,,, but still have a 10in. ponytail 'n i work in a law office,,, but i used to love wearing my hair up and adored fixing it in different styles...

Shelly Preston
03-05-2006, 05:50 AM
If I only had a choice

03-05-2006, 06:09 AM
No wig here, natural long hair for me.

Catherine Hart
03-05-2006, 06:52 AM
I work in a business where it's traditional for guys to have short hair. I decided I'd had enough of that a few years back. My hair is nw mid-back length and I wear it tied back at work. Sure, I had comments when I was growing it, but I just laughed it off or told them they were jealous.

If more of us started growing our hair we might finally break the short back and sides stereotype for males.

As for me, I loooove my own hair brushing my back and I'd find it real hard to have it cut again. It certainly takes determination to grow it out, especially in the first few months.


03-05-2006, 07:52 AM
I'd love to have my own hair long enought to plait it or put it in a bun, but alas I'm too thin on top so I resort to wigs, I like wearing them, they are good fun.

Wendy me
03-05-2006, 08:03 AM
my own hair i have not been any were near a hair cut in way over a year...it's long thick and curly....not getting it cut any time soon ....oh yar i went blonde too let them all talk who cares red necks??? shure thats who we hang out with just tell them f- off...........

Mary Jane
03-05-2006, 08:04 AM
Since I have retired I would love to grow my own hair but my hairline has receded so far that I would need some sort of hair piece to hide it. SO, I have wigs and really enjoy them quite a bit. It is a lot easier to have different looks without the bother.

03-05-2006, 08:32 AM
I wish I could go with my real hair, it is shoulderlength but the receding hairline makes passing impossible, so I use wigs.

03-05-2006, 09:08 AM
Thanks to all for your responses. I occasionally think of growing my hair and also occasionally put it up in a small ponytail when it gets too much into my eyes. However, this is only at home. Thanks once again and hope to hear more repsonses from other girls.



Lilith Moon
03-05-2006, 09:30 AM
I have had shoulder length hair of my own for many years. At one time it was down to my waist...people regarded me as some sort of hippy or "a character". I'm sure that it has an impact on how people relate and has probably affected my career. Now it is getting rather threadbare and, although I keep it long, I resort to wearing wigs when dressed.

However, I'm getting read much more now. Maybe it is because I'm older, maybe I need better wigs and properly chosen/fitted, but I was always more comfortable going out with my own hair.

Deidra Cowen
03-05-2006, 11:24 AM
The handful of Tgirls in Atlanta that have real hair really have an advantage over the rest of us. They look great and it really raises the odds of passing.

LOL I have a crew cut as a guy and am missing a bit up top so no chance of real hair for me. :eek:

03-05-2006, 11:33 AM
Wigs for me, as I have a receded hairline and tend to keep my hair short, so as not to give anyone any hints. I also like wigs, anyway.


Leigh Davis
03-05-2006, 11:33 AM
I would prefer my own hair for comfort and looks . . . but wigs are more practical for me. My hair is very straight and takes a lot of prep to get it to look good.
Wigs are also good for changing style/color as the mood or event dictates.

03-05-2006, 07:40 PM
My hair is about 2ft long, but hey im a black metal loving student, so nobody seems to mind. It does seem to have almost stopped growing in the last year though, that or is growing extremely slooowly...

03-05-2006, 07:50 PM
I envy the girls that can have their own hair, and would love to be able to go to a salon and have mine styled and permed.

I too have to wear a wig, as I am one of the many who are thinning, and just do not have enough to let it grow and look right


03-05-2006, 08:33 PM
It's wigs for me. Maybe 30 years ago for my own hair, but now thinning hair and a receding hairline have taken its toll.


03-05-2006, 08:43 PM
I wish I could use my own hair, but I am almost bald these days. Well, it is maybe a good thing, because I would probably have a really femme hairdo now! But, wigs are good, it is easy to change from long to short, blonde to brunette... LOL

Like they used to say in the VO5 commercials...

Don't hate me because I am beutiful.:pActually, that was for Pantene ;)

03-05-2006, 11:36 PM
i have some wig's but have my own hair. been growing it for a few years now, i won't be cutting it any time soon. i try doing my own hair not very good at it.

S. Lisa Smith
03-06-2006, 12:01 AM
I'm pretty much bald. Oh well.

03-06-2006, 12:05 AM
I am still able to pass with my own hair, but how much longer is in doubt as I'm getting thin in back.:( At the Esprit event (Port Angeles, WA.) last year, I was going to wear it in pigtails for a 50's evening. Got the pigtails looking good, then used a couple mirrors to look at the back...AACK! Where did all that scalp come from!?!? Didn't do that! If I fluff it up enough, it works, but age is betraying me! I have a very understanding boss, and will keep it long even if I need a wig to venture out. Love to look and feel pretty around the house without wearing a wig.

03-06-2006, 12:12 AM
wigs are good, it is easy to change from long to short, blonde to brunette... LOL

I have my own long hair, I love it. The only real drawback is, unlike Dana, when I want to change my hair color I have to dye it.


03-06-2006, 03:17 AM
If I had the choice it would be real hair, but male pattern baldness prevailed in my family and I have no choice. When I was 17 to 19 I had long beautiful red hair that extended below my belt. All the girls were so jealous. I remember in one of my classes the girl that sat behind me used to love to brush my hair everyday. Ahh... the good ole days, I wish I had that hair today.

At that time I was living in Los Angeles, we would go to hollywood and walk around, I can remember comments comming from the gays like, "oh my god, look at that gorgeous redhead". I did not have to turn my head to know who they were referring to.

03-06-2006, 03:52 AM
i got real lucky with the hair as i have always had long long hair,its about 1/2 way down my back and im always told i have nice hair.

but i do have a few wigs as its real easy to change from one hair due to the next, from one color to the next.

but the mood im in is what tells me if its a wig night or my hair night.


03-06-2006, 04:00 AM
i love the versitility of wigs and the way they look and feel

suzanne claire
03-07-2006, 08:12 PM
My own hair is great.However my profession would not allow me to grow it to the proper length to be attractive. Wigs also do offer the opportunity to change style and color at a whim.:cool:

Ranee Daze
03-10-2006, 02:37 PM
Several years ago I cut off my long blond hair. Regretfull idea. It's ok to purge once in awhile, but sisters, stay away from the salons when you do. I had started with progressive highlights growing it out after my divorce. It got longer and blonder as time went on and no one really mentioned it. It was such fun, and I remember the first times I had my hair styled, set etc. en femme. My favourite was when it was finally long enough to do some serious ringlets. The first time was with a curling iron and a lady who did hair out of her home. She treated me like a lady from the start, even noticed that I had forgotten perfume and swiftly corrected that before we started. She had a cockney accent I recall...."just step into the loo and get your dress off and give yourself a good spray of this"....Chanel.hmmmm. She called me Dearie the whole time. Anyway I was totally unprepared for just how wonderfully feminine I felt as spring coil after springy coil fell down my back and shoulders. I nearly dried, it was so beautiful, and it really brought out the blonde! She used some European final spray and a gentle, but hot blow dryer which she said would keep the curls for days and showed me how to wrap the ringlets by bending over, so I could sleep with them. They lasted the four days until I washed them out...sad!
Another time was when I went to the local hairdressing school and had my tresses all wound up on those skinny foam bendies and dried under the dryer. I really felt femme under that dryer. They re-did superbly my makeup for free and again I nearly cried when they unrolled and divided each of the seventy bendies.
I cut my hair in a purge and now I'm back to wigs, although I am considering going for a full and curly look which I can wear both ways.
Girls, if you really want to enjoy your dressing, take the time and daring and grow-grow-grow! And if you are already long...well enjoy it!

P.S. (Divorce not related to CD'ing).

03-11-2006, 05:26 PM
Have been growing my hair for slightly over an year now and I believe nothing can beat the thrill of styling your own hair when dresed. The way it feels is amazing!!


Gail Stauffer
03-11-2006, 05:42 PM
I would love to have long hair, to get a pretty feminine perm, or put it up in a bun etc... but wigs will have to do for now!!

03-11-2006, 05:43 PM
I grew my hair long becasue wearing a wig was uncomfortable for me. I had several and they never fit well and I always felt insecure in it. I even tried very expensive ones and had them fitted. Seems like my head didn't have the proper curves in back to keep it stable.
It was also hot sometimes. I also felt like I was in a costume sometimes.
I've grown my hair long now(took3+years) and have it cut in a beauty salon. I'm still working on getting the cut I like but I'm finally learning how to take care of it and style it and use hair clips, barretts and such.Took a long time but it well worth it.

03-11-2006, 06:12 PM
I have to keep my hair short so I use wigs.