View Full Version : dream recall this morning...metaphor

04-13-2017, 09:06 AM

I had a very vivid dream early this morning, upon waking it was quite clear and detailed. Dreams, for me, often carry messages. Dream content was two parts: 1) lost deep in woods, but guided by a woman, yet hiding and fearful of what was beyond the next grove. Part two was being given a written test. Test was on paper, and very small spaces to answer, and very lengthy, complicated questions. I was struggling with the test, and felt I was going to fail.

Metaphor and CD signals for me: 1) I am exploring my gender dysphoria and expression once again after a long time keeping the box closed. And I am pretty much looking for guides and direction and the territory is dark and forbidding and full of mystery. 2) I simply do not know many answers, or how to proceed at this point in life.

So, there it is: my subconscious communicating with me. Among other things I maintain a very deep meditation practice. Out of such time in the "silence" often come key information, signals, images and even answers.

This forum is helping. Thanks to all!

04-13-2017, 01:18 PM
Maybe the little space provided for the long answers is that one needs to simplify the answer and stop making too detailed and complex.

Francene Lola Dupree
04-13-2017, 02:02 PM
I like that interpretation Allie,

to quote a principle of Ockham's Razor

"What can be done with fewer [assumptions] is done in vain with more"

Or colloquially, the simplest answer is usually the correct answer.

04-13-2017, 07:05 PM
Two insightful replies, and likely truth. Much thanks.

Keep it simple. I tend to overthink many things in life.

04-13-2017, 08:59 PM
The key to dream interpretation is ignore content...focus on your feelings

04-14-2017, 01:28 AM
I always like the KISS approach of Keep It Simple, Stupid. It doesn't always work but it works most of the time. We always have a need/tendency to get all the details when in fact we already know the answer. The details sometimes just corroborate our opinion. I would like to know the why, but after 10 years on this site, I know that answer in not available. I accept me as me, I love me as me, and I move forward one step at a time. I have no worries about who I am, just worries about what I do or should do!