View Full Version : Is this Shy Yorkshire Girl making progress???

Emma Brownings
03-06-2006, 05:26 AM
Hi all,

I know many of you go out in public during the day and don't give a damn what others think.

However, rightly or wrongly, I am one of those that needs to feel that they are not going to cause any unpleasantness when venturing out en femme. To that end I have been experimenting with wig and makeup to try to create a reasonable impression of a lady in her very late fifties. I am 5'7" without heels and I do not have a male/macho walk (in fact a girlfriend from my university days said that I walked with a slight wiggle, typical of many male athletes). I know I need to keep my mouth shut (the first and obvious giveaway).

I need honest feedback about how presentable I have managed to become 'cos like many I still see the man in me.

I would obviously prefer not to be told that I make the worst looking woman on this earth but equally I am not looking for flattery. The photos have not been edited except for cropping.

03-06-2006, 06:09 AM
Seriously Emma, I know a girl who looks just like you, even to the thin lips, so you should have no problem from the appearance point of view. Unfortunately, you can't show us your walk or mannerisms (should that be womannerisms?), and that's what will determine whether you're read or not. You may get a few second looks from people who are not sure, and they won't say anything in case they're wrong. How many times have you looked at a girl and thought "is that really a guy?". You've had a second look and still couldn't tell. That may well happen to you too, until you open your mouth, then they'll be sure; but what the hell. What are they going to do?

Btw, is that your real hair? It looks so natural it can't be a wig, can it?

PS. I didn't notice at first that you were a Yorkshire lass. As a Lancastrian, I may not have been so complimentary!!!

03-06-2006, 08:11 AM
Emma, truth be told, you look just fine to me. In my opinion you look like a fine lady your age, very dignified and very pretty.


Jasmine Ellis
03-06-2006, 08:20 AM
Emma, I'm with Gypsy, dear. If I can do it, so can you hun. I think you would pass, I would walk with you anytime

03-06-2006, 08:27 AM
However, rightly or wrongly, I am one of those that needs to feel that they are not going to cause any unpleasantness when venturing out en femme. To that end I have been experimenting with wig and makeup to try to create a reasonable impression of a lady in her very late fifties

Success! You've created a reasonable impression of a lady in her 50's.

I need honest feedback about how presentable I have managed to become 'cos like many I still see the man in me.

I see the man in you, but I also see a man who's done a very fine job on being very presentable. I see the man in me too.

You really do look nice. Most mundanes probably wouldn't clock you at first glance, those that do will see a nicely dressed very presentable CD.


03-06-2006, 08:37 AM
It's really tough to judge by looking at photographs, not to mention me knowing your true gender to begin with, but I think you look nice and have a reasonable chance of succeeding in public.

That said, perhaps just a bit of color on your cheeks would enhance your look. But, really, I think most people would pass you without taking a second glance at you.

Nikki Dee
03-06-2006, 09:21 AM
Looks good to me Emma....but I have found that...broader smile=broader acceptance.!.
Nikki. x

03-06-2006, 08:57 PM
I like the look on you. Very comfortable looking. Hold your head up, smile and enjoy yourself.


Angela Burke
03-06-2006, 09:19 PM
My opinion.
Looking at your photographs I see a smartly dressed middle-aged woman.
I honestly wouldn't give you a second glance if I passed you in the street.
This is no detriment to you, I mean it in the sense that I would see nothing unusual about you as I would see nothing unusual about the hundreds of other women I/we pass in the street every day.

03-06-2006, 10:29 PM
As a dresser, I look at women in the stores constantly to see what they are wearing, how they walk, talk...etc.

If I saw you I would maybe wonder just a bit, but would dismiss it as, "shes just older".

As far as passing goes, it dosn't get much better than that without surgerys and hormones....etc.

Butterfly Bill
03-06-2006, 10:58 PM
I'd lose the lipstick and, as is being discussed on another thread about avatar pictures right now, smile. You look a bit sad in the top and middle pictures, and somewhat frightened in the bottom one. The main thing is attitude, feeling happy about yourself and projecting the confidence that comes from this -- much more than makeup and looks.

03-07-2006, 12:34 AM
My Yorkshire born and bred wife says that you are doing fine. (She sort of remembers seeing you up on top of double decker. :) )

She has 2 suggestions:

Blue eye shadow and use your lipstick (use a lipstick brush) to enhance your lips a bit fuller.

And I have learned from experience, not to ignore the advice of a Yorkshire lass. (Especially this one.)

Emma Brownings
03-07-2006, 03:56 AM
Hi all,

I just want to thank you all for taking the trouble to reply to this request. I am pleased with and grateful for the constructive suggestions and now feel more encouraged to take that first step into the big wide world (sounds silly for a 59 year old to say that?).

Perhaps this will be the year when Emma emerges from the shadows.

Thanks again :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Jenny Warren
03-07-2006, 04:38 AM

You look fine to me. I can't add much to what has already been said.

Have you been to Les Femmes in Sheffield? That's a good starting point for getting out and about in the world.

I'm not that far from Yorkshire myself, and I'd be happy to spend a day shopping with you if some company would help your confidence.


Paula Jaye
03-07-2006, 06:03 AM

Go for it. Your overall look is fine for a women of your age. If I saw you in the street I would not look twice (and I'm always looking for fellow trannies!). You will not regret it if you go out but if you don't you will always think "What if?".

03-07-2006, 06:09 AM
I think you look very good. your eyebrows look womanly, adams apple is not real ey prominant. your makeup and hair is fine. overall a fine looking lady in my view. keep on girlen.

Maria D
03-07-2006, 01:04 PM
My opinion, and it's only that, is that your face looks a little 'flat' with all the foundation applied. I don't know if it is in reality or just the photos, but it's common when trying to cover beard shadow. I suffer exactly the same issue, and I'm full time. To be entirely honest, you look much better than most of the makeup counter girls you see with makeup plastered on thick enough to mortar bricks with. Many women your age wear just as much makeup, so that's in your favour.
Passable? Definitely. I hope you do get out soon, and that you enjoy the experience.
Take care :)

lynda jane hamilton
03-07-2006, 01:44 PM

You look very good nd could pass me by in Tescos and I wouldn't notice.

Just a little hint Try going around your lips with YSL Touche eclait that flattens the lip line. Use a GOOD lip liner the same colour as your lippie outline outside your lip shape and this will create plumper and more fuller lips. Try to use a darker brown shadow on your lids and a LITTLE colour on your cheeks.


PS I love denimn skirts and boots!

