View Full Version : Trying Again . . .

03-26-2017, 01:44 AM
From reading some previous thread, I don't think my behavior is unique for gals in our situation. There are definitely highs and lows when it comes to finding time for Jenny. I am coming off a fairly long break (close to a year) and have learned some lessons from the past. During some of my low opportunities, I would lie to myself and say that Jenny must be done so there is no need to keep any of her stuff around any more . . . only to have regrets of starting my wardrobe over again from scratch.

This time, I found a safe place to store Jenny's stuff until she was ready to come out again. Well, within the last couple of months Jenny has been finding more opportunities and with these opportunities on the upswing, it was time to cleanup my online presence a bit.

The recent cleanup is an attempt to share my stories for entertainment value along with a level of self-therapy. It is also to help me figure out what Jenny's next steps. That in mind, I decided to start a blog of my "Journey of self-discovery". I am taking some risks and have cleaned up and created a social networking identity for Jenny and will dip my toe in the social media waters to see how much I am willing to share.

I will try to post more as I can.

03-26-2017, 03:03 AM
Isn't it funny how we all go through these episodes? Glad you saved your clothes etc!

03-26-2017, 05:27 AM
Hey Jenny! I also have been on a "sabbatical " for nearly a year. Yesterday was the first time I got completely dressed up in all that time. It was wonderful and reminded me how good it makes me feel. Keep on writing!