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Sometimes Steffi
03-31-2017, 10:10 PM
(long post)

Some of you may think this is funny, so if you’re having your morning coffee or evening wine, don’t say you haven’t been warned.

On Wednesday night of Keystone I was wearing my new heels on the trip to Carrabba’s and I twisted my ankle, almost falling. When I got back to the hotel, I switched out my heels for my flat boots. That night I put ice on my ankle to try to take down the swelling. I decided that a little twisted ankle wasn’t going to mess up my Keystone experience, so I just wore my boots for the rest of the conference. I danced each night, and by the time I got home Sunday night, my ankle was pretty swollen and black and blue in places.

I decided I’d better see a doctor on Monday and get an X-Ray on the off chance that I had broken an ankle bone. The first appointment I could get was Tuesday afternoon with the Physician’s Assistant, not my regular doctor. I took it.

It’s my view that when you mess up, you just have to own it. My intent was to tell the doctor that I twisted my ankle wearing heels. I thought that it was relevant to my treatment. Tuesday morning I woke up with a start. Oh, poo. I forgot that I got a pedi at Keystone and that my nails were still painted a peachy orange. I decided to own it. I wasn’t removing the nail polish on my toes that I had just gotten done. I knew the doctor wouldn’t care.

So, I get to the doctor and get the intake nurse (a GG). She told me to take my sock off and she gave me a paper sock thing to cover my foot. Dodged a bullet.

The X-Ray Tech (another GG) comes in and has me walk done to the X-Ray room. She says, “Lie on my back and take off the paper sock.” I did so, and my peach nails were obvious as she moved my foot into position. I said, “Don’t worry. You can tell me how pretty my nails look.” She said, “Peach is a good color for spring.” She took 3 X-Rays and had me put the paper sock back on and go back to my room.

Then the PA (another GG) comes in to look to my foot, and has me take my paper sock off again. She asks me what happened. I told her, “I was at a girl’s conference most of the week. I was wearing low heels on Wednesday night and twisted my ankle. I iced it and took some Advil.” She asked if it hurt, and I said, “Not too much. I switched to flat boots, and walked and danced the rest of the weekend.” I showed her my “girl business card” with a picture of me. She looked at the pic and at me a few times, and said, “I never would have recognized you.”

After poking me in a bunch of places and asking how much it hurt, she looked at the X-Ray. She said it’s not broken, but I’m going to give you an anti-inflammatory to reduce the swelling and an ankle brace. This is the first time I got worried; I didn’t want to tell my wife what happened. I asked her about the brace, if I needed it, and if I could hide it from my wife because she wasn’t happy about my dressing. She said it didn’t look much different than a black sock.

Then she asked me if I was all dressed up, and I described the red sequined dress I wore for the Gala Ball. She said that she was still looking for a dress for a wedding she was going to this weekend. I asked her if she had heard of “Rent the Runway”, the place that you can rent designer dresses for a weekend. She said that she already looked there, but they didn’t have anything that she liked in her size. I told her that she could go down to their store in Georgetown (DC) to see what they had locally. She leaves and the nurse takes me down to the prosthetics room.

There I’m met by another GG who will fit me for an ankle brace. I’m totally fearless by this time. I walk down there in my paper sock and leave it and my regular sock off. She gets to see my painted toes and I show her the picture of the girl me. I just tell her that I dress as a girl sometimes. She also says she wouldn’t recognize me from my picture. So, she fits me for the ankle brace and I get ready to leave. As I’m leaving, I tell her that she’d have a great story to tell her family, except that the information is protected by HIPPA (US medical privacy laws). But, I said, “It’s OK as long as you keep my name private.”

So, that’s my story. Outed myself to 3 GGs at the doctor’s office, and I’m OK with it. Sometimes, you just have to own it.

04-01-2017, 01:43 PM
I must admit it made me smile. Does make you wonder why we get ourselves into such a state over being caught.

Beverley Sims
04-01-2017, 02:06 PM
They are probably all like Joe Friday, just give us the facts M'Aam.

Be truthful about your activities and some people are genuinely interested in what you do.

Much easier to own it then.

04-01-2017, 02:12 PM
I'm just starting to realize that.


04-01-2017, 02:18 PM
I'm sure you weren't the first guy they saw with painted toes, nor will you be the last. Health care professionals see it all...literally. The really nice part is how willing you were to share info and pictures.

04-01-2017, 02:32 PM
LOL I almost turned my ankle on a wedge sandal when I crossed a rain gutter on the road. LOL. Seems that a girl can get hurt. Yep we have to own it. I am glad that your ankle was not broken.

04-01-2017, 03:07 PM
I had a makeover at Sephora and a shopping excursion at Nordstrom with one of their personal stylists. All the GG's that worked at both places were incredibly supportive, complimentary of me, and a few want to see pics. It's nice to be treated with kindness and respect!

04-01-2017, 03:16 PM
That's awesome, Steffi. (And Salina!) I think it's great that you decided to own it, and I'm so glad it went well. :)

S. Lisa Smith
04-01-2017, 04:36 PM
Sorry you hurt your ankle!! Didn't pick up on that at Keystone. Feels good to own it, doesn't it?

Karen RHT
04-01-2017, 09:44 PM
Sorry to hear about your ankle Steffi. I share your "own it" attitude, and commend you for how you handled it.
