View Full Version : i know i have not

lori m crawford
03-19-2017, 06:20 PM
I now I have ben hear for a long time but ben sick an my kids started talking to me after years stop dressing so they will but they all know I know some of or a lot of you lost a lot over dressing I know I did I 65 an not going to lose them I like dressing have for 50 years It comes a time in life to stop for my kids o by the way they don't care I just love that much:battingeyelashes:

03-19-2017, 07:26 PM
If I read it right you have decided to stop dressing after all this time to please your children ? I'm the same age as you and just beginning to enjoy it , finally having enough freedom to truly be what I feel inside, my wife and children know and so do their married partners. Can't your children give the space now to do the same ? Like mine they must be adults and understand these things . I'm still dad to them OK they haven't seen me dressed .

03-19-2017, 09:04 PM
It does not always work that way though Teresa, my two girls are fine with my crossdressing but my son won't speak to me at this point and time over it. I just had a birthday and I heard nothing from him. One of my very best friends passed away unexpectedly the other day and nothing from my son. My son is a good kid, he has little ones of his own and he works in a prison as a guard. He is making money and has a cute little family but he will have nothing to do with me. It's as if I am dead to him right now, and it sucks. I will continue to stand my ground on this, he has never and will never see it. Nor will any of his friends so really it has no affect on his life other than he knows. He just needs to get over himself and realize I am still his dad and I love him no matter what. I was this way before he was born and I have been all his life. The only thing that has changed is he knows now. I really wish he didn't, but it is what it is as they say.

03-20-2017, 01:45 AM
I admit it was my wife's greatest fear of what my son would think and how he would react. He could have done the same as your son and cut us off from our grandsons , under those circumstances I told my wife I wouldn't let them do it to her so I was prepared to leave rather than hurt her over my dressing .

03-20-2017, 07:11 AM
Eventually most kids learn that their parents have feet of clay....that they are not the perfect marble persona assigned by the childhood imagination. For some, the collapse of illusions may come as a shattering and destructive moment. For others, perhaps, a relief to know that parent, like child is a good, if imperfect person.

03-20-2017, 07:24 AM
I have not told my adult daughters even though I know they would be understanding and supportive. Fact is, they would struggle keeping confidence. And my wife would not be happy about word leaking to her circle. Hang in there, I know the feeling.

Lana Mae
03-20-2017, 04:55 PM
Lori am confused by one thing. If they do not care then why are you quitting? Hugs Lana Mae

03-20-2017, 05:24 PM
Hi, Alissa. So sad about your son. If he and your daughters are in close proximity, and there is a good relationship among all, ask the girls for their support on your behalf. Use the same reasons you gave to us, and whatever pluses they might be able to offer. You are the same dad he knew before he found out. His kids don't ever need to know and won't unless he or mom tells them, if that is a main concern to him. Real love of family by all is so necessary. Consider your girls and he go to a knowledgable therapist to clear his misconceptions about CDing. Just sayin'. Good luck!