View Full Version : Dressing for therapist visit

Allison Chaynes
04-12-2017, 09:52 PM
I have an appointment next week with my therapist. I am thinking of going in full Allison mode, which would be my first real outing en femme. I have gone wearing a silk blouse, khaki pants and open toed flats, but I was wearing a jacket and no one but saw anything but her. I did not shave, do makeup, or wig. So my question is: What is appropriate attire? I would prefer to try and blend in. Thoughts?

Karyn Marie
04-12-2017, 09:57 PM
Just my thoughts. I think you should go the same way...maybe wear some jeans, your blouse, and flats, then add your wig and makeup. I am considering the same thing. Just have not done so yet. My therapist does want to see and meet Karyn.......and I want Karyn to meet her as well.

Sometimes Steffi
04-12-2017, 10:19 PM
Been there, done that. Go for it!

Therapist #1 always asked me why I picked what I wore.

Therapist #2 encouraged me to come dressed. So, I wore something different every visit, including a leather (almost-) mini skirt.

Therapist #3 always wanted to know if I was changing back to boy mode before going to work. (Yes, of course.) I really liked how she dressed and adopted some of her styles, like over-the-knee socks.

Therapist #4 said I was different as a girl. Maybe because I sat up tall, my knees were together, my ankles were crossed, and my hands folded on my lap. I also told her that I knew that girls hugged instead of shaking hands and we hugged at the end of the session.

04-13-2017, 01:20 AM
I would urge you to go en femme. As to whether you do slacks, skirt or a dress is up to you. You should dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself.

The first time I went to a therapist I dressed en femme. She was not with my health plan, so I only saw her twice, since the only to get a referral for HRT was to see a therapist with my health plan.

The first therapist I saw with my health plan I wore a dress, hose and heels. I wanted to make a good impression on her. When I saw her she did comment on how I was nicely dressed. The therapist also made a comment that people will come to her and say they want to transition and yet not be dressed as the gender they want to transition to. So, I know for me I made the right decision.

Hope everything goes well for you.


Stacy Darling
04-13-2017, 06:57 AM
I'd go how ever you feel the most comfortable and also expressive!

I've only been with mine 5 times so far, the first time was when I filled a cancelled appointment and just went straight there wearing painted toe and fingernails, and lip-liner with gloss, "shorts and t-shirt though". I go there dressed that way each time now. That is my choice!

My last visit I did show her a picture on my phone though, And think that I said that is was "probably more for me". (I've forgotten already and that was merely 10hrs ago!)

Pick something nice and I hope it goes well!


04-13-2017, 07:37 AM
I have been going to my therapist for several years and I go drab, full enfemme and a mixture. I like mixture of late (example, women's Capri exercise tights and simple top over a sports bra with men's sneakers and nude lipstick) but full enfemme is nice too when the timing allows for the prep and remove process. She doesn't care either way, but she has noticed that I have better eye contact and seem more at ease, relaxed when dressed in the latter forms.
You should go however you want, for that given session.
To all, if you get negative vibes because you dressed or about coming dressed, find another therapist.

04-13-2017, 09:11 AM
I went to see mine last month in full femme, wig, makeup, dress, shoes, etc. However I cleared this with her first. She said it was OK. Be prepared for a brutally honest assessment of your "passability" though, if that's what you're seeking (I did ask, and got the answer I expected: not so much). I was nervous being my first (and so far only) time out in public fully femme.

04-13-2017, 10:34 AM
I went to my psychologist once dressed in a tunic top and silver leggings. On another occasion, I visited her while wearing Ann Taylor slacks and a sweater. Third time: Express jeans and a blouse. I always skipped forms, makeup and a wig. She has reacted positively.

Linda E. Woodworth
04-13-2017, 01:00 PM
I visited the therapist as Linda for the last appointment and hope to do it again on a recurring basis. Not every time but maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 the appointments.

I was wearing a casual skirt and blouse along with wig, forms and full makeup. It was a great day out, until my truck died 100 miles from home, but that's another story!

Go for it, you'll be glad you did.

Allison Chaynes
04-13-2017, 06:32 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. I am not nervous about dressing around her, but more worried about the people in the waiting room. Seems dumb, I guess but it is what it is.

Sometimes Steffi
04-13-2017, 10:04 PM
I go to a neurologist-psychologist, but not for gender therapy.

I know that she's way cool about it, so I've gone a few times fully dressed. When I go dressed, I pass a note to the receptionist to ask for Steffi when I'm called it. It hasn't happened, but my plan would be to not respond if I was called by my boy name.

I see an intake nurse first, and I've shared pictures with the doctor, the intake nurse and any of the admin staff who may be interested.

Heidi Stevens
04-13-2017, 10:17 PM
I understand your hesitance to set in a lobby enfemme waiting for your turn. After a couple of sessions as a male, I did the remaining sessions fully dressed. The therapist was pleased to meet Heidi and said I should dress for every visit going forward. The first time though she did ask if I was uncomfortable sitting in a very public common lobby (the building she is in is used by several different business and they share a lobby). I said no, I was fine about it. Minded my own business until she would come out to get me.
So if you feel comfortable, go for it. The other folks really don't care anyway. Good luck!

Michelle (Oz)
04-14-2017, 05:37 AM
After my first visit with my psychologist dressed male, I asked her about presenting femme. She was very encouraging and later thanked me for trusting her and her staff. She had spoken to them before my arrival and it became an opportunity for education. Each of my subsequent sessions were attended as Michelle. Great fun. As to what to wear, my thinking was to be present more conservatively than I often do.

If you decide to go as Allison, I'd suggest making contact first and letting them know your plans as well as to provide your female name. That way reception will also be expecting Allison. Saves potential embarrassment.